Sex Practices even I didn’t know existed

This is a list of bizarre sexual practices and fetishes that I have to even admit some I have never even heard of. This is just an informative list, bear in mind I neither support, nor condemn these practices..but do have to warn about common sense and safety should anyone try to participate in these activities. Also this is just a short list..there are many more fetishes and practices that one can practice.

people who are unable to achieve an orgasm without fantasizing about a more desirable partner then the one whom they are having sex with

AutoErotic Asphyxia
self-induced strangling or suffocation during masturbation it is estimated to take the lives of 250-1,000 people a year.

using armpit for sex. A common practice in Europe. This area is sensitive. It is said that unshaven hair retain pheromones that may cause arousal when inhaled.

The act of eating feces for sexual arousal.

People who are sexual aroused by feces. Chezonlagnia-masturbation while defecating, Coroscopist-person watching while others defecate.

People aroused by vomit of vomiting, usually with the ingestion of wine or urine is vomited out onto a partner.

Stuffing animals into the vagina or anus. Also known as a partner sucking semen out of one of these orifices.

Passing of intestinal gas. Flatuphiles request their partner to release the fart directly into face or mouth.

Those aroused by sacred objects. This includes masturbation with crosses, holy relics, masturbation during church services.

Golden Enemas
An enema of urine rather then water. This can be accomplished by a man inserting penis into a partners and urinating. However this is a difficult and dangerous practice.

refers to becoming aroused by smelling, chewing, or rubbing against foul smelling soiled jock strap, panties, menstrual pad, bra or other object.

refers to arousal from the sight, touch, act of licking or sucking a partners nose.

refers to the act of licking a partners eyeball for the sexual arousal.

people who use reptiles for sexual purposes. This can include placing a snake or eel into vaginal and anus and having it wriggle out for sexual gratification.

Roman Shower (see emetophilia)
This is a practice where people drink wine or urine then vomit unto a partner. One form of this is called a Chocolate Mousse, this is a combination of a Roman and brown shower (defecating on a person) The person swallows whip cream and the partner gives them an enema of chocolate pudding. The partner defecates the pudding then vomits the cream creating a desert that both parties can consume.

Refers to those who are aroused by being buried alive.

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