No Sex Shop....No Problem

Sometimes due to money, distance, or other factors one can't enjoy the comfort of sex shops to purchase fun toys. That is no problem for everyday ordinary objects can provide hours of fun, torture, punishment or just pleasure.

Homemade Nipple Clamps
  • wrapping a small rubber band tightly around tweezer
  • using hair clips without the teeth. Although there is what is known as "alligator clamps" anything with ridges is strongly discourage for it can break the skin and cause and may cause an infection.
  • pliers without the ridges is also a tool that can be use, however unlike the others this is somthing in which Y/you control the ammount of pressure applied. This is good for beginners to practice with.
  • old fashion clothes pins always worked like a charm. To lessen the pressure placing paper in between may reduce the pressure.
  • paper clips would also work although it give minimal pressure

Velcro Fun
  • the rough portion of velcro can be extremly fun to use. Placing it in underware or bra causes a friction against tender skin which. It can be excruciating, yet exciting with ever movement.

    Don't Forget those vegetables
  • vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, pickles, or any type in the shape of a phallus can provide enjoyment. For an added torture freezing them before hand adds to the excitment. Note make sure that the vegetable is well cleaned and skinned for there can be dirt, particles, or pesticides upon them which can cause infection.

    Binds, Gags, Blindfolds
  • Bandanas, scarfs, can make an excellent blindfold gag or bind
  • Going to the store purchasing cheap fabric at any craft or fabric store can be cut into strips and used for binding, gags, and blind folds.
  • Clothes lines is another good tool to use for binding.
  • even a simple neck tie, belt, can be used for binds
  • *important note* panty hose is a fantasy that many have to use as restraints. However it is not recommended for it stretches and can become a thin rough bind that can cause serious rope burn, loss of circulation, and friction.

    Flogs, Paddles, Spanking tools
  • Belts are great for spankings just warning about the belt buckle for it can cut the skin
  • paint mixing sticks provide a quick sting during a spanking
  • the back of a flat brush, one of the most erotic and sensual forms of spanking, for the mixture of the stinging of the slap and the bristles which can be soft or rough depending on the type of brush.
  • More will be added Soon..Sorry about the delay.

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