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Fun Tortures For Real Life D/s Relationships

Spice up life:

Uses of certain spices produces a burning sensation which can be extremly erotic on the genitalia. The sensation can causes excitment for the sub because of the burn and uncontrollable feelings they experience from it.

  • menthol oil(pure not alcohol based) produces a burning effect for about 30-60 min

  • vicks vapor rub used in small amounts, although the smell can be quite bad does have a tendency to clear up sinuses which causes a focus on breathing

  • one tablespoon of chili pepper and 2 tablespoons of olive oil with crushed cayenne pepper in a liquid solution has an effect for about 15 min

  • tabasco sauce has a mild effect but effective if nothing else is available

  • scraping a peal of a chili pepper directly onto clit is very hot producing a burning sensation for several hours. Water will not help and causes sub to wait it out and suffer.

Loss of privileges

underware, bras, pantyhose,,,,little pieces of cloth in which women have come to rely soley upon..but to have those removed and to continue a day without them..very shocking. wearing jeans for a whole day as the rough fabric causes friction or no bra having breast dangle in freedom...the fear of wondering if it is noticable mixed with the friction of every movement.

Simple Tortures
  • removing half of an inch off of one heel having to face the off balance while maintaining grace and poise
  • dying hair with wash out dye a color whom the sub dreds and having to go out like that
  • having to wear underware that is a size to big or too small
  • ice cold water in an eye dropper...dripping one drop onto clit for ever second for about 15 min or so. Takes patience on both parts. and produces an feeling other places includ belly button, neck, atop of head.(aka japanese water torture)

Oral Fun
a)life savors or any type of candy placed inside and having to dig it out with toungue..a sweet surprise
b)alka-seltzar that fizzling sensation in a wet pussy..can really add to the sensations of both the female and the male....FIZZZZZZZ
altoids..those potent after dinner mints...placed in sensitive genitalia area..can burn causing a stinging sensation..plus give your lover some fresh breath..*smile*

Paint fun
a) using the bristles of a paint brush rubbing it all over body produces a tickly feeling
b) turning sub into a work of art by painting on them with body paint
c)painting them using liquid food, watered down honey, chocolate sauce, milk, anything liquidy then licking it all up...mmmmm

Ice fun
a) an ice cube placed anywhere or into anywhere is more then enough fun..*smiles*

b)obtaining a 5 or 10 lbs ice or even an ice block straddling the ice block while a paddling, whipping, spanking persue produces a hot cold effect. as the burning sensation of the paddling is upon the behind, the cold burning sensation is on the front

c)too add to the torment of that...after the behind feel the burning senation of the crop or hand, tuning over so that is it upon the ice as the frozen, numb skin is another torment

d)if not then just the recircualtion and the pin and needle effect that is felt from tender skin being exposed to ice is enough

e) an ice pop in the vagina then the melted prtion provides a cool taste treat for the long hot summers.

Loss of senses
a) sight...one if the most important senses..having to be lead around for a day. that is the ultimate form of trust. In public sunglasses that are painted black on the inside would work..or at home a simple blind fold. *with sight watching a favorite movie or a movie that the sub longed to see while being blind folded and the addition with the sensations felt by the whim of a Master concentration on the movie would be difficult. *to add to this..have a simple quiz about the movie with a set ammount of punishment for wrong answers to be administered. this will force the sub to concentrate..although the sence of touch hieghtens with the lost of site
b)hearing..wearin ear plugs for a day..requiring the use of motions for commands rather then vocal is a true challenge for any Master an sub relationship and it will enhance communication by denying it. *annoying music such as dreaded chidrens songs, drawling of country(to city folk) or the loud rap of gangsta rap(to the country folk) being play in ear while enjoyment is also a tourture withen itself.
c)smell and taste is a fun one to mix an match with and a fun activity using touch is a good game to play. what is needed is food preferable fruit or sweet foods are good to use. *by restricting the use of smell have the sub try to guess what the food is by taste. if correct a surpise..if wrong a punishment *some foods have certain textures to them..haveing the sub try to guess them while being blindfolded and wearing nose plugs can be a great torment..for example the rough seedy texture of a strawburry rubbing agaist the nipple having to figure out that the round slimy thing against the clit is a grape...especially if it is known that a punishment will be insued for a wrong answer..

A day at the races

a)various races can be held with a variety of objects and themes
*spreading out thornless roses having the sub pick them up with teeth..while paddling, whipping, or spaning is in the process,not only is this a romantic race it also is a race of time and beauty for trying to pic up each rose while bearing the torture of the paddle at the same time.
*same can be done with a twist and that is using the squeezable squeaky dog toys..letting the sub be that cute little doggie for the day as it races to grab those toys avoding the paddle.


These are the topical creams, sprays, or oils that numbs an area so that pain may not be felt. They can be in prescription and over-the counter forms. They are recomended to relieve pain but can also be used to deny pain as well. This can be extrememly dangerous and not recommended for use without precautions taken.
solarcain, lanacain, xylocain, ambesol, dermaplast are some examples. They can be used to relieve pain after a scene but if used before a scene can be exciting. For example the torture of candle wax dripping ever so slowly onto skin but yet not feeling it can be a torment.

Baby for a Day

babies those cute helpless little creatures that needs constant support, love, and care. well what happens when an adult is baby for the day.
a)NO use of full sentances..only on word feelings only. for example instead of I am hungry..just hungry or just saying tired, happy, ect
b)must be cared for completely that includes potty time. This takes complete trust and it is indeed a humiliation experience. There are two ways to go about this. 1) adult dipers and having the Master change it as would a baby and clean and powder as would a baby or 2) go through the steps of potty training all over again

Just let it flow

that time of the month is often a painful, crampy, and stressful time..it is also a time when sexual activities in some cases stop due to the messiness (although not always)..but what about just letting it flow. This can be an embarrising humiliating thing for a female for they rely heavily upon tampons or pads during this time of the month. but as a test for both a Master and the sub just letting it flow. Has a man ever trully witnessed what it is like for a women to have that much liquid seep out..the for the female the feeling of it comming out with no place to go except flow down legs...well it is an interesting though..not recommended for those who get quesy at the site of blood but it is a fascinating look at females natural function.

Misc Fun

a) food..any type of food fun is extrememly exiting

b) 9 volt battery on togue and clit...ZAP

c) use of chopsitcks and chinese food...grattping various parts between chopticks nipple, clit, ect mixed with the sensation of food.

d)shopping together at an adult shop or a catelog to find a toy that both can use

e)classic icecream sunday...mmmmm well here is a begginner list...always looking for more ideas and this will always be expanded, some of them are basic some of them are unique but it is just a basis..the important thing is for Y/you to find what is of interest and what is exciting to Y/you. Good Luck on Your journey and hope that this was a help. Please tell this one if You have any ideas for improvement or any general comments...

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