Shadow of a Dark Queen

This is the first book in a new saga, The Serpent War Saga, by Raymond E. Feist. The Book starts out with Erik VonDarkmoor, the Bastard son of Baron VonDarkmoor. As the Book progresses we are introduced to new charaters, such as Rupert 'Roo' Erik's friend and Milo the Innkeeper and his daughter Rosalyn. We also meet Erik's mother Freida, and Owen Graylock. During the begining of this book we learn that Arutha has just died and that and Borric is King, Lyam having died years earlier. The Problem in the books starts out with Erik's half Brother's Stefan and Manfred. Erik never was publicly announced as Otto VonDarkmoor's son and Otto's wife Mathilda felt that Erik was a threat to her Son Stefan's claim to the Baroney. So the Boy's, also seeing Erik as a threat, dislike their half brother. After some time Otto is said to be in bad health, and is rumored to be dying. Stefan, being a cruel person, wants to Upset Erik, so he takes Rosalyn, Who was like to sister to Erik, and Raped her. Erik discovering what happend, Goes to stop Stefan with the help of Roo. After seeing what Stefan was doing to Rosalyn, Erik and Roo are outraged and Kill Stefan. After relizing what they have done they decide the best thing for them to do is Run. While hiding away from the soldiers, they discover that Otto VonDarkmoor had died and that Stefan was the Baron when they killed him. Knowing that it is a worse crime to kill a noble they head toward Krondor to seek out Sebastian Lender, who had some stuff for Erik. When they get to Krondor they are caught and thrown in Jail to await Sentencing. Erik and Roo are found Guilty of Murder and are to be Hung. On the day of the Hanging they are walked up Planks, have nooses put around their necks and......

To Find out what happend to Erik and Roo READ the Book!!! I thought that this book was well written and I believe that it is a great start to a new Saga By Raymond E. Feist. This Book brings back some old and Favorite characters of ours such as Calis, Pug, Nakor, James and Gamina. This is a great series!! As a matter of fact this was the first book that I ever read by Raymond E. Feist, so therefore it holds a special place in my heart. So even if you haven't read the Rift War Saga, you can read these books First, though I recomend that you try the Rift War Saga first.

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