
Jurassic Trek - The Original Series

Jurassic Trek features Star Trek humor and cartoon satire of TOS: Classic Star Trek with comic strips and caricatures of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scott, Sulu, Uhura and Chekov.


Captain Quirk and Buns discuss immortality


You know you're a Trekkie when...
Don't beam down in a red shirt.
Cheap looking tricorder.
What the crew does inbetween adventures.
Captain Quirk's clone.
Primitive 23rd Century medicine.
Captain Quirk's ripped shirts.
That medical foot pushing thingy.
Why alien cultures are so Earthlike.
Scantily clad female aliens.
He's dead, Gym!
Checkout in Sev Trek II.
Motion Picture Squatty.
Why Spook doesn't love Nurse Crabapple.
Captain Quirk and computers.
Sev Trek's alternate universe.


Meet the crew of the USS Enterprize!.

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