
I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of time, but I watch the world from through the dark side of the moon.  I feel there's nothing I can do. 

- Three Doors Down

L-sama stretched languidly on a luxurious black velvet couch.  She sighed as she watched the scene unfolding before her eyes, projected in the air a few feet in front of her.  "Lei," she whispered, "What are you up to? Why them? Why now?" Of course these were rhetorical questions.  She sat up, brushed her long golden bangs out of her eyes, and adjusted her diadem.  Dismissing the hologram with a wave of her hand, she leaned back on her couch and stared at the high, vaulted ceiling.  That man acted as though the entire world was his bitch.  L-sama frowned.      

She swung her steel-toed boots onto the polished black marble floor and made her way over to the balcony.  The sound of her footsteps reverberated loudly in the massive chamber.  As she threw open the curtained double-doors that led to the balcony, the interstellar wind was refreshing against her face.  Unobscured by an atmosphere, the stars sparkled brilliantly against the gossamer pastel wisps of nebulae in the eternally dark sky.  She leaned over the gilded railing and gazed down upon an infinite expanse of tumultuous black ocean.  The view from her tower, a lofty black spire located in the exact center of the Sea of Chaos, was spectacular.  The sound of the waves crashing against the base was rather relaxing.  Being the supreme deity of four worlds was such a chore sometimes.  

L-sama laughed to herself.  Lei Magnus was so arrogant.  It irked her to no end that he thought he could use her pawns however he wished.  He was willing to sacrifice all of them in order to obtain what he wanted. The corner of her lips turned up in a slight smile.  He had always been a hopeless romantic.  Perhaps that was why she fell in love with him, so many centuries ago.  

She heard the distinct and unmistakable sound of something breaking.  Probably furniture.  Her guests were probably fighting again.  "Fuck," she swore.  L-sama bit her lip, spun on her heel, and stomped back into her room, cape and golden hair flapping behind her.  As she passed by the couch on her way to the stairwell, she grabbed the large shovel that was propped up against the arm.  

She found Cepheid and Phibrizzo in the game room next to an overturned card table, their hands around each other's throats.  They didn't see her approach.


Cepheid rubbed the back of his head where L-sama had hit him with her shovel.  "Was that really necessary?" he whined.  He was in the form of a young man with white, shoulder-length hair.  His ears were pointed, the telltale sign of a dragon in human form.  He looked up at her with furrowed brows.  His eyes were dark blue, with flecks of red and gold and several other colors. 

"You're so mean, mother!" cried Phibrizzo, also rubbing his head.  

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." said L-sama, shaking her head.  "You two are impossible."  

"He started it, you know," said Cepheid in a very self-righteous manner.  

Phibrizzo pulled his lower eyelid down with his index finger and stuck his tongue out at Cepheid. 

L-sama raised her shovel threateningly over Phibrizzo's head.  The little mazoku flinched and retracted his tongue. 

"I've warned you several times not to antagonize Cephied, Phibrizzo.  This is neutral ground."

"Oh what are you going to do, kill me again?" Phibrizzo pouted.

"Boy, my feet hurt.  I think I need another massage..."

"I'll be good."

"That's more like it."

Cephied chuckled.

Phibrizzo wasn't done sulking.  "You always take his side," he grumbled.

"Ceph honey, why don't you go back to your room and rest?" L-sama said as she helped the dragon god to his feet.

"But . . ." he started.  The look in her eyes aborted his sentence.  He knew better than to argue with god.

L-sama stood on her toes to kiss Cepheid's forehead. "That's a good boy." She sent him on his way with a gentle swat to the rear from her shovel.  He had been staying in her abode ever since he retreated into the Sea of Chaos after that fateful battle with Shabranigdo.  Eventually she would return him to his own world, when he had regained enough strength.  

Hopping up onto the pool table, L-sama laid her shovel beside her and turned her attention to Phibrizzo.  He knew better than to pull his innocent child act.  The late Hellmaster was glaring at her with a look of pure hatred in his green-gold eyes.  

"You try my patience, Phibrizzo."

"I hate you."

"Yes, I'm quite aware of that," L-sama examined her manicure. "But if things progress along the course that's started you won't have to put up with me much longer."

Phibrizzo looked surprised.

"Did you think that I wouldn't know about your little back-up plan?  What made you think that I would allow this?"

"Because you're powerless to stop it," Phibrizzo said, giggling.

L-sama frowned. "Yes, you certainly saw to that, didn't you?"

"That's what you get for betraying us."

"Who are you to dictate how I should act?" L-sama gave him her best I-can-destroy-you-with-a-mere-thought look.

Phibrizzo dimpled cutely.  "I am what you made me, mother."

L-sama picked up her shovel and exited the room, slamming the door behind her.  She went back to her room and fell on her favorite couch.  Damn that wretched little brat.  It would be futile to explain to him that the world would not be returned to chaos until she deemed it the appropriate time.  As long as he existed he would try his best to destroy it, just because he was Phibrizzo and that's what Phibrizzo would do.  He was right.  He couldn't help being what he was.  She reminded herself that beings like him were necessary.  All things had to have a natural end.  That was why she had created the mazoku in the first place.  They were the destroyers, as the ryuzoku were the preservers.  As long as they both existed they would fight each other, because it was the fate she had chosen for them.  It had seemed like a good idea at the time.

Neither of them understood her.  During the Kouma War, the Hellmaster became furious that she refused to side with the mazoku.  He felt betrayed. Of course, the ryuzoku also felt betrayed because she refused to side with them.  Resentment didn't even begin to cover what L-sama felt towards Phibrizzo and Cepheid.  Cepheid imprisoned the human man she loved in ice for a thousand years.  And Phibrizzo.  He used her own magic against her to seal her powers.  In all of her worlds but his she was omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.  In his world she could only appear when summoned.  While she was still the most powerful force in the universe, she couldn't exercise her will freely.  She had come very close to regaining her human form, but chose to forsake that chance on a whim.  Now even after she had dragged him from his world to where she could keep an eye on him, his servants pop up to cause trouble again.  Those two were loose cannons, even by mazoku standards.  And to top it off, one of them was hell-bent on trying to find a way to destroy her.  L-sama laughed to herself.  No one escapes the destiny she chooses for them, but it was funny as hell to watch them try.



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