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source: James Hagen <[email protected]>

New, More Complete, and Just Plain Better Vampires (Nosferatu)

Optional Rules/Critters

"Gather 'round children, and let me tell you a story. This is not a "Once upon a time" or "And happily ever after" kind of story, this is one of life and death, blood, lust, and so much more, my child. But I have said much and nothing at all so let me begin.

As the major metahuman races took the center stage in the old days another darker and more insidious race was born along side them, although there numbers were lower they are still to be feared. These, my children, are the Nosferatu, the Vampires, the children of the night. Whenever a new vampire was born it had a strong psychic pull to meet at an area unknown to them but very familiar all the same. This was the beginning of what they now call The Circle, they meet at this spot (A large desert expanse in middle California).

So far, my child, I have painted the picture that these poor creatures are nothing but blood-sucking beasts, but they are so much more. Some are the story book and vampires of myth, tall and charismatic or a lowly ratlike daemon, but a vampire can look like anyone, that corp temp, or that dirty old cabby. Unfortunately most go mad with the powers that they possess and are then cursed for a myriad of lifetimes to do nothing but fulfill there dark desires."

-statement from a blind squatter in the Redmond Barrens

Player Stats and Powers

GMs may omit anything they don't like, but please use my creations:-(
Body Quickness Strength Charisma Intelligence Willpower Essence Magic
NPC stats: use a base of 4, excepting special attributes (Magic and Essence)


Thermographic and Lowlight vision 90ft.
Essence armor = vamps. Essence attribute -1 as dermal armor
Essence Drain - vamps. may drain 2 points of Essence.,per complex action, of any target that is willing or unconcious. This is used for the Essence armor along with there normal attribute.
Blood Drain - vamps. may drain 1 blood point,per complex action (Blood points = to body attribute), every 2 points may heal one(1) box of damage, physical only.
Increased Strength - Bite deals STR-2L physical and hands do (STR)S stun
Shape Changes - A vamp. may change into one of the following forms: Wolf, Bat, or Rat. And all may turn into a mist form.
Wolf - This is larger than the normal version, about 4.5 feet at the shoulder 6ft long, Strength+2 Body+3 Quickness-1, damage is (STR)M bite and (STR)M claws, both physical.
Bat - Str-3 Body-3 Quickness+3 flight 75 yards per simple action
Rat - Str-3 Body-3 Quickness+2 lowlight 160 ft thermographic 100 ft
Mist - Immune to all attacks but Special Powers and magic, can only use magic to attack. Can control shape of mist and cannot be blown away or sucked into a vacuum, move is 20 yards per simple action.
Charm - Use magic rating, No Foci, vs. int or will whichever is higher. Charmed characters will do whatever there no master tells them to do. Takes one Complex Action.
Regeneration - vamps. regenerate similar to shapechangers. They heal essence boxes of, any kind of, damage every other turn. Even after deadly damage is dealt the vamp. will still regenerate. If D damage is dealt 1 on a 1d6 means he's dead.


Wood - Weapons of wood get a +1 to power and a +2 to damage level, damage must be healed by blood drain.
Heart - A melee weapon that impales a vamp. through the heart, called shot, will keep a vamp. dead until its, the stake, is removed.
Water - A vamp. completely submerged in water takes 10S damage per round. Use vamps. essences armor as his armor for this damage and use his un modified body to resist. This damage can only be healed buy blood drain.
Sun - vamp. will take S damage per round, no save. Can only be healed by blood drain.
Sleep - Some vamps. like to sleep during the day, but they don't have to. They still get fatigued like people from lack of sleep.
Homes - A vamp. cannot enter a home specifically owned by someone. Open areas and flop houses don't count.

Vampires must place "Race" in their A priority (equivalent to 20 BPs). They may not be magicians.

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