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The Animorph Plex - Animorph Jokes
Plex's Animorph Jokes
Do you have a really funny Animorph Joke? And want to send it to me, to have it on my web page then E-mail it to me.

Plex's Animorph Jokes

Q:If Elfangor`s blue box was broken, and the Animorphs didn`t know it,what would they be?

A:Dead Meat

Q: What do you get when you cross a bear and a gorilla?

A: A cute couple

Q: If there was a one piece of pie left, who would get it : Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, a dumb Gedd, or a smart Yeerk?

A: The dumb Gedd cause the other three don't exist!

Q: What do you get when you cross a yeerk whith a andalite

A: Visser 3

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