by John Pederson <[email protected]>

The Magus Tradition

The magus tradition is unique blend of the traditions of both hermetic and druidic practice. Like hermetics, magi summon elemental spirits and require magickal libraries for conjuring, learning spells, or the like. However, like druids, the magus also requires a single sacred circle in order to summon spirits, perform ritual sorcery, learn new spells and similar practices. While a magus does not require that the circle be of his own making, he finds it easier to practice his magicks within his own circle, because it is magickally tuned to his personal aura. A magus also finds it easier to practice magic when operating upon the ley lines of magickal power, much like a druid. While the magus does not hold allegiance to any totem, all Initiated magi have an elemental affiliation and any initiate above Grade one Initiation also holds to some "orientation".

These "orientations" often dictate a magus' actions much like a totem, but magi consistently reply that they are not totems. The magus claims that the fundamental difference is that while a totem chooses the shaman, a magus chooses the orientation.

As stated above, a magus summons elemental spirits. Unlike a normal hermetic, a magus has access to ten types of elementals: the standard hermetic set, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, plus Wood, Crystal, Frost, Lightning, Acid, and Blast. The first four seem to be identical in form and function to the hermetic elementals, in fact, most magi hold that they are the same spirits. The last six, however, are unlike anything the hermetics could imagine, though most magi believe that the hermetics cannot summon these spirits only because they are unenlightened.

The Wood elemental is singularly unique in that it seems tobe some sort of halfway point between hermetic and shamanic spirits, sharing characteristics of both. It is a hermetic spirit, the magi claim, but its nature, representing life, seems to be shamanic. It is summoned using a source, however: it requires a living plant, usually a tree, as a source. Wood elementals manifest in a vaguely humanoid form bearing resemblance to the mythical "Green Man" found in some Old World stonework.

The Crystal elemental may be some alternate form of Earth, but many of it's characteristics are very different, and seem to point to it's being a different spirit altogether. While it is does require a source often associated with Earth, mineral crystals, it's form is very different and its powers also differ greatly. A Crystal elemental will manifest in a slender humanoid form, the facets of the source crystal defining its features and form.

Lightning elementals are something else entirely. Their summoning requires some source of visible (sparking) electrical energy, often in the form of an exposed electrical cord, sometimes in a "Jacob's Ladder"-type apparatus, but this requirement is also met if the spirit is summoned during an intense thunderstorm. The manifest form of a Lightning elemental is tenuous at best, but usually takes a vague,humanoid appearance, its features and shape as indefinite as that of an Air elemental.

The Frost elemental manifests in a definite human form, its edges and features often as sharp as those of the Crystal elemental, though they often have a very, well, cold cast to their features. A Frost elemental represents cold in much the same way a Fire elemental represents heat. Because its source is similar to that of a Crystal elemental, their features share many similarities, though an Frost spirit usually takes on a more human appearance.

The Acid elemental requires a large amount of some sort of highly corrosive acid as its source element. Its manifest form is a somewhat indefinite human-like shape. The strength of its physical powers is often dependent upon the strength of the acid from which it comes. The Acid elemental is the rarest and, perhaps, the most dangerous of the magus elementals, because of the nature and rarity of its source element. It is not commonly summoned because it is hard to obtain the source material required to summon it.

Lastly is the Blast elemental. This elemental is odd, indeed. Source material for this spirit takes the form of broken bits and pieces of various materials, like glass or steel, always in small, jagged pieces, like shrapnel. A Blast elemental manifests in the form of a thin cloud of swirling fragments. These swirling fragments cause severe damage to those caught within them.

Game Info:

When a magus wishes to summon a spirit, he follows the rules for a hermetic mage, EXCEPT that he does not prepare a hermetic circle first, instead he must have access to a circle of the proper rating and of his tradition. Usually this means that he will have to have his own circle. Preferably, this circle would be permanent. Use the rules for building a medicine lodge. Also, a magus will require access to a conjuring library of the proper rating to summon any spirit. A magus will follow the rules for shamans and druids when learning a new spell, however he will still require a Sorcery library, asa hermetic mage. Ritual magic also requires access to a circle, as for conjuring.

When going for his first Initiation (Grade 0), the magus must choose an elemental affiliation. This affiliation may be to more than one element, but not more than two, and not two opposing elements. An elemental affiliation provides the magus with two extra dice when summoning spirits of that type, but in the process subtracts two dice from attempts to summon any other type of spirit. An affiliation to two elements still provides the two extra dice for summoning affiliated elements, but puts a three die detriment when summoning other elementals. This affiliation is permanent and maybe selected before the Grade 0Initiation.

By his Grade 2 Initiation, a magus must have chosen an orientation. This orientation will guide his actions and decisions, but is chosen often as a reflection of his personality and desires. Such an orientation is almost always permanent. A few common orientations are as follows:

Shadowmage -
The Shadowmage is cold. His actions will be dictated by his inmost desires, often a matter of vengeance. He will pursue this desire with his whole being, without regard for personal well-being or the lives of others. To the Shadowmage, the only goal is victory, and victory is attainable by any means.
Paladin -
The Paladin dedicates his life to the guardianship of something. He strives to be the best in his field, whether as a warrior or mage depends upon him. He holds his honor paramount and will consider anything less than an honourable victory as a failure. It is rumored that one group of Paladins holds its purpose as the guardianship of all life on earth against some terrible, unnamed and ancient evil.
Grey Mage -
For the Grey Mage, neutrality and balance are the only goals. He will not persecute others for their beliefs, understanding that the beliefs of all are required to create a balance. A Grey may serve as a mediator or negotiator. Some of the more extreme of this orientation, however, feel that only they should hold power, not trusting others to be able to wield power without bias.
Luminomagus -
Roughly translated "Light-Mage" or "Wizard of Light". A Luminomagus holds "good" as the ultimate goal. He will not tolerate ignobility nor will he tolerate evil. He is an altruist and will see his actions as necessary for the good of others. He will not sacrifice his ideals for the goal, for if the means is not justified by his personal code, then the end result is tainted and impure.
Sage -
A Sage will find fulfillment in the pursuit and accumulation of knowledge, whether it is knowledge of magickal or mundane origin matters not. Often, he will become so wrapped up in this pursuit that reality disappears, danger to life and limb simply not noticed as some new phenomenon takes all of his attention.
Archimage -
The Archimage pursues power, sometimes magickal power, sometimes political, but always they work for the most power they can obtain. An Archimage is probably among the most dangerous orientations, because they are most likely to succumb to the seduction of power through blood magic or through the Enemy.
Illusionist -
An Illusionist works most often behind the scenes. He is a master manipulator, but not usually one for direct confrontation, often preferring to work through lackeys or to simply avoid such confrontation altogether.
Technomancer -
A Technomancer is magus who is enamored of modern technology, sometimes accepting limited bio- and cyber-ware implants, but usually at the highest grade available. While few actually cyberdecks because of the problems mages have directly interfacing with such technology, quite a few are known to be extremely effective tortoises, using magick to bring their performance to nearly the level of a true decker. Some function as riggers, a few as sammies. This is probably the smallest group of magi.
Toxic -
A Toxic magus is truly dangerous. Such a person was driven violently insane by the expression of the magickal energies which guide their life, their fractured mind now open to realities that a normal magician would never have considered. He may use drugs, or even blood magic to increase their power and to further their goals. His magic will be tainted, twisted by his insanity. Spirits summoned by a Toxic and then later go free will almost invariably become Shadow.

Spirit Types

The Wood Elemental is to be a conversion from Earthdawn and is not yet available (as I have not yet gotten the appropriate books, for various reasons)

Attacks as Unarmed Combat=Reaction (F)S
Powers: Engulf, Movement, Manifestation
Weaknesses: Vulnerability (Acid)

Attacks as Unarmed Combat=Reaction (F)S
Powers: Engulf, Movement, Manifestation, Ice Aura, Temperature Control
Weaknesses: Vulnerability(Fire), Vulnerability (Water)

Attacks as
Powers: Engulf, Movement, Manifestation
Weaknesses: Vulnerability (Crystal)

Attacks as powers
Powers: Engulf, Movement, Manifestation, Electrical Projection, ElectroSense
Weaknesses: Vulnerability(Blast), Confinement

Attacks as Ranged Combat=Reaction,
(F)S(f) Range=Force*2
Powers: Engulf, Movement, Manifestation, Psychokinesis, Blast
Weaknesses:Vulnerability (Lightning)

New Powers and Explanations

Ice Aura-like Flame Aura, but with the elemental effect of Ice. Damage: (Force)Moderate.

Blast-like Flame Projection, but with the elemental effect if blast. Damage: (Force)Light.


As (Earth)
As (Fire) except using elemental effect Ice, not Fire. Resist with full Impact.
Resist (Force)S damage with half Impact, if armor/clothes are specially insulated, no damage is taken
Resist (Force)S with half Impact, if armor/clothes chemically treated, no damage is taken
Resist (Force)S(f) damage as Flechette ammo rules.

Confinement-The lightning elemental may be confined in a small space provided the space is somehow insulated against electrical shock or is somehow designed to store electrical energy (like a battery, for instance)

That's it! Enjoy!.

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John Pederson, [email protected] or [email protected]

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