Alien Abductions

A New Controversy on Alien Implants

Source: Samzidat Newletter
Winter "94"

The oft-mentioned implants that constitute "proof" of alien abduction are bone of contention between researchers and skeptics. A report from Brazil, kindly brought to SAMIZDAT's attention by Dr. Rafael Lara, our Mexican correspondent and a distinguished physician with numerous professional affiliations. Dr. Lara has turned his medical knowledge to the matter of implants that can be captured on X-ray plates.

The Brazilian odyssey began on 10.15.90, when a woman named Carmen attended a UFO conference in which a speaker discussed the matter of implants. The presentation triggered Carmen's recollection of a very unusual X-ray during one of her medical checkups to diagnose a sinus condition. The X-ray of her skull showed a perfectly circular, metallic object lodged in the right side of her skull. The object, which resembles a "Life Savers" candy, is not only clearly visible, but has since moved to the left side of her skull.

Carmen discussed her case with investigator Arismaris Baraldi, who was to discover astonishing facts after placing the patient under hypnosis. Since the early part of 1990, Carmen had been the unwilling recipient of telepathic messages from an entity calling itself Defe--allegedly the commander of a spaceship hailing from Centrus, a world orbiting Alpha Centauri. Understandably, Carmen began to question her sanity and denied the experience, until the entity materialized in her kitchen. Two dogs and a cat--her only witnesses--were left paralyzed, staring at the point in space from which the entity seemed to emerge. Successive events involved her car being raised into the air by an unknown power and having been forced aboard a UFO against her will.

The entity informed her that she had undergone a thorough surgical procedure in 1976, during which a small device had been inserted into her cranium "to preserve her mental stability." The intervention had conveniently taken place while she was in a hospital in Sao Paulo suffering from pancreatitis.

A hypnotic regression session in March 1991 revealed that Carmen had been taken to a site in the wilderness, where "Commander Defe" gave her the chance to control her own destiny: refuse further contact, or have a more refined device installed in her head. Her choice led to the new implant being placed in the left side of her skull. Carmen was able to describe the implantation process through the nasal passages. Her story appeared in an article by Angela Villarubia for MAS ALLA.

"This is a highly interesting case." Dr. Lara told SAMIZDAT. "From the strictly medical standpoint, I can tell you that the kind of X-ray taken from the patient would have been a Towne or a Waters, which form part of the paranasal sinus series. There is an important fact here: given the symmetry of the maxillofacial structures in most cases, a person can easily be confused about the precise location of a lesion, or in this case, an alleged implant, on either the left or the right."

"The most important thing to do," Dr. Lara adds, "is to acquire the reports made by competent medical authorities, such as radiologists, ear-nose and throat specialists, or neurologists, to determine if the alleged implant really shifted place, which is highly doubtful, on account of the dedicated nature of cerebral structures."

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