Here are a few choice links to other cool sites on the web featuring the work of both Star Trek customizers and customizers of other action figure genres. The Custom Action Figures Links banner will take you to the most comprehensive custom action figure links compilation on the planet, and is well worth a visit.

Custom Action Figure Links!

Great Link
The House of Ketracel-White is part of The Great Link

SpotsnCo: A very large collection of customized Trek figures. One of the best collections of customized Trek figures on the web. Energize!.

Ian McLean�s site featuring some very well done, and unusual, customized Trek figures. Energize!.

Captain Kaine�s site featuring customized 9� Trek figures. A very large collection of customized figures. Energize!.

Byrt Martinez� site features customized Trek figure, including a flip-top Spock from that �great� TOS episode �Spock�s Brain�. Energize!.

Customized figures from Davey Stone, including some Trek figures. Energize!.

A page from the PlayTrek family album. Scroll down to Michael Clay's section to see some of his fantastic Star Trek customs. He doesn't have a website, though, to display all his work. Energize!.

Gerardo Nevarez� site featuring customized Trek figures. Energize!.

The Final Frontier. Customized Trek figures, recipes for customizing limited edition Trek figures, plus one of the most comprehensive sites for information on Playmates Trek figures in general. Unfortunately, this site no longer appears to be operational. I have left the link in hopes that it will resurface in it�s revamped state. Energize!.

The Playtrek homepage. The Playtrek mailing list is devoted entirely to the Star Trek action figures produced by Playmates. Very useful, informative and fun. Energize!.

The Custom Corner of the Raving Toy Maniac site: Includes articles on tips and hints, recipes, plus a large gallery of customized figures from various customizers. A great general reference site. Energize!.

Bill Burns� collection of custom figures. Bill is one of the foremost customizers on the web today, especially for figures in the �animated style�. Energize!.

Custom figures by David and Amy Ludwig. Includes mainly female superheroines at this time. Energize!.

More custom figures by David and Amy Ludwig, also known as DnA customizing. Chock full of customizing goodness. Energize!.

Custom figures Mike and Nirah. Nirah�s custom Tick figures are the finest on the web, bar none. Energize!.

Hauke Scheer�s Doomworld. Energize!.

Leslie Hancock�s Site with DC superheroes: Legion of Superheroes, Animal Man, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman; plus a couple of miscellaneous non-superhero customs Energize!.

Robin MacRorie�s Site with some excellent BTAS customs, plus others. Energize!.

Custom Creations From the Lightside of the Midnight Toy Portal, Featuring the Custom Creations of Wisconsin Customizers. Energize!.

Charlie J's website of Superheroes. Energize!.

Custom figures from Ken Goach, the keeper of the Custom Corner on the RTM site. Energize!.

Custom figures from Baldwyn Chieh. Energize!.

Stingray�s Custom Pit of figures. Check out his Austin Powers. Energize!.

Custom figures by Rich Medley. Check out his Austin Powers, too. Energize!.

Custom figures by Storybum. Energize!.

Custom figures by D.J Sylvis Energize!.

Custom figures by Orlando. Lotsa cool stuff. Energize!.

Custom figures by kennyb Energize!.

Custom figures by Matt Britton Energize!.

Custom figures by Christine. Energize!.

DarkMonkE�s realm of stuff, including customized figures. Energize!.

A whole gallery of custom figures by various artistes, courtesy of Mr. Jack Knight. Energize!.

Coming soon! Beam me out!.

Coming soon! Beam me out!.

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