The Animorph Plex - Banner

The Animorph Plex - Banner

The Animorph Plex
The Animorph Plex - The Largest Animorph site on the net!!

And it's simple really just copy everything from the text box below, and then paste it to your page.

<small><p><center><p><CENTER><TABLE BORDER CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 COLS=1 > <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#000000" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF"> <CENTER> <FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica"><A HREF="" onMouseOver="window.status='The Animorph Plex - The Largest Animorph site on the net!!'; return true" target="_top">The Animorph Plex</A> </FONT></CENTER> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 onMouseOver="window.status='The Animorph Plex - The Largest Animorph site on the net!!'; return true" target="_top" ALT="The Animorph Plex - The Largest Animorph site on the net!!"></A></CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER></p></center></p></small>

And if you would like a smaller link to my page. Use this, however, you must put this on your main page. Not a sub-links page.

The Animorph Plex
<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" BORDER=0 onMouseOver="window.status='The Animorph Plex'; return true" target="_top" ALT="The Animorph Plex"></A></CENTER>

Please add this banner to your web page and I will add your link to my link page thank you. But please remember you. You may not change the banner in anyway. Also you need to E-Mail me telling me that my banner is on your page and to put your link on my page.

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