Alien Abductions

The Threat: What They Do

The Threat: What They Do
by David M. Jacobs, Ph.D.

Chapter 3 (from page 61-69.. text follows)

Virtually everything that aliens do is in service to their abduction program. Every seemingly incomprehensible or absurd alien activity has, upon examination, a logical basis. One by one, these actions have begun to lose their mystery and reveal their true purposes.

When researchers first learned about the abduction phenomenon, they generally assumed that, if it was real, its objective was to investigate humans. That was why aliens abducted humans, examined them, and then released them. Because this scenario occurred repeatedly, researchers concluded that the aliens were conducting a long-term study and benignly collecting data. That belief gave the public a comfortable feeling because it suggested a scientific, and therefore nonhostile, intent.

We now know that the abduction phenomenon as a whole is not for the purpose of research. The evidence suggests that all the alien procedures serve a reproductive agenda. And at the heart of the reproductive agenda is the Breeding Program, in which the aliens collect human sperm and eggs, incubate fetuses in human hosts to produce alien-human hybrids, and cause humans to mentally and physically interact with these hybrids for the purposes of their development.


A significant component of the Breeding Program is the creation and nurturing of extrauterine gestational units. It was only after years of research and hundreds of abduction reports that I understood this procedure and the reasons for it.

For years women have been telling researchers about mysterious gynecological procedures that were performed upon them during their abductions. Some women described "pressure," as if the aliens were filling the area around their reproductive organs with air, amd their lower abdomens distended giving them a bloated and uncomfortable feeling. The women often said that their organs were being "moved around" or displaced in some way, and they got a sense that the aliens were "enlarging" or creating more space within the uterine cavity or elsewhere in the pelvic area.

Various abductees have described these gynecological procedures in similar ways. Abductee Barbara Archer, in 1988, reported:

And I started to feel pressure. It was like all this pressure.

Is this a diffuse pressure, or a specific pressure?


But not [specifically] on the left side, or right, or middle?

Middle, inside. Just getting blown up or something, I was feeling really big I felt really big.

This type of procedure occurred many times to Lucy Sanders: It's on my right [pelvic] side. It's making me burnt It's making my insides burnt They're blowing me up. He's pulling it out now, he's parting my leg and saying it's all right, that I should calm down now. Holy Lord!

What do you think they're doing there, or do they say?

I don't know. It hurt, burned. I feel like I'm blown up.

How do you mean?

Blown up.

Like a balloon?

Mm-hmm Now the feeling is going away, but I feel puffy. He's pushing on my stomach area, pushing it im and moving his fingers, like this.2

Laum Mills described a similar procedure:

What do you think he's doing down there?

I really don't know what the heck he's doing.

Okay. If you had to make a wild guess, what do you think he's up to?

I know it sounds silly, but they're trying to figure out how much space I have inside or something.

So they might be measuring, or whatever?

Inside. Like the uterus or something. I'm not sure. 3

Belinda Simpson experienced the same procedure even though she had undergone a hysterectomy some years before:

It just feels like somebody's rolling something inside me....

Tell me what you . . . sense that they're doing.

I feel like I'm being blown up.... My side's being swollen up. It feels like a balloon. This is weird. I feel like somebody's blowing up my side, this is stupid.... It's real warm, and my side's blowing up.... Something hurts. I feel like I'm pregnant. Something is real hard in my stomach, on the side.

Some abductees have suggested that the introduction of air into their bodies is similar to a laparoscopy, a technique physicians employ for the treatment of endometriosis and other gynecological problems. I suspected that perhaps the bloating meant the aliens were introducing air as part of the procedure for taking eggs. But I decided to put these puzzling cases on the "back burner" and wait for more information to reveal the purpose of the procedures.

It is noteworthy that hysterectomies are common among abductees. During my ten years of abduction research, I have worked with a number of women abductees who have had hysterectomies or suffered from gynecological problems resulting from their abductions. Several women told me that the surgeons who had performed their hysterectomies have commented on the position of their ovaries, which seemed "pushed" to one side or "pressed" toward their fallopian tubes. Some women reported anomalous ovarian scarring, which is consistent with the theory that the aliens some- times take eggs directly from the ovaries. Other women have reported vaginal scarring for which neither they nor their gynecologists could account. Others have complained of aching, swelling, and general gynecological pain.

Gynecological pain played an important part in an incident with the first abductee I placed under hypnosis. Melissa Bucknell was twenty-seven years old and intermittently sexually active. In hypnotic regressions she had talked about having "implants" placed in her during her abductions. One morning in March 1987, she awoke with gynecological pain so severe that she was having trouble sitting and she told me that she was now certain the aliens had put an "implant" in her. (My own research had shown that implants were usually placed in the nose or an ear.) I immediately took her to a gynecologist, Dr. Daniel Treller, who graciously agreed to see her on an emergency basis.

Treller's examination confirmed that Melissa's pelvic area was very tender and he ordered an ultrasound. The ultrasound team quickly found an anomaly. At the right side of her right ovary, but not touching it, was a mass of some sort. It was small, but looked "organic," and it was not supposed to be there. The bewildered ultrasound team summoned Treller, who was equally baffled. None of them had ever seen anything quite like this before. Suspecting an unusual ectopic pregnancy, Treller ordered a blood test to determine if Melissa was, in fact, pregnant. It was negative.

Melissa, meanwhile, insisted that this mass was an alien "implant" and she did not want to remove it or disturb it an any way. She was extremely stubborn on this point. She did not want to have it touched and she immediately objected to any suggestions to the contrary. Finally, much to Melissa's relief, Treller suggested that she come back in a week to see if the mass had changed or "grown." When we left the hospital, she said that she never wanted to come back, and she did not want the implant disturbed, despite the pain it was causing.

For the next several weeks I tried to persuade Melissa to return for another ultrasound, but she refused. Finally, a month after the initial visit, I successfully prevailed upon her. She underwent another examination and the ultrasound screen showed the space where the mass had been, but the mass was gone. Dr. Trelter was puzzled and noted that the problem appeared to be "resolving itself." Melissa was enormously relieved that she would not have to face having the mass removed. Her case remained a puzzle for years. I would have to analyze several seemingly disparate cases to finally develop a logical theory about what had happened to her.

In March 1992, Lydia Goldman told me about an extraordinary episode. I had conducted seven sessions with this charming and capable sixty-year-old woman since 1989, and she had come to real- ize that she had been involved with the abduction phenomenon throughout her life.

In early 1992, Lydia awoke one morning with the distinct feeling that she was pregnant. That was impossible, not only because of her age and because she had not engaged in sexual relations, but because she had undergone a total hysterectomy many years before.

Nevertheless, her breasts began to swell, she retained water, and she had something akin to morning sickness. She recognized the symptoms as those she felt when she had been pregnant with her children. After a few weeks, the right side of her lower abdomen became slightly distended. Then, to her horror, she began to feel something moving around inside as if it were a fetus.

Was she going crazy or was something even less acceptable at work? Lydia was reluctant to go to her gynecologist because he might think she was "losing it." But the physical feeling persisted and she made an appointment with him. A few days before her ap- pointment, she woke up and "knew" that everything was all right; her stomach was no longer distended, nothing was moving around in it, and all the symptoms had disappeared. She canceled her ap- pointment.

When Lydia told me about this episode, I was mystified. At the time, abduction researchers knew that aliens take human eggs and human sperm, fertilize them in vitro, add alien genetic material, and then replace the altered hybrid embryo in utero. Presumably the subject had to have a uterus in which to implant the embryo. But I had regressed many women who were abducted when they were postmenopausal, or had undergone tubal ligations, or had had their uteri and ovaries removed. I had always assumed that the aliens ad- ministered different reproductive procedures to them than to women who were still fertile.

Lydia and I decided to do a hypnotic regression on the events that occurred the night before she woke up feeling pregnant. She remembered that she was asleep at her daughter's home in Florida when the abduction took place. After describing the first segment of a typical abduction event, Lydia turned to the internal examination.

What do you think they're doing internally now? Or can you tell that at all?

They're holding something like you would hold a baby, with two hands, but it's not a baby. It's like a, I don't know.... I can't even imagine.

[Gently] Does it look like a baby, or not?

It looks like a lobster. I can't imagine. I can't even imagine. My legs are up, and they are in this position in front of me. You know. almost as though they were inserting a sack.

They were inserting something, then?

I don't know.... It looks round and light colored, and I would say about the size of a grapefruit.

So it's big.

And they're holding it.... I get the impression like you would hold a baby, like something very precious.... They're bringing it to me.... This is a terribly repulsive idea. I find this to be extremely repulsive, dirty, unclean. It's got me very upset.

That they are bringing this to you?

And making it part of my body.... I get the sense, and I have a terrible soreness in here - hot and sore. And I find this to be extremely repulsive. This is a solid unit, it is totally contained. There's something m it. I get the sense like it's a sack, and they have inserted that. And my whole feeling about it is that I don't want that in me.

Where do you think they would have inserted this, then?


But would this have been in the area where the uterus used to be?

Maybe. Maybe. I don't know.

Do you feel that this is sort of the area they're working on, or in?

As a matter of fact, my bladder felt like there was a lot of pressure, as though my bladder was dropping. And for the last six or eight months I felt that way.... I thought well, I'm just getting older, and my muscles are not as strong as they used to be.... I always felt that if I stood too long I would feel like I had to lie down for a while and let it go back into position. That kind of thing, like something was pressing on it or it was dropping. But I never felt that feeling that I have right now. Right now I feel such a soreness throughout this lower abdominal areaand hot. It feels so hot. My back hurts.

Do they say anything to you? Do they explain what they're doing, or are they just silent about this?. ..

I found it to be extremely repulsive.... And I did not want that. And I'm in charge now. This is something I've got to take care of.

That's the impression you get?

It's not that I was saying no. I wouldn't say no.... I won't say no to them. I have a feeling that I'm here to serve.... I have that feeling though. I have a commitment to serve, but I don't like it. I'm kind of telling them I find this very repulsive. This is not what I want to do. But they didn't ask me if I want to do this. I don't like this at all, and I'm very upset.

I hope that you told that to them. They don't have a right to do this, Lydia, this is something that's not their right. So it's perfectly okay for you to be upset.

[Crying] I think this is about the worst thing that's ever happened to me.... You know what this is making me do? I have to change to conform to this.... The way my body operates is being disturbed now, and I have to conform to be compatible, to create an atmosphere conductive for this thing....

As I was listening to Lydia, I remembered a postmenopausal abductee who had told me about feeling pregnant and feeling something "kicking" in her lower abdomen. At the time I did not know how to interpret the report. Now I knew. I realized that it was possible that the aliens are making women carry babies even if the woman does not have a uterus. Instead of implanting the embryo in a uteris, the aliens could be inserting an extrauterine gestational unit sac capable of incubating a fetus without having to be attached to the uterine lining. The aliens place the unit in an area near the uterus, or perhaps even in the space that the womb originally occupied, or behind the bladder, or near an ovary.

This led me to reconsider the situation with Melissa. The "implant" that she had worried about was probably not a technological device, as I had assumed, but an extrauterine fetal implantation near the ovary. In this light, Melissa's adamancy about not removing it became understandable she unconsciously knew that she must not disturb the fetus.

Now, other puzzling cases also began to make sense. The introduction of air, accompanied by a bloating feeling and the sense that organs were being "moved around," was most likely a preparation of the space into which the aliens placed the extrauterine gestational unit; they literally hollowed out an area for its placement.

The implications of these cases were unsettling. Whatever the reproductive stage or abilities of female abductees, they can help produce babies.They can "house" the standard uterine fetal implants as well as extrauterine gestational units. In addition, these gestational units might help to "camouflage" the phenomenon. They do not trigger the human gonadotropin hormone reaction normally registered on a pregnancy test.

The extensive use of women as hosts for hybrid babies brings into sharp relief the importance of the Breeding Program. Its scope is enormous. In theory, the aliens have produced hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of offspring.

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