Vampire of the Month Club

The Vampire of the Month Club is a completely free, completely optional book club for people who like to read vampire stories. Just send me your name and email address at [email protected] and once a month I'll send you the name of this month's club selection. Once you've read it - or if you want to know if you should bother - check this site out for reviews or add your own.

August Selection:
Kene Lazuta

July Selection:
They Thirst
by Robert R. McCammon

June Selection:
Evil Stalks the Night
by Kathryn Meyer Griffith

May Selection:
Bring on the Night
by Jay and Don Davis
Review by Jory

April Selection:
Lord of the Dead

March Selection:
Vampire Winter
by Lois Tilton

February Selection:
I, Vampire
by Michael Romkey
Review by Jory

January Selection:
The Highgate Vampire
by Sebastian Manchester
Review by Jory can be requested through email

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