Offerings for weary travellers

In all my travels I've been most fortunate in findings many treasures and gems which I have used to adorn my glen. In return for the many hours of enjoyment I've found searching far and wide, I'd like to offer some of those things I've found which are in the public domain. I've tried to be diligent in always giving credit where credit is due, but if you find something whithin this chest which is copyrighted, please e-mail me so that I may amend my error by either removing the item or adding the missing credit. I have also included a few backgrounds I have made using crosstitching I have done for friends and family.

Browse, let these treasures flow through your fingers, and enjoy. A link back to my page is not necessary, but will always be welcome.




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Please feel free to send me your comments or input. If you would like to link to my page, please e-mail me. :)

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