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Lucas Ness

Former Gang Member

Archetype: Former Gang Member
Aliases: Ronin
Sex: Male
Race/Metaspecies: Caucasoid Homo Sapiens Robustus
Residence: Seattle, UCAS
Height: 2.03 meters
Weight: 96 kilograms
Eyes: Grey
Hair: White
Skin Color: Grey
Distinguishing Features: None
Birthdate: January 9, 2029
Birthplace: Puyallup Barrens
Psychological Profile: Ness tends to be cold and occasionally outright rude toward those he considers as strangers, but with his friends, Ness is warm, jovial and polite.
Known Allergies: None
Lifestyle: Street
"I've lived most of my life on the streets most of my life. My parents were killed when I was ten. I don't know who killed them, and these days I'm not real sure if I even care. When they died, I was taken in by an old sensei. He taught me how to use the sword for the next six years, and I learned to use it well. At about that time I ran into the Soul Hunters. From my time with them I've picked up proficiency with firearms, hand-to-hand combat, tactics, and working with people in general. I managed to make some decent money with the Hunters for several years, I've picked up a pair of Monokatanas, a pistol and some armor. Unfortunately, about that time, we ran into another, bigger, nastier gang. We Hunters had our arses handed to us. Those few of us who survived have mostly gone our separate ways. I spent most of the last year living out of my apartment, trying to decide what to do with myself. The rent got due, and I didn't want to pay. As of now, my debts are clear, I've got some money in my pockets, but I need a job. And that, Mr.J, is why I'm here. So, what's the job?"

Lucas Ness has never had cyberware installed, because, up to now, he simply hasn't had the money to bother with it. Right now, though, he's wondering whether he really wants to have part of his body replaced with metal. At the same time, a set of Skillwires is looking better all the time...Lucas Ness does possess a SIN due to a brief stay in the public school system in his youth.

Lucas Ness has lived in Puyallup for most of his life. His parents were killed during the Night of Rage, and he harbors a prejudice against racists, particularly those biased against orks.

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