"If I were a unicorn," you say thoughtfully, "I would hide in the slopes of the mountain range, far away from civilization and humans."  You walk for the path.  "So that is the way I choose."

"The Elven lady nods placidly and falls into step beside you.  "Perhaps she will be there."  You both enter the mists and your visibility is pared down to nothing.

As if feeling your unease, the lady says, "Follow the sound of my voice.  We are almost through."  She even places a hand on your arm to help guide you.

Just when you think she's lost both of you in the swirling fog, you both emerge back on the path.  The breeze which blows through the firs and pines has the slight nip of high-altitude snows.  The sun is very bright here, though it seems as if the heat is absent.  You can hear a brook, larger than the one in the clearing, running over the slightly rocky terrain.

You and the Elven lady continue down the path.  As you walk, yo look up at the high cliffs bordering the left side of the area.  A huge cave opens up blackly in the side of it, steam pouring from the maw.  The land is strangely silent, but not the muted quality of respect as was in the forest.  It's fear, you realize as you notice that your companion is even nervous.

"What is the matter?" you ask the lady.  "This place feels strange."  Something is not right here, you think to yourself.

"This area is mine, but I have allowed a creature to exist here taht perhaps should not."  You notice that her eyes never leave the cave and that she seems unduly tense.

You are rather flabbergasted.  "There's a creature that would cause you anxiety?  It must be quite powerful, then."  You look to the cave again with a frown.  "I don't think the unicorn would be here."

"Not willingly," the lady agreed.  Laying a hand gently on your arm, she motions down the path with her other hand.  "Come this way.  There are other places to search."

You both move on, the lady relaxing as the cliff vanishes.  "How far do your lands reach?  And what kind of animal was taht back there?"  You have so many questions in your head that you don't know which one to ask first.

"My lands reach wherever my forests reach."  She pauses.  "And a dragon lives in those cliffs."  She is silent for so long afterward that you wonder if you said something wrong.  Finally, she speaks.  "We will come to another set of roads soon.  You must choose again.  I may only lead you to the forks.  You must find the unicorn through your choices."

Sure enough, the road enters cool shadows in the pines.  The road becomes two without warning, mist-shrouded, and the signposts read:  "To the plains," "To the valley," and "To the ocean."

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