by John Pederson <[email protected]>


Another dubious spell. This one is supposed to attack other spells. That's all. It doesn't ground out and hit the casting magician, it doesn't hit or attack anything but the targeted spell. And since we all know that spells ignore spells. . .

Sounds rather useless if you ask me.
[email protected]

You never know. It certainly beats duking it out with the spell yourself.
"The one and only"

Type: Mana
Category: Combat
Range: LOS
Target: Force (R)
Drain: [(F/2)+2]M
Duration: Special (seen effects)
Damage: (Force)M
Effects: This spell is specifically designed to attack other spells. When cast, the spell is sustained by the caster, who delays his next action, in the hopes of using his SpellScream to intercept and destroy another spell. When he targets another spell, the caster releases SpellScream, which takes effect as normal for intercepting a spell and engaging it in Astral Combat (see page 148, SR2). The caster must be astrally active (either perceiving or projecting) to target a spell. SpellScream does (M)oderate damage to the targeted spell.
Notes: Restricted Target (Spells)

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John Pederson, [email protected] or [email protected]

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