
The beginning of this book starts out with The three brothers arriving back from their one year tour of the Kingdom. As They return Arutha Proposes to Anita and she excepts. So everyone gets ready to go to Krondor for the Wedding of their Prince.

Back in Krondor Jimmy the Hand is at his buiness with the Mockers and is robbing a merchant. After he had succesfully robbed him Jimmy spots a Night Hawk, a member of the guild of Assassins. Jimmy finds out that the Night Hawk is going to attempt to Assassinate Arutha and Fights with the Night Hawk and eventually kills him. Jimmy then goes back to Mothers and is told by Laughing Jack to meet in a warehouse, orders of the Upright Man. As Jimmy arrives there he finds it is a trap and that Laughing Jack is working for the Night Hawks. Jimmy kills Laughing Jack and goes to tell Arutha, eventhough he should have gone back and told the Mockers first. Jimmy tells Arutha of the attempt at his assassination, and Arutha asks to see the Upright Man. When seeing the Uprightman 'speaker' Arutha finds out that Jimmy is to be killed because of his betrayl to the Guild, but the Uprightman doesn't want to kill him because Jimmy is his son. So Arutha Makes Jimmy a Squire.

On the day of Arutha Wedding to Anita, Laughing Jack, who was reserrected, is attempting to kill Arutha. But Jimmy figuired somthing was amiss, and goes to investigate, but is caught by Laughing Jack. Fortunetly Jimmy is able to kick Laughing Jack and make him miss Arutha, unfortunetly the arrow hits Anita. They find out that the arrow was poisoned and in order for Anita to survive they have to get the plant that will cure it..the Silverthorn.

To find out if they are able to cure Anita READ THE BOOK. You will also find out why they want Arutha dead, and how Laughing Jack was resserected. Personally I liked this book very much because it expanded on some of my favorite characters.

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