Alien Abductions


Hypnosis and Alien Abductions
by Maurice Kouguell, Ph.D., BCETS

Source: Brookside Center for Counseling and Hypnotherapy

An alien abduction is the removal of an individual or individuals without their consent from one physical location to another. During this procedure, the individual may feel helpless, paralyzed and unable to control their wishes. The purpose of the abduction is reported as being part of a physical or psychological experiment performed by non-humans. At the conclusion of the procedure, the individuals are returned to their original location. The individuals may or may not remember their experiences.

Since hypnosis seems to be the tool most often used by researchers on abductions, it is important that the community of hypnotists and hypnotherapists becomes aware of the possibility that some clients might suddenly begin to experience a spontaneous regression related to their "adventures" with UFOs.

There are hundreds of these people and the stories that they tell are strikingly similar and similarly incredible; they were abducted by aliens, taken aboard a space ship, poked, examined, sometimes scarred and eventually returned home.

That was the first paragraph from an article published in the Boston Globe on June 13th, 1992 entitled Abductees Gather at M.I.T. (Sponsored by an M.I.T. physicist and a Harvard psychiatrist, the closed, invitation-only conference was neither sanctioned nor endorsed by M.I.T.)

In my research, I gathered data from the Roper Organization Poll (see below) entitled, Unusual Personal Experiences, studied articles by Dr. John E. Mack, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School at the Cambridge Hospital and Founding Director of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age; David Jacobs, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History at Temple University and a leading academic authority on Unidentified Flying Objects; and Ron Westrum, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Technology at Eastern Michigan University and Associate Director of the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research. This led me to further investigation and I contacted John Carpenter, psychiatric therapist and clinical social worker from Springfield, MO who has done extensive work with "abductees" as well as Dr. Kenneth Ring, originator of The Omega Research Project. Other researchers were contacted as well to obtain an update on their studies.

The opening statement of the publisher of the Roper Report reads as follows:

This report to mental health professionals presents the combined data from three national surveys of nearly 6,000 adult Americans. It is the collective effort of a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, a professor of sociology of Eastern Michigan University, an associate professor of history at Temple University, a psychiatric therapist from Springfield, MO, an author and researcher from New York City and a large polling organization. This report on unusual personal experiences concerns the relations between these experiences and what can be called the 'UFO Abduction Syndrome.' The Roper Survey, which was conducted in 1991, suggests that hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of American men, women and children may have experienced abduction or abduction-related phenomena.

This article and the survey, which was based on 5,947 Americans, are not intended to convince anyone that this phenomenon exists. The findings show that the experiences known to be associated with abductions are surprisingly prevalent in the American population. Of 1,868 people, 1,033 reported one experience; 484 reported two experiences; 238 reported three experiences; 10l reported four experiences and 18 reported 5 experiences. The incidence of abduction experiences are reported as being two percent of the population. Indications are that the percentage might actually be somewhat higher. With 6,000 respondents for the study, one out of every 50 Americans may have had UFO abduction experiences. The conclusion can be drawn that UFO abduction experiences are much more common than many professionals are aware of.

With this staggering number of people it is not unlikely that many therapists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists as well as hypnotists and hypnotherapists may encounter people who belong to that group.

A frequently raised question is: Is it possible that these reports of abductions are, or might be indicative of, psychotic conditions or people suffering from severe psychopathology? Consistent reports from clinicians with reputable practices and credentials state that the percentage of people with psychopathology who seek attention and perpetuate hoaxes has been documented to be less than five percent. One also wonders what purpose a hoax would fulfill to a person who is fearful of telling others and thus receiving unwelcome publicity?

Another interesting point is that similar detailed reports have been submitted by people from different parts of the world. Finally, many of the people interviewed or seeking help would prefer to be seen as mentally unbalanced rather than having had these experiences. Some mental health professionals are quick to jump in and categorize those individuals as paranoid, delusional or psychotic because such encounters are so incredible that they are interpreted as pure fantasy.

In researching the field, it appears that many children are also reporting similar incidents. How do we definitely know that these experiences do or do not exist? If we allow ourselves, as therapists in any field of mental health, to deny the existence of such a phenomenon are we then not closing the door to people who have finally taken the risk of ridicule in order to share their experiences? They need to be listened to. Our belief system must not interfere with our clinical judgment. When we allow our own sets of beliefs to contaminate our judgment, then our effectiveness is greatly impaired. Refuting or rejecting the possibility of the abduction phenomenon does not negate the possibility of its existence.

Dr. Jacobs, in his book, Secret Life, reports that the foremost problem the abductees have is the emotional isolation. Although the abductees desperately want to discuss the phenomenon with friends and relatives, they find it difficult to tell anyone about their experiences for fear of ridicule.

In a column written by Dr. Thomas Bullard, one of the foremost Ufologists today, he states:

Hypnosis has become a basic tool for the investigation of missing time. The apparent memory block yields to hypnosis and releases the full and fantastic abduction story to conscious recall. When people with vague misgivings, partial memories or life-long obsessions recover abduction memories under hypnosis, they are often able to fit together the loose pieces of their lives, gaining an understanding and measure of control over the disturbing after effects of these experiences.

John Carpenter, in his article The Reality of the Abduction Phenomenon, states:

There are those who claim that it is their altered state of mind during hypnosis which is responsible for the creation of an abduction scenario. Other concerns are that the subject desires and expects abduction tales and the hypnotist subtly leads the client who is very suggestible in that state of mind. It has even been suggested that a psychic client can read the hypnotist's thoughts and knows how to respond.

He further states that about one third of abduction experiences are recalled without any use of clinical hypnosis.

There are many visual sightings of UFO occupants from around the world. The most common ones are frequently described as being 4 1/2 ft tall, skinny, gray humanoids with large heads and big eyes.

Many of the documented "leaks" from scattered military and governmental sources regarding the clandestine retrieval of crash sources and alien bodies consistently describe the same skinny little gray beings that others are claiming as abductors. (Leonard Stringield, UFO-Crash-Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence Status Report ) However, other species are also reported.

We need to be aware of our own system of beliefs and prevent it from interfering with the establishment of rapport, trust and confidence with our clients. We must put aside our tunnel vision, blinders, sets of beliefs and accept unconditionally so that we can hear our client's story unfolding. We need to remember that the client has taken a giant step unto a new journey of exploration. It goes without saying that the therapist must be well equipped to discern confabulations or psychotic processes while accepting the reality of the experience to that person.

Working towards informing the uninitiated abductee or therapist to the field, a work in progress authored by Michelle Guerin and this writer will provide the readers with guidance. Ms.Guerin has been abducted several times. Techniques and procedures will be discussed and transcripts of several sessions under hypnosis will illustrate the process. Based on the authors� experience and extensive exposure to support systems and networks, they have anticipated and compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by therapists new to the field as well as from abductees about to have their first experience in regression.

(Note: For more on Michelle's abduction experiences and Dr. Kouguell's treatment of her, visit: or read a gripping transcript of their actual hypnotic sessions)

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