Another Pedal Purchase - the Ibanez PQL!!

I wasn't really looking for more pedals on Friday, June 9, 2000. After all, I had just bought myself a car. I was driving home after changing the vehicle's registration, and some inner voice told me to drop by a Cash Converters store which I hadn't visited in a few months.

(Note: Cash Converters is a franchise operation which deals in buying used goods and selling them them in relatively clean shops which are set up all across suburban Toronto)

What was I hoping to find? Who knows? All that matters was that this Cash Con once had an Ibanez Fat Cat, and I PASSED IT UP (silly me)! The beauty of these shops is that one never knows what might be in stock.

Well, I came across this pedal. I seldom use my BOSS GE-7, so I initially ignored this pedal and walked around the shop. However, I decided to give it a shot, because I recalled reading the Parametirc EQs operate differently than the "standard" graphic equalizer. I tried it out, and it seemed to make some noticeable changes in the tone of the guitar I was using.

I won't lie to you and say this pedal has become one of my favorites. However, on those occasions that I do plug it in, I am very impressed by the noiseless operation of this pedal. It never adds any extra sound (unlike a certain BOSS pedal I could mention), and manipulation of the various controls can make for interesting and useful tonal variations. The bottom line is that I like this pedal.

Got any pedal discoveries of your own? Got any settings you'd like to share? E-mail the Stratomaster.

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