The Next Generation

TNGThe crew of the Enterprize are a funny bunch. Mankind has evolved since the first Enterprize to become a politically correct people (proving that not all stages of evolution are beneficial). Here you�ll find cartoon depictions of each crew member as well as a brief summary of what makes them tick (not just the android).

Captain Pickhard En Route Pickhard - As Captain of the Enterprize, with an age greater than the rest of the crew combined, Captain En Route Pickhard baldly goes where no one has gone before!.

Commander Piker Willing Piker - Although he considers himself the Casanova of the Cosmos, First Officer Willing Piker is at a loss to explain why Captain Pickhard manages more romances per season.
Beta Beta - An android unable to feel emotion, Lieutenant Commander Beta is on a quest to become more human. If only he�d been programmed with an emotion chip like his evil twin brother, VHS.

Gaudy Gaudy Regurge - Chief Engineer Gaudy routinely performs the impossible: saving the Enterprize from certain destruction all the while wearing a cheese grater stuck to his face. Unfortunately, Gaudy�s skill with warp coil inducers does not help him with relationships,

Barf Barf - Being the only Clingon (an alien race with nearly exactly human physiology apart from a distinguishing cowpat formation on the forehead) in Sev Fleet makes Barf a unique crew member (apart from Beta, the only android in Sev Fleet and Gaudy, the only man with a cheese grater for glasses in Sev Fleet)

Counsellor Tryhard Doyawanna Tryhard - Coming a close second to Measly Crusher as the most irritating member of the Enterprize, Counsellor Tryhard poses a problem for the script writers: what use is she?

Dr Heavily Crusher Heavily Crusher - Ship�s doctor and mother of the intensely annoying Measly Crusher (for which she must be punished!), Doctor Crusher has somehow toed the line between friends and lovers with Captain Pickhard for seven consecutive seasons.

Measly Crusher One of the most popular members of the crew, boy wonder Measly Crusher (what�s a sci-fi series without one?) has inspired his own Usenet newsgroup: alt.measly.crusher.die.die.die.

Ensign Row Ensign Row came aboard the Enterforaprize to spice up the interpersonal relationships among the crew, but before long her personality became as bland as the rest of them.

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