From Tue Apr 18 09:56:20 1995 Received: from by Cliff.ACS.Oakland.Edu with SMTP id AA23755 (5.67a+/IDA-1.5); Tue, 18 Apr 1995 09:55:02 -0400 Received: by (8.6.10/1.14) id GAA10107; Tue, 18 Apr 1995 06:55:00 -0700 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 06:55:00 -0700 From: Vulcana Message-Id: <> To: jjhoxsey@Vela.ACS.Oakland.Edu Subject: transform.02 Status: OR Article 16196 of Path:!!!psgrain!!!!caen!hearst.acc.Virginia.EDU!!usenet From: (JASON R DOOLITTLE) Newsgroups: Subject: Fanfic: The Transformers Part II Date: 17 Apr 1995 18:29:00 GMT Organization: James Madison University Lines: 289 Sender: Message-ID: <3muc1c$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS v1.25 The Transformers Part II: The Return of the Decepticons By Jason Doolittle Chapter 9 Optimus Prime had a problem. Even though Cybertron had been at peace for millions of years, he had a strange feeling that something was going to happen that would destroy all that the Autobots had built since the Second Great War. He wasn't sure what, but the Matrix was giving him bad vibrations. He had allowed Alpha Omega to start a project designing a new Transfromer, which was an advancement on Optimus Prime's design. These were meant to be warriors and nothing else. Optimus was so afraid of what he was sensing that he wanted to have protection, whatever might go wrong. He thought the safest thing to do was to build up some kind of reserve army in case of trouble. For some reason this did not ease his mind. The new Transformer was beyond anything else built before. It was the same size as Optimus Prime, but was inherently more versatile, more powerful, and more durable. He could fight alone in robot mode, or be used by someone else in rifle mode. It seemed to be the ultimate insurance to Prime's fears. Still, Prime was unsure of the project, and told Alpha Omega not to give the robot life once it had been finished. The robot was put in a sealed room deep under the capital city, and the project remained top secret. Meanwhile the remaining losers of the Second Great War still were in hiding. General One did have scouts on the surface who brought him news of what was going on. one of these scouts was actually an Autobot technician named Hook. Hook was one of Alpha Omega's team members on the project. He was a Decepticon at heart, but his work as a surgeon and engineeer was more important to him, so he became an Autobot and hid his true loyalties. Hook reported to General One about the project. General One realized immediately that this robot could be the start of the rebirth of the Decepticon Empire. After much preparation, Hook was able to locate and open the secret lab where the robot was placed. General One and some other Decepticons arrived and started the work. General One's plan was to bring this robot to life, and then destroy Optimus Prime and take over Cybertron. The problem was that the birth of a Cybertronian mind was a random event. The old computer programs could give any variety of personality to the robot. Hook knew this, and had secretly been working to control the computer program to give it a certain kind of personality - a personality directed on destroying the Autobots and ruling Cybertron. General one of course wanted to rule Cybertron, but Hook did not appreciate General One's leadership capabilities. Hook made sure that this new Transfromer would have dreams of conquest as well. Hook constructed the brain, which was by far the most advanced ever made. It had more processors, and could think faster than even most computers on Cybertron. Hook was indeed a genius at neural and micro-processing technologies. Everything was ready for the birth of this new Decepticon. Hook put the brain in, and plugged it in. He then turned on the personality computer, and enetered the sub-program he created to bring the kind of personality he wanted. He then turned it on. The room lit up in a flash of bright light as the power of Cybertron fed into the robot's body, and simultaneously he was given life. Something then went wrong. The robot's body had a huge capacity for recieving energy, more energy than the program initially gave to it. The robot's power core started sucking more energy through the computer network, overloading the system and the program. In turn raw energy was being absorbed directly into the co-processors of the brain until the computer overloaded and shut down. This Transformer now had more energy in it than any other on Cybertron. Hook checked the computer, but the lines had been burned, and the computer was destroyed. The robot rose and stood up. Hook looked up at the looming figure. "Can you hear me? What is your name?" The robot just looked around, still smoldering from the energy transfer. Hook asked again, "Do you have a name?" The robot answered in a menacing voice, "I am Megatron." "What is your function?" "To destroy the Autobots, and rule Cybertron." Chapter 10 Realizing that his plan had worked, General One attempted to take over the conversation. "I am General One, Leader of the Decepticons, you will obey me and me only, and we will crush the Autobots." Megatron just stared at General One. "Well?" General One was getting annoyed, "Don't just stand there like a twit. Kneel before your new master and pledge your allegence!" " I am not yours nor anyone's subordinate. You are weak. You are not even fit to be a Decepticon! Only the strong will be allowed that name. You and all that stand in my way will be crushed." General One was dumbfounded. "Hook, what went wrong? Why is he acting this way? What did you do?!" Hook acted equally perplexed. "I - I don't know what happened, he sucked all the energy out of the systems. He should have overloaded." Secretly Hook was happy with what had happened. Megatron was more powerful than any Transformer he had ever seen. "You listen here Megatron." General One yelled with growing annoyance, "You will obey me. I am the Leader of the Dedcepticons!" "You are leader of nothing!" Megatron replied, "I obey no one." With that General One went ballistic. "If you won't obey me you will be destroyed! Fire!" The five Decepticons futilly tried to bring down Megatron with their weapons. With one blast from his shouder mounted blaster Megatron disentegrated three of the Decepticons, and hurled General One and Hook into the far wall. Megatron then blew his way out of the underground lab and flew off. Meanwhile, several levels above the secret lab the Autobot headquarters computer was sreaming warnings. The operator informed Optimus Prime that the lab had been breached, and the computers on all lower levels were non-functional. Also, there was a thirty percent power drain on all systems. Prime immediatetly knew what had happened. He put together a security squad and went down to the lab. The lab was completely destroyed, with a hole in the ceiling leding up to the surface. A security officer found one Transformer, later identifyed as Hook. He was dead. No others were found. As Prime was heading back up to Headquarters, warnings sounded as the main control room had been breached. Optimus Prime raced up there to discover a huge silver Transformer standing amongst the smoldering ruins of dozens of Autobots. He was draining the last bits of information from the Headquarters Computer. Optimus shot the perpetrator squarly in the chest, and the blast hurled him to the floor, releasing his connection to the computer. The silver Transforemer immediatly jumped up and fired a salvo of blasts, hitting Optimus and knocking him unconscious. Only the Matrix saved his life. Just then the Headquarters automatic security system activated, and fired rounds of energy blasts at Megatron. Weakened considerablly, but not damaged, he escaped the Headquarters to fight again another day. When Prime awakened Alpha Omega was at his side. "Can you hear me, Prime?" Alpha Omega asked. "Yes. I fear we are in great danger. How did your project get loose?" "I am not sure, but I believe Hook must have had something to do with it. He knew quite a bit about the project and of neurology. It is likely that he built a brain for then thing and revived him, but he is apparently much more powerful than he had been designed for. The power drain we experienced was a result of his body absorbing energy through the computer." "But that kind of power would destroy any Transformer." Alpha Omega agreed,"That is true, but apparently this robot has the capacity to absorb vast amounts of energy, and then use that energy as a weapon. It is definitley something I did not design, but must have been inherent in the design structure." "Not only is he against us, but he knows everything about Cybertron. Who could have altered his personality programming?" "Hook was a genius. He could have discovered a way to alter the personality program to conform to what he wanted." Alpha Omega explained, "Not only is this robot evil, but he is vastly intelligent, and more powerful than anything we have seen before." Optimus Prime realized that all his fears were coming true. If this Transformer was not stopped it would spell the doom of the Autobots and of Cybertron. Chapter 11 Needless tp say Optimus Prime had a big problem. Not only had the most powerful Transformer gotten loose, but he was evil and bent on the Autobot's destruction. Optimus immediately started preparing for war. Unknown to Prime was that Megatron had started a project of his own. Using the knowledge form the Autobot Headquarters Computer, he designed and constructed his own Transformer factory, and started construction of his first ally. He was going to build an army himself form the ground up. The Autobots attempted futile searches to find Megatron, but could not. For 300 years Megatron stayed hidden while working on his project. He was able to automate the design and construction, but did not have the programming facilities. His first ally was a huge, blue Transformer, designed to be his technical wizard and communications officer. Hook gave Megatron the knowledge he had of personality programming, so Megatron used this to make sure this new Transformer was allied to him. Megatron built three more decepticons, which all looked the same in shape. All were flying vehicles: one black, one blue, and one grey. The only way to give these Transformers life was to take them to Autobot Headquarters. Meanwhile Prime had beefed up defenses around headquarters. He also started building new Autobots based on Technologies that Alpha Omega had developed. The first of these was named Ironhide, then came Wheeljack, Hound, Jazz, and Kup. Outside of this buildup life on Cybertron remained the same. Cybertronians were still thriving in the Golden Age of Cybertron. Prime was careful to release information about the Megatron Incident, for fear of panic. Only the Autobot High Command knew that a war was a distinct possibility. One night Megatron blasted his way into Autobot HQ. Using his four new robots by remote control, he was able to easily penetrate the HQ defenses. Quickly he went down to the lab and hooked up each Decepticon to the personality computer. Within minutes the program was finished, and four new Decepticons were born: Soundwave, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Starscream. As they were leaving the HQ, Optimus Prime and his new Autobots blocked the Decepticons' escape. "You will not escape from here again." Prime said, knowing somehow that was not going to happen. "Optimus Prime, we meet again. This time I have an army, stonger than anything you've yet encountered." With that Megatron fired at Optimus, and a huge firefight began. The Decepticons, with their ability to fly, totally out-maneuvered the Autobots, and gained the upper hand. Megatron realized this was not the confrontation he was looking for, and quickly left the HQ, leaving behind three injured Autobots. Megatron not only started his army in the Autobot lab, but studied and memorized the schematics for the computer, so he and Soundwave could construct their own which would make each new Decepticon loyal to Megatron. The Decepticons quickly built up an army superior in design to anything the Autobots had. With it they could with a few, destroy as much as hundreds, or thousands could in the last Great War. The Decepticons laid waste to entire cities, using their superior air power and technology that Megatron stole from the Autobot computer and put to perfect use. Anyone who did not declare loyalty to the Decepticon Empire was destroyed on the spot. The Decepticons took no prisoners. Soon they controlled nearly 1/3 of the surface of Cybertron. The Autobots also started a rapid builup, intent on stopping the Decepticons. Alpha Omega finished one last project: The construction of a super-computer that could handle all of the Autobot's functions, including defense, tactics, strategy, and all information form Cybertronian data banks. The name for this computer is Teletran One. It was the one advantage the Autobots had, because it could keep track of all entities on Cybertron with the use of satellites. The Autobots could often arrive at a place before the Decpticons got there, and they were able to save much of Cybertron because of Teletran One. Chapter 12 This war was not like the last war. Because of the new designs of Transformers, weapons systems did not easily destroy the enemy. Transformers could survive most battles, and go in for repairs. Before, thousands of Transformers would clash, and thousands would die, in every battle. There now was not as much need for factories, as there was for maintenance and repair crews, because most warriors came out of battle damaged, but not destroyed. Also, there was not as many involved in the war, because there was not a need for numbers. All those who were not of the "new generation" did not last long in the war, and very few survived. (To this day only 2 are known to exist.) All Cybertronian civilians were either destroyed or conscripted. The new Transformers and new weapons systems required vast amounts of energy, that the leaders of both sides knew was not available on Cybertron. The energy on Cybertron was finite. It could not easily be replenished, as there was no naturally occuring energy producers, such as plate tectonics and weather. Limited energy was taken from the sun, but it was too far from Cybertron to do much good. After several thousand years of standstill war, Cybertron was quickly dying. Nearly all available energy was going into the computers and recharge units. There was a severe energy rationing on both sides. Both sides practically stopped building new transformers, unless it was absolutly necessary. Energy was quickly becoming the key prize to this war. The Decepticons had the edge when it came to fighting war. They had no morals to speak of, and did not hesitate to destroy anything that got in their way. Thus they had more available sources of energy, because they weren't bound by any moral code. They stole it from prisoners, civilians, factories, wherever there was an energy source. Decepticon engineers started a project building a spacecraft, which had never been done before. Cybertronians were very familiar with their galaxy, but had little reason to travel beyond their planet, realizing that they were most likely the only beings not of the flesh. They did not have a high regard for "flesh creatures", and chose not to interact with any. But the energy crises brought on a need for new sources, thus a huge spacecraft was built, which would bring over a thousand Decepticons to a world known as Aquia. It was the closest inhabited world to their own, and the easiest to reach and keep in contact with. The beings there were humanoid, but very small, even in Human terms, the average height being 3 feet. Aquia was an ocean world, with four fiths of its surface covered with water. The Decepticons took half of their army there, and quickly took over the planet. The Aquian's weapons were no match for the Decpeticons. They killed most of the Aquians outright, and the ones who survived were made slaves. The Autobots at first tried to take advantage of the exodus, but the remaining Decepticons held them in check. Then the Autobots built their own ship and sent it to Aquia. The mission was unsuccessful, and the Autobots had to retreat. Because of the Decepticons new source of energy, they could defeat the Autobots at any turn. Resources allowed the Decepticons to take over Cybertron. Within 500,000 years of the beginning of the war, Megatron declared himself leader of Cybertron. After this the Autobots, still numbering over a thousand, became rebels, and used guerilla tactics to seize energy transfers, capture Decepticons, and disrupt the transport between Aquia and Cybertron. The Autobots still had a fortress, and controlled about one fifth of Cybertron. After 2 million years the energy on Aquia ran out, and it became ineffecient to transport the dwindling energy supplies that far. Aquia was left by the Decepticons, and there was no higher forms of life left on the planet. With no energy once again to sustain themselves, the Decpeticons started to lose ground in the long war. They had to find another source of energy, but there were no suitable planets in the area. The Autobots also were interested in finding energy abroad, but did not want to go to a planet that had life on it, because it would destroy that life. They wnated to get the maximum benefit of energy, without having to worry about the destruction of the planet. After studying the star maps, they found a suitable planet in the Kryos system. It was the second planet in the solar system, and had rich stores of heat energy from greenhouse effect, and was close enough for efficient transport. The Autobots were ready to turn the tide. Stay tuned for The Transformers Part III: The Exodus