The King's Buccaneer

The book starts out with Ghuda Bule, sitting in Front of an Inn. While sitting there Ghuda see a figure off in the distance. The figure is none other then Nakor,the Islani. Nakor tells Ghuda that it is time to leave and that they have to go to Krondor. The Book then shifts to Krondor's Harbor where Prince Nicholas is getting into trouble with his Squire Harry. Amos Trask catches them and they go home to the Prince's Palace. We also learn more about Nicholas's disability, a deformed foot. While at dinner that Night Nakor and Ghuda arrive at Krondor and introduce themselves as friends of the Twins. Happy to meet them at last, Arutha invites them to eat with them. Later after dinner Arutha talks to Amos and they decide that to make Nicholas go to Crydee to 'toughen up'. Before they leave for Crydee Amos say's that this is to be his last journey and that he was going to retire after this and Marry the Dowager Princess Alica ( Anita's Mother). On there Journey there they stop off at the Sorcerer's Isle to visit Pug. While at Sorcerer's Isle Pug gives Nicholas a Pendant to use in an emergancy. After staying at Sorcerer's Isle for a while they head back to the ship to resume their trip toward's Crydee. After arriving at Crydee, Nicholas is introduced to his cousin's Marcus and Margret, and Margret's friend Abigail. Martin inform's Nicholas and Harry that they are to act as squire's for their entire stay at Crydee. During this time Harry and Nicholas act as Squire's until an attack is set against Crydee. During this attack Martin's Wife Briana is Killed and Margret and Abigail are captured.

What will happen to Margret and Abigail? To find out READ this book!!! Even though this book does not have all to much of some of our old favorites, it does introduce us to new exciting one along with some old. We also have Calis in this book!!! Calis is the son of Tomas and Aglaranna. a half elf! I thought that this book was well written and I suggest that you read it if you are a Fan of Raymond E. Feist or even if you haven't heard of him.

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