Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Frog Gods.

1937. Somewhere in the jungles of southest Asia. Indiana Jones is pensive. The head from the famed statue at the Temple of the Frog Gods has been stolen. Through his research on other projects, Dr. Jones has obtained information on it's current whereabouts. Soon he will be in the jungle. On his way to recover the artifact and return it to it's rightful owners. But the snakes. Oh�the snakes��� .

Surveying the jungle, Indy knows the dangers ahead. And wonders why in the world he is wearing a leather jacket and gloves in this heat.

After days of relentless effort, including a flash flood, snakes and more snakes, rogue mercenaries, and the withering heat, the artifact is finally on its way back to its rightful place. The famed solid platinum Homerian statue in the Temple of the Frog Gods.

Indy is made from a 12-inch Star Wars Hoth Han figure. The likeness on that particular figure is one of the most accurate of the various Han figures that Hasbro has released. Unfortunately, the Hoth Han is wearing gloves, but Indy has been known to wear gloves on occasion also. The clothes are from a Tuskegee Officer GI Joe figure, as is the gunbelt. The pants were "dyed" using acrylic paint mixed with a fabric fixative. The holster, handgun, and satchel are from a "Soldiers of the World" figure. The satchel was also "dyed" with acrylic paint and fabric fixative to simulate leather. I still have to locate a suitable revolver to replace the semi-automatic that Indy is now carrying. Indy's hat is a 79 cent fedora from Michael's. Indy's trademark bullwhip is fashioned from a braided piece of simulated leather cord, with a handle sculpted out of Das Pronto to fit the figures hand. Check out Jonathan Sheen's cool Indiana Jones at Leviathan Studios.

I wanna go back to the homepage. Beam me outta here, Scotty! ENERGIZE!

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