Valgarv's Oedipus Complex

Sedalia: Hey, Xellos, help me decide who to slash Valgarv with next.

Xellos: This should be fun.

Valgarv: Don't I get any say in this?

Sedalia: Not really, no.

Valgarv: This ain't right.

Sedalia: You didn't like the fic I wrote about your hidden love for Lina?

Xellos: *snicker* I thought you liked redheads, Val.

Valgarv: @#$%ing die!

Sedalia: I think that you're in love with Filia, but don't want to admit it because of...

Xellos: ...your feelings for me! ^_^

Valgarv: What the @#$% are you talking about?

Sedalia: Haven't you heard the rumor that Xellos is your ex-boyfriend?

Valgarv: I certainly don't remember THAT.

Sedalia: Anyway, how would you feel about being slashed with Filia?

Xellos: I wouldn't mind sharing.

Valgarv: You touch her and I'll kill you!

Xellos: But I was talking about you, silly.

Sedalia: Was that jealousy I detected in your voice, Val? How sweet!

Valgarv: *flushes* What?!?!?

Xellos: It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Freud thought that it

was perfectly natural for boys to want to...

Sedalia: That's quite enough, Xellos. True, the fact that Filia adopted you when you were reborn at the end of Slayers Try would make a relationship sort of awkward.

Xellos: Stranger things have happened. Rezo boinked his own biological daughter.

Sedalia: You have a point. That doesn't make this seem that bad after all. At least they're not related.

Valgarv: You two are @#$%ing sick.

Sedalia: *goads* Well, if you don't have feelings for Filia then I guess you wouldn't mind her ending up with Xellos.

Valgarv: She deserves somebody better than that @#$%ing fruitcake.

Sedalia: Even though Xellos/Filia is a pretty popular couple, I just don't think it would work out. Filia's going to look for somebody who would be a good father.

*a thought bubble appears*

(Xellos: Val, you forgot to clean your room! *grinds his staff mercilessly into little Valgarv's back, grinning maniacally*

Little Valgarv: Waaaaah! Mommy, help! Daddy's bein' a perverted sadist again!)

I don't think Xellos would be a model parent.

Xellos: Spare the rod and spoil the child. ^_^

Sedalia and Valgarv: That's @#$%ing disgusting.

Sedalia: I just think that you and Filia would make a much better couple that her and Xellos. It's pretty obvious that you had feelings for each other. She gave you a second chance because she loved you, Val.

Valgarv: . . . . . . . . . . .

Sedalia: Is it so wrong to want you two to be together? I just want you to be happy. *hugs Valgarv*

Sedalia and Valgarv: *speechless moment*

Xellos: Don't I get a hug, too, Val?

Valgarv: @#$% off!

Sedalia: Shut up! He's mine!

Xellos: If you think he belongs with Filia, then why are you always all over him?

Sedalia: *shrugs* Just because I'm a Val-crazy hentai, I guess.

Xellos: Speaking of hentai, isn't there something we're forgetting?

Valgarv: Oh @#$$%&*!!!!

Sedalia: That's right, Xellos! I can't believe it went unnoticed this long. Our dear Val-chan still has all his clothes on! *whips out the Scepter of Domination*

*sound of clothes hitting the floor*

Sedalia: ^_^

Xellos: ^_^



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