Feathers from Above

Summer of 2000

This summer my cousin & I visited her sister, a recent widow in NJ, & stayed overnight. In the morning we all got in the car & before going for breakfast, stopped at the cemetery. Neither cousin had visited the cemetery since the headstone was put in place & unbeknownst to me, that was the purpose of this visit. In front of the grave I noticed a feather & placed it on the headstone. I told my cousin that this was a sign that her husband was free as a bird.

That evening I returned home & turned on the TV. I saw a commercial for a new show by the mystic John Edwards. He was telling a woman who had just returned home from Niagra Falls that she received a sign, a feather, from her late husband. The woman & her children were crying as she confirmed this. Since that day, I have had many experiences with feathers.

One day I was in Barnes & Noble with my same cousin & noticed 2 books, with feathers on their cover, right next to each other. The 1st book was by Rosemary Altea, who I was going to see very shortly in VA beach. She is famous for communicating with the other side. The other book was about household hints. Here were 2 totally different books right next to each other with feathers on their cover.

Another day, as I was having lunch with my nephew, I was presented with a souvenir program from a Las Vegas show. It featured a comic imitating Forrest Gump holding a feather. My nephew, despite being handsome, is nicknamed Forrest Gump whenever he wears a baseball cap. Coincidentally, we were going to Las Vegas in 2 weeks. I didn't remember the movie very well so I borrowed the laserdisc from my cousin. In the opening scene a feather lands at Forrest's feet & he picks it up & puts it in a book. At the end of the movie, while sitting with his son, he opens the book "Curious George" & the feather flies away unnoticed.

A feather glides in the air, letting the wind charter it's course. On a spiritual journey you acknowledge a higher power, then surrender to it. You are then guided, just like a feather in the wind. I saw a similarity between the feather & the phrase from the movie "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get". In the movie Forrest chooses a chocolate, just like he chooses to pick up the feather. After the initial choosing, you don't know where the feather will land or "what you're gonna get". Like many times when we choose a spiritual journey, life becomes very synchronistic & adventuresome. Your world becomes smaller & filled with coincidences. Ironically, I met Tom Hanks while he was filming "Big". I set up my booth at Playland for the movie in the middle of winter. I gave him a grey stuffed elephant, which Tom & his girlfriend are carrying at the end of the movie on the boardwalk. After all of these experiences & finding many feathers at odd times, I decided to research their history & meaning. What I found was much more then I expected.

After looking in B&N & not finding very much, the answers surfaced right on my coffee table in a book called "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" by Manly P. Hall. This large, thoroughly researched book from 1928 is a rare gem in mysteries long forgotten. It states the following (in simplified form):

          The capital of Atlantis was the city of the Golden Gates.
          The cross & the serpent were Atlantean emblems of divine wisdom.
          The center of their religion was a great pyramid temple rising
          in the midst of the City of the Golden Gates. From here the
          Initiate-Priests of the Sacred Feather went forth, carrying the
          keys of Universal Wisdom to the uttermost parts of the earth.

          The mythologies of many nations contain accounts of gods who
          "came out of the sea". Certain shamans among the American Indians
          tell of holy men dressed in birds' feathers & wampum who rose out
          of the blue waters & instructed them in the arts & crafts.

          Among the Mayas, Quetzacoatl, "the Feathered Serpent", the Savior-
          God, (whom some Christian scholars believe to have been St. Thomas),
          issued from the waters and, after instructing people in the essentials
          of civilization, rode out to sea on a magic raft of serpents to escape
          the wrath of the fierce god of the Fiery Mirror, Tezcatlipica.
          The word "America" comes from the Peruvian word "Amaru" meaning "Land
          of the Plumed Serpent" or "Quetzacoatl".

          The Atlanteans became wicked magicians & war broke out. The conflict
          came to an end by its submersion in which Noah escaped. The Initiates
          left earlier knowing Atlantis departed from the path of light,
          carrying with them the sacred & secret doctrine & became Egypts first
          "divine" rulers. (Pharaohs).

Recently I read a book that called the Atlanteans the "bird race" & said they had hollow bones like birds. Edgar Cayce said the the Iroquois Indians are direct descendants of Atlantis. Is that why feathers are so important to Native Americans & part of the name "America"? The ancient North American moundbuilders left many birdlike artifacts behind in addition to the recently (1971) found "Birdman", the official symbol of the Cahokia Mounds in Illinois. This mound has a base larger then the Great Pyramid in Egypt. It appears to be part human, bird & serpent. Cayce also said that the Mayas were descendants of Atlantis. Is that why a "feathered serpent" or Quetzacoatl is so important to them? The raised serpent is also a frequent symbol in ancient Egypt. In all of these cultures, astrology was a key factor in their messages. Manly P. Hall's book says that the constellation of Scorpio could be a bird or a serpent. Are Angels somehow connected to these symbols? Some sacred texts describe beings similar to Angels, with wings. Is it the purpose of these beings to help "raise our minds"?

Cayce said that "winged serpent" meant "raised mind".

The kabala # for "serpent coil" or kundalini is 444, a # now associated with Angels. As we approach the end of the ancient Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 & start the 5th root race as desribed by Cayce, is now the time we must raise our minds & prepare for our next giant step in evolution?

NYNY in Vegas

On my recent trip to Vegas I had several revelations while looking at a panoramic view of the strip from the NYNY hotel.

View from NYNY
View from NYNY

I have never seen so many symbols in one place: Merlin & the King Arthur symbols, the Luxor pyramid, the MGM lion representing the Wizard of Oz, the Venetian hotel with the winged Lion representing St Mark atop the bell tower, the Bellagio's "Hermes" shop (who Cayce said built the Great Pyramid), the Statue of Liberty, & also a large cross from a church next to the Tropicana. I never understood what the shape of the cross really symbolized but certain thoughts came to me at that moment.

The cross could be drawn in three ways, symbolizing the subconscious (+), conscious (a small t without the loop on the bottom) & superconscious (a capital T). Each time the middle part is rising up, just like our consciousness. While I was in Assisi, Dannion Brinkley nicknamed me "T", my initial. Outside the Basilica of St Francis there is a topiary in the shape of a capital "T", or the "Tau" cross. I was told that this was actually the shape of the cross that Jesus was crucified on. This is symbolic since Jesus was a Master at raising his consciousness & ascended (flew) to heaven. A capital "T" could also represent the Trinity & the various symbols of 3 parts of a whole, including the mind.

David Leithauser's 'The Rescue'
Being underwater represents our subconscious. Land represents our conscious while the sky (birds,feathers,angels,heaven) represents our superconscious. The Atlanteans who raised their consciousness & were aware of what was coming, escaped & built pyramids pointing to the sky in alignment with the stars, so we would be reminded of where we came from & where we must return. Those who did not, went underwater (subconscious). The rising of Atlantis, which Cayce said already has started, symbolizes the rising up once again of our consciousness. We are the new Atlanteans. Will we be submerged as those doomsday maps depict, or will we be like a "feathered serpent" & fly above? The choice is really our own. That is why serpents, in the mythology of many cultures, can symbolize either good or evil. They represent our mind & can be raised from the subconscious (evil) to the superconscious (good). We create our own heaven or hell right here on earth by our thoughts.

The second week of my trip included a conference at the ARE in VA Beach with Rosemary Altea. It was amazing to see this gifted woman communicate with so many souls who have passed on, helping family members heal. I wasn't sure why I was there however, until the very end of the conference. She talked about the great power within each of us, which could even be used to heal others if we practice working with our energy. She said that this power has different symbols, such as a butterfly, or for her, a feather. During this whole trip, there were several instances where a live bird appeared near me in an enclosed environment, including a museum, department store, & soda shop. Rosemary, who is British, says that her spirit guide is named Grey Eagle. Like many guides, he is an American Indian of the spirit world. I wondered if my spirit guide was respresented by a feather, & what was it trying to tell me?

After my trip I discovered a book whose cover seemed to be glaring right at me. Incredibly, it summed up alot of the questions I still had, including how Angels fit into all of this. It's title is "Return of the Bird Tribes", by Ken Carey. It is written in the first person from the point of view of a spirit from this tribe, who communicated with the author.

          "I will tell you also of the gentle tribes from which
           we come, the tribes whom some now call Angels, but 
           who in simpler days were know by another name. For
           thousands of gentle circlings of this earth around 
           her star, the people of the Americas, the highlanders
           of Asia, the natives of central Africa & earth people
           the world over have known us as "The Bird Tribes".

           Except for a few of us who remained to guide and
           influence the course of your histories, the better
           part of the Bird Tribes have not been incarnate in
           human form during historical times, though we were
           there in nature & in the spirit worlds around you.
           Some 25 centuries ago most of us departed, to wait 
           for the return of your intelligence & the slow turning
           of the sacred cycles that would favor your awakening.

           We are returning now, appearing like the first stars
           at the predawn clearing of a storm. Into your
           consciousness we come, appearing subtly at first, a
           whisper among your dreams. But steadily our presence
           grows, soon to shine as distinctly as the sun of
           morning. We come now with a message that will prove
           vital to you in these last years of history's night.

           We call to you, human ones, beings of light. Rise up
           from your tradition-bound past & become our creative
           partners in the continuing unfoldment of wonder. Rise
           from your cultures to remember your origins & your
           nature: light bodies, like stars, agreeing to stay in
           specified temperature ranges for certain periods of
           time, creating time & space, distances between you,
           painting spatial landscapes on the screen of time,
           drawing stardust into the dancing fields of your  
           When you, incarnate man, know that behind you is the
           same brilliance, light & warmth that expresses so
           passionately in the nuclear release of stars: & when
           you woman, know that behind you is the power of the
           creative, the power of the new, the balance, the
           synthesis, the power of truth, then you will know 
           that there is nothing to fear, for the immense powers
           of mother & father aspects of God have joined together
           in the creation of a material universe designed for
           your support & flourishment.

           For 3.5 billion years on this earth, we of the angelic
           realms have fine-tuned & sustained the precise 
           planetary temperatues most conducive to your growth &
           development. You have nothing to fear as you move into
           this cycle of cooperation with us & with your Creator.
           You are in good hands: & well loved."

To read "40 & Over the Hill?" Click Here!
To hear the "Forrest Gump" theme again Click Here!

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