
This book starts out with Pug working in the swamps on the Tsurani homeworld. We find out that Pug has been on this world for 4 years and he has been working in the Swamps since he got there. We also meet a new character named Laurie. Laurie is a minstrel that also comes from Midkemia. Through certin events that happen Pug and Laurie are taken away by Hokanu, of the Shinzawai, but before they are taken away a slave by the name of Chogana tells Pug of a vision that he had. The vision was of Pug standing on tower facing a fearsome foe, and that before Pug climbs the tower he must find his wal.

Pug and Laurie travel to the estates of the Shinzawai, and while there Pug meets another slave by the name of Katala. While at the Shinzawai estates Pug and Laurie are instructed to teach Kasumi, a son of the Lord of the Shinzawai, the ways of Midkemia, such as Politics, Languge, the art of riding horses, and so on.

While staying at the Shinzawai estates Pug falls in love with Katala, and asks Kasumi if his father would grant him permission to marry her. Kasumi replys with the answer that his father would not allow that to happen for certain reasons. Later on a Great One (Which is a Magacian on the world of Kelewan) was at the Shinzawai estate, and feels the Power radiating from Pug. After Questioning he discovers that Pug was once the Apprentice of the Magacian Kulgan on Midkemia and he claims that Pug is now the property of the Assembly and takes Pug and in a gray haze they vanish.

This book in reality is the continuation of Magacian: Apprentice. Would you all be surprised if I said that this was a great wonderful book? Well it is!! This book of course is not only about what happens to Pug, it all tells us what happens with Tomas, Arutha, Carline, Anita, Amos, the Elves, The Dwarves, Lyam, King Roderick, and Borric. This book is Great and it shows how some of our favorite characters from Magacian: Apprentice turn out, and what they become later on in their lives.

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