Cattle Mutilations

Australian Yowie

Yowie Attack!

Source: A.H.R. - Australian Hominid Research
Report 31
DATE : 1968
LOCATION : Kempsey N.S.W.


George Gray 55, tells of wrestling with a 4' "ape man" for 10 minutes after he was attacked while sleeping in a bush hut. The creature pulled him from his bed, and then tried to drag him off.

George says: "We were wrestling around on the floor. I was punching it and getting pretty tired. I tried to get my right arm over to put an arm bar on it, but I could'nt hold it. The skin was sort of loose, like it had no muscles. My hands just sank in. It was like trying to hold something slippery. I could feel the bones. I couldn't feel the flesh at all. I could see the hair on it, it was dirty grey hair, but bristly like a pigs. I seemed like a man of some description.

"Mr. Grey said the creature had eyes like a Humans with deep creases under them. The face was coper-coloured and hairless, and the nose was big and flat." The funny thing was that it didn't seem to be angry! It had a look about it as if it was trying to wake me up and get me out the door".

During the struggle the creature made no noise and seemed not even to breathe. "It had a deep chest and shoulders and was so strong that it could shake me like a dog. All of a sudded it let go and shuffled out the door and disappeared into the bush."

Researcher's Notes:
"From the Archives of Dean Harrison"


AHR Nightwatchers
The Australian Hominid Researchers

There was silence......

A brief moment of anxiety with a breath of the air, and a hint of moonlight the leaves begin to rustle, the fading sounds of silence give way to the stomping, breaking and snapping crunches that haut the bush at night.

As brush parts and wind blows, the sounds of undergrowth crumbling underfoot grow louder........ closer......., breathing down your neck! A bump a thud, Crraaaacccccccckk! the sapplings burst apart "snapping like toothpicks" He lunges forward teeth a blaze emiting a spine-tingling scream "Damn! Missed the shot!" No its not a Yowie. Its an Australian Hominid Researcher! AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG..........

Yes the Boogieman is for real folks he does not only exist in the minds of curious men!

The Australian Hominid Researchers Dean, Phil, Ashley, Warren, Paul, Mike, Natalie and Jackie along with a number anonimous operatives have teamed up in a effort to convince the world that the elusive Australian Yowie, a close relative of the American Bigfoot and the Yetis of the European Alps exists.

Many of you reading this article will appreciate the hours that we toil the miles that we walk to put together that ultimate plan to unearth the moment of truth. Yes many hours walking through countless miles of bushland looking for signs and following leads collecting scat, hair samples, footprint castings, and photos so many of those happy snaps breathing reality into "the myserious creature that stalks the woods at night"

But this seemingly futile effort is all part of the the all important plan to expose the this creature in all it's glory, The Guys at AHR have put together a large amount of evidence to support the theories and items displayed on their Web-site they visit yowie sites regularly multiple times a week in fact.

The amount of time spent by the team in the bush tracking these Hominids colminates into a recognisable regular pattern developing in the movements of these creatures, once this pattern is established on a particular animal the creature is staked out and hopfully will fumble and be caught out on film.

These Human-like apes are very fast and situated in the thickest cover so photographing a moving target at 30 meters is a task of hit and miss. Many times the beast has eluded the cameras. Many times he has walked so close to the traps set for him, but he is smart and so cunning, he will stand almost next to you in the dark, just watching curiously, keeping track of your movements in his turf. This is his habitat the most deepest darks places where humans dont go ?????

"No he's here" right under our noses in many cases he is being squeezed into smaller and smaller areas of forest and bush all the time, expansion and developement of many bushland areas have eaten into his habitat, and he's subborn he doesnt want to leave, he rushes around the bush at night putting up signs "stay away humans I live here !" He will snarl and growl at you, stomp his foot in disgust of your presence, he has chased been chased and thrown rocks and sticks.

He sleeps right under your view by day. Yes he's under the lantana in bed or asleep beneath the ferns that line the hidden gullies. But too many of us have seen him too many times. He's there alright! and It's Just A Matter of Time before they catch him out.

Following is a series of typical reports written by various reseachers in the team from a recent expedition a few days ago.

Phil AHR

Keep visiting A.H.R. for more encounters as we revisit this site for further contact:

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