Castle Firth

Castle Firth is an online yahoo club community composed of family and friend within the various vanilla and non vanilla lifestyles of BDSM, Gor, ect. It is a peaceful haven with weekly discussions, organized meetings, debate topics, and a place to get away from the stresses, strains, and various problems that occur in the "yahell" community. A/all are invited to attend this club. W/we ask that A/all have repect and honor for A/all whom are members.

As members W/we who accept the honor of membership to the Castle Firth community, recognize O/our obligation to act, and encourage O/others to act with honor, respect, and dignity.

Castle Firth exists to promote an atmosphere in which as a community W/we have the respect for individual ideas, recognize and appreciate O/others differences, have a responsibility as individuals as well as a community to uphold standards, create a just and caring environment by striving to behave with equity and consideration to O/others, as well as exchange and share ideas so that A/all may learn, expand, and understand this lifestyle.

This is a community of friends and family, together as a group, to come together in a peaceful, friendly, atmosphere. A/all are welcomed and A/all are encourage to invite A/all. It is up to Y/you however to uphold these standards, and ideals.

Castle Firth, which I have been given the honor to uphold as new keeper, I would like to continue the legacy of this community and make it a haven for A/all to share ideas in this open forum. Although W/we A/all share the common thread of this alternate lifestyle, it must be respected that A/all are different and through these differences can W/we learn, expand and broaden O/our horizons in this lifestyle.

Welcome to Castle Firth!


AJSpans moonbeam of light

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