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source: Glen Harrigan <[email protected]>



Well, as far back as I ken remember, I've bin a shadowrun'ner. Yep, I just yer stereotypical Mercenary, I'm also pretty good with the ladies yep. Some people call me a red neck, but I know ver just tease'in me.

The first run I was ever on I was told to go out and give some Psychopath a taste of his own medi'cin. I tracked him down and killed the crazy guy, the badge sur gave me a lot of cred ver that run. YEE HAW! was my reaction, I ain't never seen that much cash in my entire life, till I went to the Middle east and hired myself out as a merc. Got paid about a tenth of a mill for that there run.

So at any rate, couple a months ago I on this other mission, 'parently some chip lord wanted to sell these things and he needed me to help em smuggle it. So I take my Bison (and it's a good thing GMC spelled it right too) and load it up with the mind benders, and the star comes up and says "excuse me sir" so I was freaked out and all when he said "you where going 15 Miles past the speed limit" to which I replied "Oh, I'm sorry, shall I pay you now or later officer?" you know cause I ain't gone pass up on a chance to avoid jet's busted. All this was fine of course and he ain't never suspected I was caring BTL's.

Now let me tell you about Magnum, I know that she's just crazy about me, but she always hides it behind aggression, but then again she is kind of aggressive, makes her purtier that way oddly.

At any rate we met up in a bar and she has the nerve to call CAS beer weak, can you believe it?(it's that Canadian stuff that's the weak stuff. And it also is of the poorer quality stuff too, I mean it has less preservatives and all), but I kind of liked the way she displayed all that attitude, she is pretty egotistical, but then not every one can be as modest as I ken.

It's actually kind of weird, she has all this Ego but she's the most depressed chic I ever seen , and you know all the chic's I've seen!

At this Bar I'm at I ask her to dance, she tells me she's a lover, not a fighter, but that she doesn't dance. So I say's look it's easy, I'll show you. Of course she agrees me being so persuasive and all. Of coarse she tells me to stop touching her, but I know she really likes it. She punchs me in the gut and leaves me hurt'in bad for about 3 Hours but I know she really ment it as a complement.

Course, there's this one guy who's obsessed with her, spends his entire life track'in her down, Magnum really hates him, but he doesn't get the idea, Magnum must have giving him about 15 punchs in the gut and he still won't get it through his thick skull that Magnum only loves me, and that he can't have'er.

GM Notes . . .

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