Dead Jedi Page

Welcome to one of the many little idiosynchratic projects that are ongoing here at the House of Ketracel White: The Dead Jedi Project. The "Ghost of Yoda" figure was one of the earliest of the figures in the latest incarnation of the Star Wars Power of the Force line that was rumored to exist, but of course, never did. The figures you see here probably got their start from an idea spawned by that rumor. When the "Jedi Spirits" were released in a three-pack, it only seemed fitting that they be place on individual backer cards. Then, the recently-released Episode 1 added several more Jedi ghost figures that came as part of larger deluxe packages that begged to be put on individual cards. Enjoy the dead guys!

From the "Jedi Spirits" three-pack, Yoda is. Yoda is also the only Jedi amongst this group to not meet a violent death.

Another figure from the "Jedi Spirits" three-pack, although ghostly Ben also appeared in another spooky format as a Lays Potato Chip mailaway premium.

The final figure from the "Jedi Spirits" three-pack is Anakin Skywalker, Luke's dad. Apparently Jedi from this era all sport minty green ghosts.

Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi's former master, was made from the Qui-Gon Jinn holographic figure that was a WalMart exclusive. As Qui-Gon never appeared in Episode 1 as a holograph, but did appear as a dead Jedi, I thought he would make a better dead Jedi. Stupid Hasbro.

Darth Maul was also constructed from a WalMart exclusive figure. Although he did appear in Episode 1 as a holograph, he was a bluish color, like all the other holographs, not purple, like this figure. Stupid Hasbro. Red would have been an appropriate color for a dead Sith Lord. But, since he too also appears in Episode 1 as a dead Jedi (OK, Sith Lord), I thought he should be added to this series.

Darth Sidious
Darth Maul's master. I didn't really make this figure, as Hasbro did something right, and released this figure as Holographic Sidious. Although they released him with flesh-colored hands and face. And he is (at the time of this posting) relatively hard to find. But I thought he would be a fine candidate for this series, since as Emperor Palpatine, he got his comeuppance by Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi.

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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