Curiosity and Goofs

The aerial on Boba Fett's helmet swaps sides.

When Leia releases Han from the frozen carbonite, he falls forward to the ground, soiling his shirt and face. In the next shot he is clean.

Han Solo falls off the skiff feet first in one shot, but head first in the next.

Lando can be seen wearing black gloves only when shown in closeup hanging onto the skiff over the Sarlacc pit.

Just when Boba Fett flies, Luke can be seen obviously missing with his kick that makes someone react as if it.

Lando's rank insignia swaps sides just before Han departs for the mission on the Forest Moon of Endor.

Luke jumps off the skiff and grabs the plank with one hand, but is seen grabbing with both hands in the next shot

Leia takes her hat off twice when talking to the first Ewok.

In the rebel hangar, Lando's shoulder holster strap switches sides twice.

There is one point in the climatic battle scene where a TIE fighter magically appears in the middle of the Falcon.

Three disappearing TIE fighters flying past the Death Star after the battle on Endor's moon.

The Millennium Falcon's radar dish is knocked off when inside the Death Star, but is back on in some later shots.

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