Rise of a Merchant Prince

This book starts out where Shadow of a Dark Queen left off. Erik and Roo are heading back home, and are pardoned from there crimes. Erik decides to stay in the Army, Bobby gave him and Jadow postion of corpral's, While Roo decided to try and get rich. Erik and Roo head back to Ravensburg where Erik reunites with his family. While going to Ravensburg Roo meets up with his cousin Duncan, and Roo starts his plan to 'get rich'. Roo decides to purchase some wine from Ravensburg with the money that he got when he was pardoned, and decides to bring it to Krondor, and tries to make himself rich. On the trip to Krondor Roo employs his cousin for protection, and Gets his Father to drive one of the wagons for him, but on the way Roo's Father dies. When Roo and Duncan arrive in Krondor they start to sell the wine at taverns. While selling the wine, Roo runs into some mockers, who want him to pay them money so no 'harm' comes to them. Roo of course refuses to pay it and later on that night his cargo is ruineda nd his money is stolen and the wench he was with was killed.

The book goes on telling of Roo's rise as a merchant. This is a very good book, though it does lack the fighting of the fist book in the series, it explains how Rupert Avery does on getting rich. To find out how Roo does, you can read Rise of a Merchant Prince.

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