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by John Pederson <[email protected]>

Einsteinian Teleport

Well, I can't vouch for the veracity of the spell's designer, but I'm told that this is the formula on a supposed 'Teleport' spell. Supposedly, this rather dubious spell would convert one's body and gear (any gear within the confines of your aura, anyway) into energy, which then moves at the speed of light toward whatever place you've selected as your destination, after which, you're reutrned to your original state, right down to the speed and direction you were moving in before casting the spell.

Yeah, right.

Saw a chummer of mine use a varient of this spell once. Seems he forgot something. Time. Funny thing time. The first time he used it we were jumping a rooftop and ziiiiip right to the other side. The next time though he tried to jump the bay. That was three years ago. He showed up yesterday. And he's old...real old. Says he's seen the past. I dunno, kept blabbering about the evil that will descend. Frankly I think he found a really wiz way to stay in astral space with luggage. But don't count on me trying his formula out anytime soon.

Type: Physical
Category: Manipulation (Transformation/Control)
Range: LOS
Target: 6, modified by distance and visibility (see SR2 pg 89, Grimoire 2 pg 111)
Drain: [(F/2)+2]D
Duration: Instantaneous
Damage: N/A
Effects: Teleports the caster and any objects within the limits of his aura (GM's Discretion) to another place within the caster's LOS.
Notes: I realize that this is probably about the third or fourth version of this spell you've probably seen around and is a potentially unbalancing idea. Please don't discount the idea as anything but valid, and feel free to make adjustments to make it suit your campaign.

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John Pederson, [email protected] or [email protected]

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