Magickally Enchanted Flaming Baton of Utter Horror


Sometimes a creation defies all explanations.  The Caretaker was almost killed several times scaling the walls of the depression where the mefbuh was found, and even then had to find her perilous way across the lava pit to get to the dais where the mefbuh sat.  And even THEN it proved to be a danger as she had to quickly snatch it and head back.  Luckily, she knew how to twirl a baton well enough from flag corps in band back in high school.  There were no legends of this weapon, mostly because the creator(s) placed it in a place nobody desired to explore to look, and probably died before they could tell anyone but their guide, who passed as much as he knew down to his sons and grandsons, who thought the old coot nuts.


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