Alien Abductions

Dream or Reality? Bedroom Visitors
by Malcolm Robinson

The following case is in connection with a phone call SPI (Strange Phenomena Investigations) received in which a distressed woman claimed that her young daughter aged (4) was being "visited" in her room at night by a strange small 'creature'. Knowing her daughter, and convinced it wasn't a bad dream, the mother contacted SPI for help. The following, is information gleamed from our visit to the family home. Investigators on the day, were Garry Wood, Stan Brown, and Malcolm Robinson.

The family live in the town of Grangemouth Central Scotland which is roughly 12 miles or so away from the town of Bonnybridge, scene of many UFO sightings over the past few years. Readers may recall from our last issue, of a UFO photograph taken near Polmont Reservoir, this location is also very near Grangemouth. The mother Amanda (pseudonym) is aged 25, and the father George (pseudonym) is aged 28. They have two young daughters aged 4 and 2, in which Sarah (pseudonym) the oldest, is the one who has been seeing this strange 'creature'. The family live in a block of flats of which they occupy the top flat. This flat gives them a commanding view of parts of the forth valley.

During our Interview with the family, we ascertained that they had been observing 'strange lights in the sky' near their home over several weeks, lights which they claim do not conform to conventional aircraft lights. Witnessing these lights didn't really bother them that much; what did bother them however, was for a period of several nights, their 4 year old daughter Sarah, began screaming in her room claiming that there were 'monsters' in her room. The mother initially felt that this was due to bad dreams, as most of these screaming episodes over several nights that was to change her opinion on the matter. Indeed on one particular night, not only did Sarah claim to have seen 'monsters', but she also said that a 'blue light' came into her room!


Amanda, as any mother would do, started taking Sarah into her own bedroom to sleep, and for a couple of nights, Sarah enjoyed a relaxed sleep. Indeed during this time, the parents took steps to decorate Sarah's bedroom, perhaps a change of decor might help, they surmised. Sadly however, this did not work, and upon Sarah returning to sleep once more in her own bedroom, she began to see her 'monsters' again. One night, as the mother again entered her daughter's bedroom due to the screams coming from the room, she happened to glance out of the bedroom window, and saw, at a distance, a bright white light hovering above some fields. She quickly took her daughter through to her own room and was astounded to see bright lights coming into her room through the window. Amanda couldn't account for these lights, and she does remember, live on the top floor of a block of flats. Even car headlights, she told SPI, could not have come into her bedroom like this. She had never experienced lights like this before during her tennancy of this house.

That morning, the mother asked her daughter to try and draw what she had seen. (This drawing is not reproduced here due to being basically all squiggles), however the mother tried to draw from what Sarah had said to her, roughly what this monster looked like. Upon seeing the drawing the daughter said, "Mummy, you forgot the slanting eyes"! What was also learned during our Interview with the mother, was that Sarah had not only seen one 'monster' [as she described them], but several in her room all at once!


During SPI's Interview with the mother and father, I asked the question, has Sarah been subjected to anything visual which resembles these 'monsters' either through television or newspapers? to which the mother replied "no". They were quite sure that Sarah has never seen anything like this before. I then asked, "Is it possible that Sarah has overheard you talking about the UFO sightings over at Bonnybridge"? Again the reply was a firm "no", they had never spoken about the UFO sightings over at Bonnybridge in front of Sarah. Indeed for the sake of the child, they had started staying in the family home only until 9:00pm, whereafter they went round to her mother's where they stayed the night there. Nothing strange occured at her mother's and Sarah 'appeared' to be sleeping fine.

SPI also learned that during our interview, that not only had young Sarah witnessed what she described as 'monsters' in her room, but they also "touched" her as well. Amanda, the mother, informed SPI that one of these 'monsters' touched Sarah on the shoulder. She had asked her daughter, "Why did they touch you on the shoulder"? to which young Sarah replied, "To wake me up mum". Sadly we also learned that Sarah's sister Clare (pseudonym) aged (2) was now herself starting to have nightmares, in which she would wake up kicking and screaming. On one occasion the mother noticed a large deep scratch on Clare's nose as she put her to bed one evening. Upon waking Clare up the following morning, nothing visible could be seen, not even a tiny scar, it was completely gone! Amanda accepts that her daughter Clare may have scratched it herself before she went to bed, but surely there would have been evidence of it the following morning, incredibly there was none.


SPI also learned from Amanda, that at a later date, her daughter Clare had blood seeping out of her belly button which was all over her nightdress. She believes however, that Clare somehow did this herself and had been picking at skin arounding her belly button. For the record, Amanda also mentioned to SPI that on one occasion when she had Sarah sleeping beside her, she (the mother) woke up with the sensation of someone/thing grabbing her ankles. She looked down to the foot of the bed bur couldn't see anything. She did state to SPI that she was unsure if she was sleeping or just waking up, but whatever, she did remember it as a strong vivid experience. Amanda, incidentally, works at the nearby british Petroleum (B.P.) Plant in Grangemouth, [where the UFO was photographed. See last issue of ENIGMAS]. SPI's ASSESSMENT OF THIS CASE.In assessing this case one can so easily say that all these episodes are the sole result of childish imagination and bad dreams, we've all had them. Kids imagination, especially at this young age, are quite prolific, so it is more than easy to surmise that this case really has all the hallmarks of just this, ie, 'childish imagination'. But let us remember and consider the mother's testimony, she "knows" her daughter well and she went to the embarrassing trouble to contact a society, and inform that society, (ie, SPI) about what her daughter was seeing. Then there is the strange lights in the sky, and also the strange lights that the mother saw come into her bedroom. The mother, as we have learned felt someone/thing grab at her ankles, but this may be a fugue state, (between sleeping and waking in which dreams come through to the waking state for seconds which appear real!) To others, this case might have the hallmarks as a potential abduction case, I don't know, I wouldn't go that far and I'm not too convinced that this is so. At the moment things are quiet, and I have not heard any more from this family. So was this case the result of pure childish imagination? or was it something else!! Report by Malcolm Robinson, thanks to Stan Brown and Garry Wood for their help.

(SPI) Strange Phenomena Investigations.
Malcolm Robinson (Editor ENIGMAS)
41 The Braes
Scotland FK10 2TT.

Posted by Terry W. Colvin
[email protected]

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