A Darkness at Sethanon

The book starts out at the presentation of Prince Arutha's Twin Sons Borric and Erland. As the Book progresses We learn that Night Hawks are once agian in Krondor and the Life of Prince Arutha is at stake. Prince Arutha Sends Jimmy to the docks to find Trevor Hull, A former Pirate and Smuggler, to once agian enlist him in service to the crown. Hull Predicts that the Night Hawks are hiding out in Fish Town, a part of the poor quarter. After hearing this Jimmy is sent to scout Fish Town and find the Night Hawks Base. On the way there, traveling by sewer, Jimmy feels a sudden shift in the air, another person had entered the sewer. Looking at the person Jimmy sees a face he knows well , the Face of Prince Arutha. Of course this is not the real Arutha,just a look alike. Jimmy discovers that the Fake Arutha is heading for the palace. Racing back to the Palace, Jimmy tries to tell Arutha of what he has discovered, Only to find that the Fake Arutha had Arrived before him. Being confronted by a look alike Prince Arutha and the Fake Arutha engaged in combat. Unable to tell the real prince from the fales prince, The gaurds are unable to do anything, for if they grabbed the wrong prince, the imposter may kill him. In the end Jimmy discovers who the Imposter is by looking at his boots. If you remember Jimmy saw the imposter in the sewer, and the Muck on his boots gave him away. The next day the Prince and company raid the Night Hawks Base and Arutha Declares that Krondor is under Martial Law. In order for Arutha to be able to protect himself from the Night Hawks, Arutha proclaims that anyone who is not known by at least three citizens in good standing, are to be put in jail. The citizens and the watch are upset about this, for anyone who had just arrived in Krondor for the first time would be arrested. Trying to come up with a plan to catch the Night Hawks faster, A preist Nathan helps them by pretending to be able to know if a man or woman is free of guilt. The plan worked and in an attempt to escape, a Night Hawk threw a dagger and it hit Arutha, and it was later proclaimed that the Prince of Krondor was Killed.

Is Arutha really dead? If not then who did die? to find out more I suggest you read the book. This, I believe, is one of Raymond E. Feists' Greatest books and I suggest if you haven't read it yet that you read it.

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