Crop Circles

"Temporary Temples For The Modern Age"

Crop Circles As Sacred Art
by Karen Douglas

June 1999

Part one deals with, in the main, some material I first had published in an article for SC Magazine in April of 1997 titled "Vibration, Crop Circles And Egyptian Temples?" Apologies to those who may have read that article for there are things I have repeated, although you may find some of the material has been reworked and developed. It was indeed necessary to repeat this as the ideas contained within it are essential to understand when reading the rest of the article.

My personal thanks to Mark Fussell & Stuart Dike for asking me to write this article.

Karen Douglas.


A Personal Experience

It wasn�t until the spring of 1998, standing in the brilliant yellow sea of an oilseed rape field at East Kennet, that I finally really got a feel for the age and subtle complexity of the landscape I was standing in. I felt I was standing on the threshold of a new understanding and a new phase in my life, it was quite profound. In that instant, I realised, I had finally recognised what it was that was so familiar about all of this to me, this landscape, these huge patterns in the crop, and I finally knew why all this had become so important to me that I had spent the last 8 years so completely absorbed by this crop circle mystery.

It was an interesting impasse. I took a few moments to stand utterly still, before me stood the mysterious Silbury Hill, behind me I could almost sense the West Kennet longbarrow and yet here was I stood right in the middle of a farmer�s field, a place where usually no-one has access to. Why was I here?

Stretching out in front of me was the most amazing sight. Arching majestically around the field was the massive Beltane Wheel crop formation in which I was now stood. I cannot express the depth of effect all of this was having on me, needless to say, it was a most wondrous experience.

I sat down and reflected. Over the last 8 years I had been involved in all kinds of lines of enquiry into the nature and cause of the crop circles. What or who made them, I�d looked at the physical nature of the circles; in fact I had spent whole summers during 1995 and 1996 making considerable efforts to visit as many formations as was possible and to record what I found. I had taken part in sampling formations for scientific analysis, experiments into the nature of an ineffable spiritual aspect to this phenomenon, UFO sightings, and military helicopters. But perhaps most important of all, although it wasn�t until now that I fully realised this, I had experienced first hand, some of the possibilities, for the kind of effect that this phenomenon can have upon the human being.

Whatever the crop circles are they have perplexed, moved and inspired people from all over the world. I have always been struck by the ability of the circles-mystery to change the lives of the people that it touches. And as I am at this impasse, I think it important that we look closely at this relationship many of us have entered into with this phenomenon because, it could be of vital importance to us.

There has always been something familiar about the crop circles to me, right from the beginning. Looking back, my interest in this phenomenon was never sparked by a feeling of something new and unexplained but by a vague sense of familiarity. I can clearly remember my first reaction to these giant shapes thinking, "What is this, this means something." I have come to recognise that as I move on and discover more about this mystery the stronger that sense of familiarity becomes, its like somehow retrieving a lost memory, and I know I�m not the only one who thinks like this. Its like trying to explain what the crop circles are and finding a million words on the end of your tongue that your mouth just cannot form.

Standing in the Beltane Wheel on a warm and sunny spring afternoon part of my realisation was of the wonderful space I was occupying. I remember the near perfect view of Silbury Hill, the blue sky, the yellow flowers and their sweet scent, it was a symphony for the senses. And yet there was something more than all this. There was, as I stood there, an overwhelming sense of the sacred, this was a sacred space, etched onto the landscape by some mysterious hand. It was as if we had been invited here that we may partake of something, perhaps even this impasse of mine had been by appointment. And, in that moment, I knew there was something about design, order and shape that had somehow managed to convey to me all of these ideas and feelings.


Ancient Beginnings

During the spring of 1997 I had written an article for SC magazine about a possible link between crop circle design and the principles of sacred art. Over the previous winter months I had been reading a book written by John Anthony West �Serpent In The Sky� about the work of a little known Egyptologist and mathematician R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. As is very often the case insight in to the circles comes in the most synchronistic ways.

Schwaller de Lubicz had come to view the Ancient Egyptians in a whole new light. He discovered that they had an astonishing understanding of number and geometry (far in advance of anything that orthodox scholars have so far acknowledged) and that their use of number had been very different to ours. He had found them to be knowledgeable in a complex number mysticism, which not only used number to quantify material things, but also used the interaction of numbers to explain the way in which the world worked. He had reached his insights about this ancient civilisation through the meticulous surveying of their temples, and in this careful, methodical but almost intuitive way he had discovered a depth to these people that made a deep impression on him and on those who now, years after his death have come to support his work. It seemed a significant sychronicity how closely this matched the crop circle subject, the meticulous surveying of some of these shapes has provided us with a depth of knowledge about the phenomenon that has made a deep impression on many researchers.

Schwaller de Lubicz went on to suggest that these ancient people perceived number so well that in fact that they also understood the relationship between number, vibration, frequency and form. It was a fascinating theory and one which, I felt, could shed some direct light on the crop circle phenomenon as it too principally dealt with shape, number and geometry. I shall explain.

Vibration, Frequency & Form

Modern Science is constantly making new discoveries about the nature of matter. It is also beginning to explore the more complex relationships between vibration frequency and form. We are probably all familiar with the fact that if we vibrate certain substances at certain frequencies, those substances begin to form patterns - geometric patterns; change the frequency of the vibration and the pattern created changes accordingly. �Serpent In The Sky� uses an illustration of this using oil of turpentine which floats on water in tanks. As the tanks are vibrated at certain frequencies so the oil forms patterns, not just random shapes, but geometric patterns. It is a simple, but effective, way of illustrating the very direct relationship between vibration, frequency and form. I was also truly amazed to read on and discover that it does not matter how many times these patterns were magnified, that they carried on ad infinitum, this seemed to have a direct correlation with fractals - something else we have had described for us by the crop circles in the fields.

Are we being given clues as to the nature of the circles or as to a message through their shape?

Orthodox historians would have us believe that the ancient Greeks were the inventors of complex mathematics, but as Schwaller de Lubicz discovered this was not necessarily true. He believed that the Greeks were taught all they knew by the Egyptians whose society was already very old by that time. Schwaller de Lubicz even suggested that this kind of sophisticated knowledge could have possibly been a legacy inherited by the Egyptians themselves from an ancient, lost and forgotten race. While surveying the great temple at Luxor, Schwaller de Lubicz discovered that this temple was a representation, in stone, of the human being. Each part of the temple corresponded to a plan of the human form and encoded in the geometry of its design and subtly played out on wall reliefs was sacred knowledge and belief about the human condition, physiology, psychology and spirituality. The themes thoughtfully, yet discreetly used in its design, were almost infused in the decoration and construction of this magnificent edifice.


Schwaller went further. He believed that the Egyptian temple was specifically designed to resonate with the human being, and perhaps further still to raise the vibration of the individual to inspire them to new spiritual heights. As difficult to comprehend as this is, it is nevertheless possible. If we can basically surmise that all matter is just groups of particles vibrating at a certain frequency (which is a current scientific theory), then as a set of vibrating particles ourselves we can be affected by other vibrating particles around us. We can be affected, either positively or negatively by this process, depending on what we are interacting with. Thinking about this, it is hardly surprising that people view modern cities - often a mishmash of architecture, smells and noises - as oppressive or depressing. Its almost an assault on the senses, say, in comparison with a quiet landscaped garden. If the Egyptians truly understood well the link between vibration, frequency and form perhaps they could engineer temples that could subtly resonate with its human visitors to create an sense of the sacred.

This idea is something which resonates well with the crop circles. They too could be interpreted as �Temporary Temples For the Modern Age�. Huge, geometric temporary temples, with a seeming ability to inspire our psyche to a higher sense of reality, could all of this be achieved with an interplay of location, geometry and proportion? And if so, I wonder what kind of science or art is this?

The Crop Circle Effect

It has always been a mystery as to why so many people feel compelled to enter the formations. Is it perhaps because of the wonderful feelings of harmony and resonance these shapes inspire, compared to our towns and cities. What about the way crop circles seem to change the lives of those they touch, is that not an inspiration? And what about the many physical and psychological effects that have been reported over the years could not euphoria, peace and well being be the result of resonance, while headaches, nausea and disorientation be attributable to dissonance?

Is this something we need as human individuals, something we once had but have now forgotten?

Glimpses Of A Sacred Tradition

We have all been treated to the delights and intrigue of the geometry of the crop circles. In fact, it is, perhaps the thing that indicates implicitly order and intelligence in the mystery. The clever and inspired use of number in the creation of these shapes has been a key to unlocking yet another closet of wisdom, the role of sacred geometry. If the discovery of the importance of the relationship between vibration, frequency and form was important, it was important for illuminating the role of sacred geometry in the crop circles. The function and meaning of this form of number mysticism, to the crop circles, is one which to most is little understood. But if we look at the tradition of this timeless art and science (to the ancients it was both) we find startling insights into the meaning of the crop circles and our relationship to them.

Another of the fascinating conclusions Schwaller de Lubicz reached about the ancient Egyptians was the way in which they viewed religion, mathematics medicine, science and spirituality as one whole concept, rather than individual parts. Not an analysis of the way which we experience the world, but rather a synthesis of those experiences. Could this be relevant to the circles? I think it is. So is the way with modern science and our investigative techniques, we take what we have and break it down into as many parts as possible thinking that this may tell us how things work and why. But while reading about this alternative view it suddenly hit home that we have trying to investigate little constituent parts of this mystery, when what is needed is that we have to view this as a whole.

What Schwaller de Lubicz had discovered as he had carried out his work amongst the temples of the ancients was that they had been knowledgeable and well practised in a very pure form of Sacred Geometry. And the more I read on about this subject the more I realised that this was going to have a profound connection with what I understood about the significance of the crop circles. It seemed that these shapes in our fields were indeed illustrating something that we could access and understand, they were using the language of number and form, they were using the principles of an ancient number tradition. These shapes, I surmised, may, not be as alien and impenetrable as we sometimes imagine them to be, what we needed was a different framework in which to view them through.

I had been looking through some of the wonderful crop circle photographs that my partner Steve Alexander had taken using the time honoured pole-shot method. This type of photography seems to give a unique view of the formations and their place in the landscape. As I looked through them I found on many occasions that my eye was drawn out and off in the distance by following the tractor lines that intersected the formations (usually near to their centre). I was struck by the number of pictures that seemed to show how these intersecting tractor lines flowed out into the landscape and appeared to meet with a parting of the trees or a single standing tree on the edge of the field or on the horizon. In looking at these images I became aware that the placing of some of the circles is paramount, not just geographically, but locally; it is as if there is sometimes a relationship between the formation and its location which is intrinsically harmonic in nature. It was like we were been shown something; were we supposed to broaden our horizons, or was there something subtle being illustrated for us here about looking at a bigger picture and about not just viewing the formations in isolation, but as part of a bigger whole? During the 1998 season Steve and I made a concerted and deliberate effort to record the year�s formations in the landscape, both in the air and on the ground, as we both knew there was something here that needed to be further understood.

Spending time contemplating all of this I was beginning to get a real feel for the idea of a whole concept rather than a huge mystery with small constituent parts (a new framework). It resonated somehow. I also realised that had to return to the role of a crop circle experiencer, rather than continue in the mode of a researcher or analyst only, in order that I may further progress in my understanding of what I was beginning to discover. I had to allow myself to be moved by this again, because this was where the true effect and therefore part of true meaning of the crop circles lay.

After looking into the way in which the relationship between vibration, frequency, and form could shed some direct light on the crop circle mystery, and the possibility that some of our most ancient civilisations had this knowledge and were able to use it. Is it any surprise that many other ancient traditions are then found being worked within crop circle design and placement? But what does all this mean?


Sacred Geometry

The more I thought about it the more the idea of a �bigger picture� made sense. I was intrigued by the way this corresponded to some of the traditions surrounding sacred geometry - numbers, interaction of numbers and relationships between numbers which could illustrate the harmonic principles of life and make visible the invisible - a whole concept, or a concept of the whole.

I don�t know the roots of this almost timeless discipline. I am only just beginning to learn about the significance of what this subject has to offer. I am only just beginning to see the way in which it has been used throughout history, in some of our most sacred architecture and in our religious thought.

One of the first questions that comes to mind is, why are such ancient traditions being seemingly illustrated in such a modern mystery? It�s not an easy question to answer. Some of the most consistent work, into the geometry and sacred geometry of the circles, has been done by the charismatic crop circle researcher, Michael Glikman. He has shown how hidden geometric shapes underlie some of the crop circle designs and that some of these shapes have important ratios to one another, ratios and proportions which could be considered sacred. Mathematical principles such as the golden section and the Fibonacci series are found with regularity in the crop circles. But what does all this mean?

The tradition of sacred geometry has been used for thousands of years to describe the nature of creation, the invisible principles of life, even the principles of the movement of the stars. In other words it was a whole concept - or a concept of the whole, a way of illustrating the action of all things.

The whole was unity, often shown as a circle and it is from unity and returning to unity which governs the movement and action of all things. The division of unity comprises the first act of creation, shown as the vesica piscis, unity (or God) divides itself in order to create the world. Sacred geometry attempts to show, using the medium of number and form, an interconnected array of principles which could be seen as pure archetypes for the way in which all aspects of creation operate. The vesica piscis, which appeared as a crop circle near to Ashbury in Oxfordshire during 1996, was a clear depiction of the role that sacred geometry was playing in the crop circle mystery. This particular archetypal act is mirrored with uncanny accuracy when we think of the division of a cell.

And so this continues. The relevance of the golden section and the Fibonacci sequence, both used in crop circle design, become clearer when we realise that these numbers serve as archetypal functions of growth and development. The golden spiral is seen in nature when we look at shells and other natural spiral forms. The fibonacci series becomes clearer when we realise that it can govern leaf distribution on plants or the way in which plants divide, branch-out and grow. This is reflected again so well, in the unfolding and growth of the crop circle phenomenon and our own unfolding and growth as we follow this mystery.

These archetypal functions are never sum perfect in nature, but are often enough as near as damn it, that is why these number functions are archetypal; i.e. they are the principle which governs rather than an absolute rule. Could this be part of the reason that crop circles are never absolutely perfect? Delving deeper into these mysteries we find that the golden spiral and the fibonacci series are all functions of five fold geometry, which is the geometry that governs all living things, the geometry of life.

The principles of sacred geometry, in their own way, are nothing less than what we seek in modern science today, the absolutes, the laws by which all matter and life is governed. In fact these traditions have been the secret contemplation and fascination of some of our greatest scientists as well as the mystics.

Exactly what is being shown to us by these huge geometric crop circles in our fields, which incorporate the vesica piscis, the golden spiral and the fibonacci sequence? There is something clearly profound about all of these designs and if in some way they can affect us directly by the vibration they create by their very presence, just what are the possibilities for the effect they can have upon us? Are we being given clues in to the very nature of life? Or, perhaps a way of developing the human mind?

There is a further level to the tradition of sacred geometry, which deals with the metaphysical. When the basic principles of this knowledge are understood, this discipline uses the contemplation of this knowledge as a way of fathoming or becoming closer to God, the divine. It can and has been used for thousands of years in the pursuit of some of the oldest questions of all, such as the meaning of our life on the Earth, the existence of the soul and the mystery of death. it is a fascinating concept which is utterly absorbing. Maybe there is something about the use of such divine principles in some of the crop circles, which can create an ambience of the sacred within them, and can communicate in an instant, an ineffable sense of spirituality.

Perhaps it was a high knowledge, understanding, and practice of sacred geometry, which gave foundation, for the ancient Egyptian concept of an �all encompassing� interconnectedness, which Schwaller de Lubicz discovered through his measuring of their most sacred of buildings.

A concept, that did indeed include, mathematics, science, medicine, religion, and spirituality, as one whole. The seeming interconnectedness, that crop circles and sacred geometry have, is more than a small argument, for taking on board a view of this, as an all encompassing mystery which can work on many, many levels from the most basic modern scientific term, into the realm of the human spirit.

But more than that, I wonder if crop circles are serving as a kind of renaissance for some of these ancient traditions, are we being asked again to look at, re-discover and contemplate this world view? - I wonder....

A Question Of Timing

There has been in recent years been a number of significant discoveries about the ancients. Researchers and authors such as Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, John Anthony West - to name but a few - are revolutionising our view of the ancient world and our most ancient ancestors. They are telling us, in short, that these people were highly intelligent and perhaps even had knowledge about our world (and the next) that we have somehow forgotten. All the evidence they have endeavoured to put before us testifies to the fact that they left to us a legacy and that that legacy is of the greatest importance to us. The world has been set alight by these discoveries, intense interest has been shown in this work, but in order to decipher this code, this legacy that we have been left, we have to be able to key into the way these ancient peoples thought and operated. The only way to do that, to key into this lost memory is to be able to understand their world view; the interconnected world view like that of sacred geometry. The ancients used this kind of geometry in all their monuments and it is through this mysterious universal language that we may discover and claim our lost legacy.

I find little surprise in the fact that just at the time these kinds of discoveries were first being made, that the phenomenon of the crop circles was born in modern times.

An Ancient Landscape

A question I am constantly asked is why do the vast majority of crop circles appear in the County of Wiltshire in England and more specifically around the locale of Avebury and Silbury Hill. There seems to be almost a love affair between the crop circles and this part of Wiltshire, in fact come to think of it a love affair between crop circles and ancient sites full stop. Very often crop circles appearing all over the world have situated themselves near to ancient, sacred or hallowed ground, it seems to be part of the plan. But what are we being shown here?

According to those who profess to be skilled in the age old art of dowsing the crop circles are also situated on ancient lines of energy, or according to some create their own dowsable energy patterns. Many have suggested that the same kind of energy that flows through ancient sites also is somehow used or contained within the crop circles. It's a difficult concept to gasp and I am no dowser. But, I now wonder whether the close proximity to ancient sites is a much more simple question than that of unseen energies, and whether the message being relayed here is more to do with the thinking that went into the building of some of these sites. In other words, is the thinking behind some of these sites linked with an old world-view and the traditions of sacred geometry - just like Schwaller de Lubicz discovered in ancient Egypt? To me this seems to fit in much more coherently than the idea of the significance of dowsable energies. That doesn�t mean that these energies do not exist or are not indeed significant in some way, but in looking for a meaning or message within the crop circle phenomenon the re-iteration of this way of thinking I feel is highly significant. Time after time, in every aspect of this phenomenon, it seems we are being told the same thing - That in order to understand the significance of what is occurring we have to go back to this old world view. - I am currently considering the possibility that the whole reason why this is so important is linked in a very big way to this concept.

Another clue linking ancient sites and another fascinating aspect of the crop circle I found while reading yet another book, �The New View Over Altlantis� by John Michell. The first part of this book concerns itself with sacred sites and their placement on the landscape. One of the things I was particularly drawn to was the description of ancient lines crossing the English landscape, which very often connected ancient sites across the Country. These lines are contemporary with the early ancient megalithic temples of England, many of which have now long been dismantled and Christian churches now stand in their place. There is something infinitely mysterious and so very ancient about this landscape of ours, much of which we know practically nothing about, the history of our earliest British ancestors is shrouded in as much mystery as the crop circles themselves. The work of several notable scholars show the geometric designs that underlie many of these sites, including Stonehenge and Avebury, and also their astronomical alignments - I am beginning to learn that the science of astronomy plays an unprecedented role in this lost gnosis and I am also wondering about the many correlations that some of the crop circles have with the heavens, this I believe this is perhaps still an unfolding theme within the phenomenon (see SC Nov/Dec issue 81 - for a fascinating article about astronomical correlations and the �Galaxy� formations of 1994). The fact that some of our oldest megalithic sites have an underlying geometric design is another clue in the relationship that these two subjects actually have.

Light Phenomena

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic parts of the crop circle phenomenon is the mysterious balls of light that have been seen and filmed in and around the crop circles. Many of these films have been taken in broad daylight, many have suggested that these lights are responsible for creating the circles and in fact there is one piece of controversial footage - the Oliver�s Castle footage - which seems to show exactly that. These lights seem to display some unusual characteristics, they seem to get smaller as they approach the camera, or larger the further they travel from the camera. They seem to radiate or reflect a brilliant amount of light for their size and, in the case of Steve Alexander�s famous footage, they have been seen to affect mechanical equipment as the footage shows a tractor in the distance stopping as the light flies overhead. Recently, whilst watching an extended interview with the tractor driver in the film, he quite plainly states that he was not responsible for stopping the vehicle and that he attributes the mechanical failure to the mysterious light as it flew directly over him. This fact is particularly interesting when we note that the tractor in question was a diesel-fuelled vehicle, and did not have a petrol engine.

There are however stories going back a hundred years or so of lights were seen by those investigating ancient stone circles and their connecting lines on the landscape. These lights appeared and lead astray those in their presence, the lights were often called Will o� the wisp. These lights are described as bright balls of shimmering luminescence, which can appear either in the air or on the ground and have even been known to closely approach human beings. Very often the lights are described as almost having a kind of intelligence, they seem curious, inquiring, playful and on occasion mischievous. Many of those having encounters have had experiences of these lights suddenly appearing right before their eyes, flashing so brightly that they are momentarily blinded.

From accounts of the two phenomena, it seems it is entirely possible that they are in fact one and the same phenomenon.

So why is Will o� the wisp seemingly interested in crop circles? It�s an interesting question isn�t it? Will o� the wisp was mainly sighted around ancient sites, ley lines, stone circles, round barrows, long barrows and alike. Sites which, have a certain placement on the landscape and which very often, have underlying geometries to their shapes and arrangements. One of the possibilities explored in �A New View Over Altlantis� is that perhaps these lights once animated the leylines that criss-cross the landscape and that this was part of an ancient science. The lights, a natural nature or elemental energy, was utilised by the ancients in some mysterious and unknown way, perhaps part of that was to move and raise cyclopean stone megaliths? Perhaps there was a partnership between human beings and these strange elemental energies. Perhaps we are being invited to re-discover and re-explore this relationship and perhaps this is one of the greatest mysteries in the whole crop circle phenomenon.

The idea that we could be in the midst of a renaissance of an old-world view is fascinating. But more than that, there seems to be something of profound importance within the crop circles that we have yet to even imagine....


Ley Consciousness

It seems to me now that there is so much more going on here than just some elemental energy roaming the countryside frequenting ancient sites and, in more recent times, crop circles. These lights seem almost to have an intelligence of their own, some kind of consciousness. Many who have encountered these lights say there seems to be almost an interaction between the observer and the observed. A recognition perhaps, of another �like� intelligence. For most it is an uncanny and strange experience, for some it can engender a vague sense of familiarity or a sense of the scared.

There is something else too, another way in which this becomes a two way, interactive process. Its almost as if when we begin to follow the old straight track, to begin to re-discover the old world view for our selves our hand is taken and we are accompanied. We begin to live in a world of coincidence and synchronicity, where we suddenly find answers to questions we have been seeking, and where new and uncharted paths open before us in new and surprising ways. I guess what I�m trying to say here is that we are almost encouraged and nurtured as though something wants us to remember something, perhaps a relationship we once had with this elemental energy, or how we are directly related to it and it to us.

An Elemental Life Energy

In 1942 an unorthodox scientist, Dr Wilhelm Reich published a book �The discovery of Orgone Energy. Present in every particle of energy throughout the universe, it was the life giving energy, the life force, animating energy that was fundamental to life. Could balls of light be some kind of manifestation of this energy? Some suggest that many megalithic sites are orgone accumulators with underground chambers where one can experience the effect of such energy, perhaps the balls of light around these places are an accumulation of such an energy that is visible to the naked eye.

There have been some interesting experiments carried out to look at the relationship between Orgone energy and the crop circles, and, it is still as relevant today as it was when it was carried out, when it was largely derided or ignored by the crop circle community. For those interested I can recommend �Alien Energy� by Andrew Collins, unfortunately now a rare and coveted book.

With all this in mind, I often wonder whether the fact that we are beginning to gather once more on our sacred landscape, near to our ancient sites, in the huge geometric temporary temples we call crop circles, has peaked the interest of this special conscious energy enough for it to exercise its curiosity to come and see what we�re up to. To interact and play with us and yet to lead us on and instruct us in the old ways once again.

I also wonder whether crop circles themselves are a new renaissance of the mysteries of the old-world view (A world of a whole concept or a concept of the whole). Viewed in context, with all the other recent discoveries being made about our ancient ancestors, and glimpses of a lost knowledge, crop circles could just be another significant sign-post directing us towards this momentous re-discovery. It seems to be gaining momentum, and seems by the very nature of its unfolding to be of vital importance to us.

The Nature Of Spirit

When viewed in this way it is inescapable that we have to begin to contemplate the spiritual aspect of this whole we are being invited to consider, as this is as much a part of the whole as any other part.

It has always been an interesting part of the crop circle phenomenon that people have instinctively felt there was some spiritual nature to what has been happening. For some, this has been the very thing, which has been so hard to accept, and which seems to drive, a hostility towards those who are prepared to at least consider it. I find it one of the most challenging questions we are asked to deliberate in modern Cereology, it is certainly one of the most contentious and links directly to the pursuit of the real meaning and significance of the circles to us.

I don�t think it is particularly unusual for us to look for significance in things, which seem able to grip us so firmly and affect us so deeply. In fact it is what defines part of our cognitive reasoning, i.e. the ability to see pattern and meaning in our lives. For those who have found that their world view has changed as a result of their involvement in the crop circle mystery, it is therefore not unanticipated that they try to reason as to why that light be.

My notion is, however, that this is more than just a product of human faculty. When we consider the possibility that, the size, shape, and geometry of these designs could actually affect us in some subtle way: and that sacred geometries are so called because part of their nature is that they engender a sense of spirit. Is this what many feel, in some ineffable way, when we are inside crop circles? The same way as which they would perhaps feel a sense of divine presence in a temple or church, where these sacred proportions have also been used in the design? Are they sacred and divine proportions which, are part of a lost legacy left to us from the most ancient of times and which now seems to be appearing in the modern mystery of the crop circles.

And yet there seems to be even more than this, when immersed in this subject we find ourselves on a voyage of discovery and enlightenment. A world full of coincidence and sychronicity, which leads us to view the world, and our place in it , very differently. There is something truly magical in all of this, a way of being that we have forgotten, a quest for knowledge that we need to fulfil as human beings - crop circles can be the key to all of this for the open.

We are being asked to gather once more on our sacred landscape because there is something there, which we have forgotten. We are learning more than ever the significance of an ancient and lost civilisation and its important legacy to us - I would like to suggest crop circles are part of a renaissance of an old world the view, the same view that our most ancient cultures once had - a world-view of sacred geometry, hidden symbolism, and a knowledge of the divine through the contemplation of the heavens. It seems as we travel ever further towards this millennium milestone that we must seek to retrieve what we have lost because it is of immense importance to us - crop circles offer one way into the labyrinth.


My Personal Experience.....

I shall never forget the experience of being in The Beltane Wheel formation in the Spring of 1998. It was like there was some �magic� being played out in this field and I had been part of that magic. It�s effect was like nothing else I had ever experienced because my sense of awareness of what was happening to me had taken on a new depth. I had finally allowed myself to become part of this phenomenon in a way, which made much more sense to me inside, than all of my investigations. This for me is the true �magic� of the circles. We have these truly huge and magnificent landscape markers, temporary temples, where the �magic� of number, proportion, shape and harmony are played for us in the most dramatic of fashions. They are a doorway to a new (or is it old?) way of thinking and being and all we have to do to enter is to be still and truly listen - Who knows what we may find?

This article is dedicated to Steve, a much misunderstood but completely dedicated crop circle experiencer - this, my love, is for you.

The End?

© Steve Alexander & Karen Douglas

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