Totally Evil
Star Trek

For whatever reason, the good guys of the Federation seem to attract evil in all its incarnations like a magnet. Something is always coming out of the woodwork to fold, spindle and mutilate a few good redshirts. Even the ranks of Starfleet itself seem riddled with evil, with about half the starship Captains on some personal mission of mischief. Here are a few of the more evil Star Trek customs I've put together.

Heeeeeeeeere's Armus! Armus, pure evil incarnate, is arguably the lamest Star Trek villain to ever kill a major character. But he did slime Riker, so he can't be all bad. Rich, thick, chocolatey Armus was made with Das Pronto sculpted over a "skeleton" of Picard in Space Suit from First Contact.

What's better than pure evil? Dr. Evil! And he's 98 percent less gooey than Armus.

Once, in a weird transporter accident, Captain Picard was split into two personalities. A regular Captain Picard and an evil Picard. Evil Picard, shown here, now roams the galaxy with his evil side-kick, Mini-Picard, causing all sorts of trouble for the Federation. And wearing mod space-duds to boot. He's thinking of teaming up with Thomas Riker and Evil Kirk, if he can track those two plot gimmicks down. That's the rumor on the next Star Trek movie anyway.

Evil Picard was made from a First Contact 9-inch Picard from Playmates, and the silver suit from the 9-inch Dr. Evil figure from Trendmasters. Mini-Picard (aka Mini-Me) is from the 9-inch Dr. Evil figure, and is probably one of the coolest accessories to come down the pike in awhile.

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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