The Mazoku Beach Party

    On a sunny beach bordering Demon Ocean, the Mazoku lords gather for a day of fun and relaxation.  Oblivious to the cries of 'GOD DAMN IT, GAAV, PUT YOUR TRENCHCOAT BACK ON!', the demon dragon king sends several innocent onlookers running away screaming and retching.  His thoroughly grossed-out colleagues promptly teleport to a different beach approximately five miles south.

    "Last one into the water's a rotten Dragonball!" shouts Shabranigdo as he charges into the surf.  Moments later he comes ashore cussing and trying to shake off the lobsters humping his leg.

    Dynast Grausherra ahems and produces a sheet of paper out of hammerspace.  "I've prepared a list of guidelines in regards to proper conduct at the beach," he says. "Always wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15, always wait at least forty-five minutes after feeding on human pain and suffering before swimming, always ... I do not appreciate the fact that you are making faces at me behind my back."

    Deep Sea Dolphin and Phibrizzo retract their tongues.  

    "As I was saying, always..." Dynast's speech is interrupted by the shock of being snapped with a towel.  

    A very giggly Deep Sea Dolphin drops said towel and runs, while the little Hellmaster wanders off to build a sandcastle. 

    Meanwhile, Zellas Metallium lies out on a blanket, working to maintain her awesome tan and relishing the looks she's getting in her skimpy leopard-print bikini.

    Shabranigdo and Deep Sea toss a beach ball back and forth.  Phibrizzo constructs a masterpiece of sand architecture, with exquisite detail right down to the gallows and the courtyard lovingly decorated with numerous bugs impaled on sticks.  And Dynast relaxes in the shade of an umbrella, eating a rather melty snowcone. 

   Deep Sea Dolphin abandons the game of beach ball and goes over to Zellas.  She stoops and whispers something in her ear.  Zellas grins a sly, fangy grin, glancing over at Dynast as a cat would look at a paraplegic mouse. 

   Dynast drops his snowcone and shrieks when the two jump him.  Moments later he finds himself buried up to his neck in sand and not at all happy about it.  Deep Sea and the Greater Beast brush the sand off of their hands and nonchalantly go back to the game of beach ball. 

   Dolphin and Zellas engage Shabranigdo and Phibrizzo in a vicious game of doubles.  Suddenly a loud thunderclap is heard and the sky darkens.  The mazoku lords find themselves drenched.

   "Man, this sucks," says Zellas.

   "It looks like we're rained out," pouts Shabranigdo.

   "L-sama's probably just pissed 'cause we didn't invite her.  What a freakin' bitch," says Phibrizzo.

   "I HEARD THAT!" says a loud booming voice from the sky.


   "Let's get the hell outta here!"

   "Um, exuse me.  Is anyone going to bother to dig me out?"

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