The end of all things...

That is what the Earths embattled position appears to be

at this time. An armada of alien space crafts have encircled

and attacked the planet, committing slaughter on a wholesale scale,

as only Earths heroes stand in the way of Monguls cruel and evil intentions.

Intentions that are just now being fully realized.

Final Fury!

By Ralph L. Angelo Jr.

Nine months ago, in the pits of Nerons hell...

"You cannot stop me lowly demons! No one can! I am death incarnate, I am Mongul!"

The powerhouse heaves weapon brandishing demons from him powerfully, as the stygian depths resound with the thunder and fury of the battle. Weapons clash against his flesh, piercing him to the bone. But he is unrelenting, using his incredible strength to shatter the otherworldly spines of those around him, as he unerringly plows through their number towards his goal.

A goal which is now before him, as demons cling to his limbs like Remoras on a shark.

On his throne of hellspawned flesh, and obviously bored by all this sits the evil Neron.

"What is it this time Mongul?" Yawns the demon lord, unimpressed. "How many times must I rend your flesh from the bone before I am through with these intrusions?"

Neron raises a hand, preparing to snap his fingers, presumably to begin the flesh rending, but Mongul stops him with two words.

"Never again."

"What say you Mongul? After all this time you finally are capitulating?"

"Understand this, demon lord. You may have killed me in life, but you will NEVER own the soul of Mongul." Neron again raises his hand, but Mongul continues quickly, halting his own destruction, at least temporarily. "I come to make a deal with you , devil."

"What deal could you offer me fool? You are mine. I have everything that is you, that made you unique in the living world. I do own you, ogre."

"Then I assume you do not wish to partake of billions of souls at one time, eh?"

Greedily , Nerons eyes turn to slits, and fires now rage within their depths.

"What are you speaking of, Mongul. And make it quick, your time is running out."

"What would it be worth to you , if I were to give you every soul on the planet Earth?"

"What? What have you planned , Mongul?"

"I will raise an army, the likes of which have never been seen or heard of before, that will decimate that mudball world. Not conquer it, Neron. But destroy it. I will turn that ball of mud to rubble, and every soul there will be yours."

"HE will not allow this , Mongul. You know that. HE will send his damned champions against you."

"I know , Neron. But how can they win this time, if you return me from the dead, HE has no way of knowing my plans, if they are all orchestrated from here. And we will strike so quickly, so surely, that all the souls will be yours for the taking, before HE can act. Think of it, billions of souls, most undeserving of your attentions to play with. Think of the pleasure you will bring yourself."

Neron holds his chin, as he sits back in his throne , pondering.

"If this comes to pass, I will be the hell lord over all the others. None will be able to stay my wrath. I will be supreme. And what is your end of the bargain?"

"What else? My freedom from this damned place, and my revenge on those who attributed to my being here."

"Ah, Superman and Green Lantern."

"Yes. Especially the Kryptonian."

"Very well Mongul, you have persuaded me, but there are stipulations. You have nine months to complete this. No more. At that time you will be mine again. If you succeed, you will be returned permanently to life. Or at least until the next time you are disposed of."

Mongul nods, stone faced.

"Very well then Mongul, begone."

Neron snaps his fingers , and Mongul disappears in a puff of smoke, as the demon lord sits back in his throne, steepling his fingers before his chin, his face hidden in shadow and darkness...


Aboard Monguls hurtling flagship, all is chaos! On one lower deck a group of heroes battle the insanely powerful "Hybrid", while on the command deck, a team of Green Lanterns battle Mongul and his crew for control of the hurtling ship, which even now , races towards the Sun, in one last ditch attempt to cause the stars destruction, a destruction that will also mean the end of all life on Earth!

Superman pounds Hybrid with a powerful right cross, that smashes the weakened man-monster backwards. His crimson scales and bony protrusions almost seem to glow with anger, as he fights his way to his feet once again.

"Stay down , Hybrid. Or I'll have Starman hit you with another blast of red sun radiation."*

*See Superman #12.

"Bah, you all are fools. I can destroy you all myself, effortlessly."

"Big words." Answers Steel as he stands next to Superman and Supergirl. Above them, floating in the air is Starman, ready to unleash another blast of red sun radiation at the enraged monster , who seems to share Supermans face.

"You dogs will all die by my hand! "

He begins to leap forwards, as Supergirl fires a telekinetic blast into his face, simultaneously , Superman unleashes his heat ray vision at the monstrosities body , followed by Steels hammer.


Hybrid is hurled from the ship, and through a wall of the ships hull, into deep space, like a rag doll before a tempest!

"Whoa! " Shouts Starman, "We've gotta seal that hull breach, or there's going to be a lot of dead aliens here."

"I know Starman," Answers the man of steel. You and Supergirl see to that. John Henry, I need you to come with me. It's time Mongul was put out of commission once and for all."

"Waitaminute," Yells Starman, "What about Hybrid? We can't just leave him floating out there, can we?"

"Look around Starman, He's already gone. I watched him fly off after we hurled him through the hull. He knows he's no match for our combined power, especially when you can effectively halve his strength."

"So we don't give pursuit , Superman?" Asks the maid of might.

"Not this time Supergirl. He's no longer a threat. But the real danger is above us. This ship is on a collision course with the Sun. We have to stop Monguls mad plans once and for all. This is our final chance to do that. When you and Starman are done. Meet us above, I'm sure we'll need your help."

Superman flies upwards, smashing his way through the decks, as Steel follows his lead.

On Earth...

The Doom Patrol continues to use its hit and run tactics, as the mystery man whose been coordinating their attacks uses this strange team of freaks like a scalpel is used by a surgeon.

And they are not alone. In New York, a group consisting of Firestorm, Captain Atom, Superboy, Mister Miracle, Etrigan the Demon, the Atom, and the Creeper is suddenly joined on a side street by the appearance of an angel. An angel named ...

"Zauriel! What news do you bring us?"

The agent of heaven lands next to Captain Atom and Firestorm before speaking.

"None good, Captain. Above us, amid the stars, a battle is raging. I have seen it. The agents of Earth are fighting a losing battle, and time is growing short. We must lend our powers to the struggle above, or all is lost."

"Okay" Continues Captain Atom, "There we have it , team. It's time we got up there, and fast. We have to get to a JLA transporter."

Suddenly a voice intrudes upon his reverie.

"I can get you all there faster."

From out of the shadows, the woman's voice rings forth, a familiar voice, known to a few of them. But the Demon is the first to vault forth towards it, to land in a crouch before her.

"You I know, mage of might. Your prowess I've seen , battling for the light. A welcome addition you'll make to our crew, now get us all to the battle, or my anger you'll rue."

'Stand down , Etrigan." The woman speaks , as she steps out of the shadows, her ebon cape flowing about her feet. "I can and will get you all to the moon. From there we must free the rest of the JLA, and aid them in defeating this armada."

"Zatanna! " Exclaims Firestorm, "I haven't seen you in ages, and you're a welcome sight now."

"Yes, "Continues the Atom, especially if she can do what she claims. How 'bout it, 'Tanna? Can you get us there immediately?"

"Yes Atom, I can. But it will tax my mystic might to the limit, and perhaps beyond. I will probably be useless once we arrive at the Watchtower, or what is left of it."

"Just get us there Zatanna, we'll take care of the rest." Answers Firestorm , as he pounds his fist into his open hand, for emphasis.

Then, another voice, this time from above intrudes upon the assembled heroes.

"You are not alone ,my sister in magic. Dr Fate has come to aid you."

"Fate?" Questions Captain Atom , " I heard you were out of the game for good."

"Believe not all you hear Captain. Dr. Fate has returned , in the Earths most dire hour of need. "

He nods towards Zatanna as he lands next to her , and blasts of Ankh shaped energy fly from his hands, as he does, Zatanna ads her mystic power to his, in the form of a reversed spell.

"Slatrop txiwt htrae dna noom , dna yrrac su lla rehtih yletaidemmi ,fi ton noos!"

And then, between the mystic energies unleashed by both mages, the group disappears in a glowing nimbus of combined power, to reappear instantly upon the moon. , but outside the moon base!

"Whheeze! Screams Zatanna, as she drops to her knees, her body about to explode, but faster then thought, Firestorm is there, creating a plastic bubble around her and several others, leaving only himself and Captain Atom free of the oxygen filled bubble.

"Quick thinking 'Storm." Smiles Captain Atom, through his JLA comlink.

"Thanks Cap, I had a feeling this might happen, so I was prepared."

From within the bubble , Dr Fate speaks, "I do not need this protection , Firestorm."

Wordlessly, he walks through the bubble, as Firestorm begins to protest. "Fate , wait, you'll burst the bubble!"

But Fate merely phases through it, leaving the bubble intact.

"Okay," begins Captain Atom , "Now that we've got that settled we've got to get to the Watchtower."

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea right about now." Answers the uncharacteristically silent Creeper, as he points towards the gleaming edifice in the distance.

All heads turn towards the Citadel of the JLA, and the heroes shudder , involuntarily, as the Watchtower is surrounded by high flying ships, buzzing back and forth, as part of the Watch tower lies in ruins, and figures can be seen battling against the ships that fire devastating rounds at the swiftly flying forms.

"My God, breathes Zatanna, "that's J'onn, Green Lantern and Firehawk alone against all those ships!"

"Not for long, they're not!" Shouts Firestorm, as he blazes towards the Watchtower angrily, behind him, Captain Atom grabs the plastic ball that his friends are in and flies off after Firestorm, with Dr Fate in pursuit.

Inside the Tower, Wonder Woman and Plastic Man battle against a seemingly endless sea of Branx, Gordanian, and Thanagarian warriors .

"Battle on Plastic Man!" She shouts as she hammers several of their enemies with her powerful fists, "We must defeat our foes! The fate of the Earth depends on it!"

"I-I know Wonder Woman, I know..." Answers an uncharacteristically somber Plastic Man. His body stretches and attacks, whipping around his fists in hammer like blows, smashing back their enemies, but for every ten they disable, another thirty appear!

"I'm beginning to feel it's hopeless Wonder Woman. There's just to many of them."

"IT'S NEVER HOPELESS!" She screams as she kicks a Branx warrior through a wall, "We can never surrender! NEVER ! The fate of our entire world depends on us."

"I'll do whatever I can Princess, even with my dying breath, but things are starting to look real bad to me right now."

Diana says nothing, as Plastic Man wraps up several Thanagarians in his pliable form, and slams them together bodily!

Suddenly, a nearby bulkhead explodes mightily , as the atmosphere immediately begins to suck out of the structure, along with everyone inside. Wonder Woman grabs a wall, crushing it in her grip, but holding on! Plastic Man begins to whip by, but she grabs him, saving him from definite death.

"Hold on Plastic Man ! We'll get out of this!" She screams over the howling wind that sucks out of the hull breach, and suddenly, inexplicably, it stops!

"Wha? "Asks Plastic man, as he begins to pull himself together. "What happened?"

"I did." They turn and see Firestorm standing there, his hands glowing with atomic signatures.

"Firestorm! "Exclaims Diana, "I have to say , I'm very happy to see you. Are you alone?"

"No, "The Nuclear man answers, "I'm here a with a group of heroes, some of which are entering the Watchtowers main airlock now. How many of these ...things are in here, invading the 'Tower?"

"Hundreds." Answers Plastic Man. "But with you here ,dude, they don't have a chance."

"Don't get cocky Plastic Man. Firestorm, what's our status out there, we've been cut off for days from any information."

"I won't lie to you Princess, " He answers somberly, "Things are bad. Whole towns and cities have been wiped off the Earths face, and others have been terribly destroyed. But we're fighting back, that's what counts."

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet shakes horribly pitching them all sideways!

"Whoa!" That was topsy turvy stomach flopping, huh?" Asks a wildly smiling Plastic Man.

"Yeah string bean, it was. And it can't be a good thing. You two go back to the main section, I'm going to fly back around outside and see if I can figure out what that was."

"Be careful Firestorm, we need your might to win this battle."

"Thanks Wonder Woman, after all this time , it feels good to be wanted again."

Firestorm turns then, and phases out of the bulkhead, into the airless void, and into mayhem!

All around him , the battle rages! He sees the Martian Manhunter firing his flash vision into the small one man fighter ships, disabling them ,causing several to crash resoundingly to the moons surface, but they pepper him with energy blasts, he weakens considerably, but does not fall!

Nearby, Firehawk fires her heat blasts through the airless void, incinerating the one person flyers in mid space! Firestorm smiles at the sight of her, and that she's okay.

"Time to lend a hand" Thinks the Nuclear man.

At least a mile distant, a flash of green heralds Green Lanterns use of his power, to swat several of the small ships together in huge emerald hands.

And then there is Dr Fate... His mystic power opens swirling vortexes into other realms, that suck the enemy fliers into them silently, like water down a toilet bowl.

Nearby Fate, the glowing, flaming sword of Zauriel pierces the underbelly of a small fighter, causing an instant decompression, as the ship implodes upon itself.

Firestorm flies space-wards, firing off a few nuclear blasts, knocking a couple of the ships from the sky above the moon, causing others to give chase.

"Okay," He thinks, "Now that I've got their attention, what do I do with them?"

The airless sky around him burns with blaster bolts, as Firestorm turns in mid space, and restructures the hulls of the ships into rubber. Instantly the ships engines stop, as they're rendered useless, and the ships begin to float towards the planets surface, and when they hit the surface, they bounce! And far!

"That works. Gravity's so light here, that they'll keep bouncing right around this airless rock. We can get them at our leisure.

Suddenly, another small ship streaks from behind the moons horizon, low and fast, directly at Firestorm, and its weapons are blazing!

Zark! Zark!

"Unnghh!" Howls Firestorm, as he's peppered with energy bolts, and he's instantly driven to the moons cold, hard surface, and hard!


He struggles to his knees, as the small craft is joined by another. It pulls up opposite the other one, its weapons turn towards Firestorm, but suddenly the gun turrets swivel upwards unexpectedly, focusing on the other ship, and faster then the eye can follow, they fire!


The ship that shot down Firestorm explodes in the airless void, into a million shards of metal.

Firestorm looks up at the ship that surprisingly saved him, girding himself to not go down without a fight, when suddenly a familiar voice rings over his communicator.

"Firestorm, this is Nightwing, of the Titans, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah 'Wing, I'm fine. Who've you got in that tin can with you?"

"Some of the Titans, flame top."

"Okay Bat-Boy, lets get into the Watchtower and help them mop things up in there . And Nightwing, thanks."

"My pleasure Firestorm."

Nightwing pilots the small fighter craft towards the airlock , his face grim as he follows Firestorm. Kory walks up behind him silently, as she slips her hand around his bicep from behind.

"What's the matter Dick? I mean besides the obvious trouble we're in."

He breathes heavily once before answering.

"I'm wondering and worried about our friends back on Earth ."

She slips her hand down his arm to his hand .

"Do not worry Dick, they are Titans. If anyone will be left standing when this is over, it will be them."

He turns towards her, as he returns her strong grip, his eyes look into her pupil-less orbs, and he smiles, old feelings and memories fill him momentarily, but then...

"Hey Nightwing! Wake up, we're almost there!"

Standing at the doorway to the cabin is Changeling and Cyborg, with both smiling wildly.

"Okay green jeans, I hear you."

Gar Logan smiles, as Nightwing returns his attention to the controls of the ship, landing it in the docking bay precisely. But still his mind wanders to his missing team mates.

"Where are they?" He thinks silently.


The Titans (Those of them on Earth) fight a tremendous battle against unholy odds, as Terra causes a literal wave of rock and stone and concrete to hammer over the forces of the alien coalition. Nearby Arsenal fires off several rounds from his crossbow, blistering the advancing Gordanians with explosive arrows. Nearby the assembled Titans on hand, Tempest, Troia, Raven, Terra, Omen, and Damage continue their assault on the Gordanian forces, but they are giving up ground, slowly but surely...

"Forward Titans! The cost of failure has never been greater!" Shouts Troia, as she pounds her enemies unmercifully, and with all her strength!

Nearby, Damage fires energy blasts , as his power levels build inside of him, to a dangerous level! But for once, he doesn't care! "Get back Titans!" He screams quickly, "You know what's about to happen."

Terrra suddenly animates the ground beneath her Team mates, and lifts them all quickly out of harms way, as the powerful Damage explodes in the midst of the circling Gordanian!


"That's gotta hurt." Growls Tempest.

"Yeah, but not our boy at least." answers Omen.

"True Lilith, and he gave us a little breather too." Nods Arsenal, as he nocks another arrow.

"Yes," Agrees Tempest, but lets face facts, everything we do here means nothing, if those guys up there" He points skywards as he speaks "don't get the job done."

"My friends" The softly spoken Raven begins, as she flies overhead "They are coming again, we must be ready to deal with them."

"Okay Raven. Thanks for the warning."Answers Troia with a nod. "Lets go team, remember, Titans Together!"

And with their battle cry ringing in their tired ears, The Titans attack once more...

At the edge of Space...

The JSA satellite takes a heavy pounding, as a ring of Alliance cruisers seek to breach its shields and destroy it once and for all! Onboard the "Higher Authority", The new Hourman tensely watches as the computerized defense systems fire rhythmically at the encroaching invaders, but this has been going on for days. The invaders slowly attacking, then pulling back. Over and over. Wearing out the "Higher authorities" weapons and defensive systems slowly but surely. And still, Hourman has no idea where Fate had taken his team mates when he appeared earlier, and then abruptly disappeared*.

*See JSA #3

Then , the computerized voice of "Dinah" the Satellites computer itself , suddenly breaks into Hourmans silent reverie.

"Hourman, there are three incoming projectiles traveling at more the escape velocity."

"Wonderful." He breathes heavily. "Prepare to counter as best you can, Dinah."

"You misunderstand , Hourman. These are coming from Earths surface."

"What?" He jumps up from his seat, and runs to another monitor, trying to focus it on the incoming projectiles. "What are they, Missiles? Are our own people shooting at us now?"

"No, Hourman, they are not mechanical in nature."

"Then what are they?"

"They are Superhuman in nature."

"You mean they're heroes?"

"Yes, upon closer identification, they are the Marvel Family."

"Wheeeewww." He exhales , surprised. "Where are they now Dinah?"

"They have engaged the enemy."

"Okay Dinah, back them up! Fire all weapons at full power at any of those ships that are not currently engaged by Captain Marvel and his "family"."

"Complying , Hourman."

Outside the "Higher Authority", Captain Marvel attacks! Slamming into a ships shields at incredible speed, causing the shields to explode brightly! His re-breather in place, Captain Marvel speaks through its communications array to his partners

"Mary, Junior, keep up the pressure. Holy Moly! This satellite's pretty beat up right now, but it's begun to back us up, attacking the other ships around us. Let's finish this mess up, so that you two can get back to Fawcett city!"

"Will do Cap! " Shouts Junior Marvel, as he pounds on a large ships engine nacelle , shattering it, then he grasps the ships hull, crushing hand holds in its steel, and with a mighty heave, Junior sends the ship tumbling helplessly and out of control into deep space. "One down, only another dozen to go!"

"Don't get cocky Junior!" Shouts Mary Marvel, as she flies at incredible speed around blaster bolts from a smaller ship, avoiding every one of them. Until she finally gets the ship to follow her movements. The guns fire powerfully, dogging her every move. She smiles , like a sly fox, as the ship continues to attack her, until finally she makes one last quick , darting move , right into the path of another attacking Psion vessel.


The first ships energy blasts finally hit! Only not Mary. They hit the Psion ship, causing an instant explosion aboard the Psion vessel!

Then Captain Marvel is there, grasping the hull of the first ship that was attacking Mary, and with a mighty swing, he spins the attack craft round and round above his head, as it's engines strain helplessly in the heroes grasp. Finally he releases it with a grunt, as it spins away, and directly into the larger Psion ship, where both explode majestically!

"You kids get back to Fawcett, things may have quieted down there for now, but I bet these creeps are already trying to make things rough there again."

"Where are you going Billy?"

"To make sure everyone aboard this satellite is okay, then I'm going to the Watchtower, to help out the JLA."

"Okay, but if you need us, just call, and we'll come running."

"I will CM3 , I promise. Now hurry, get back to Fawcett. The folks there need us to watch over 'em, especially now."

The Marvel family separates with a few quick hugs and handshakes, each going their own way, as Captain Marvel enters an air lock aboard the satellite.

As he steps through it, Hourman meets Captain Marvel at the hatch.

"Captain, boy was I glad to see you! Thank you! Things were beginning to look a little bleak here. They were actually starting to wear us out."

"My pleasure , uh, what is your name anyway? "

"You can call me Hourman!"

Captain Marvel pumps Hourmans hand before continuing.

"Great! Okay, I just want to catch a quick breather, and then I'm off to the Watchtower."

The two men walk into the Higher Authority's depths, as they continue speaking.

"I have no idea what you'll find there, Captain. To be honest, I figure it to be a pretty grim scene up there."

"I know Hourman. And I'm more then aware that I may be walking into a mass grave in space. But if our friends and allies are alive, then I know they could use my help. So I've gotta get there, and quickly."

Hourman stares at Captain Marvel, and nods, as he leads his guest to a door that quickly slides open as they approach it. Once inside the room Captain Marvels eyes go wide at the sight that greets them!

"Holy Moly! A teleporter! Will this get me to JLA HQ?"

"Yes Captain, but you'll be taking a chance with it. I had Dinah take them off line earlier , because I wasn't sure that the aliens hadn't compromised our security. I didn't want them to gain access here because of the teleporters."

"Who's Dinah?"

"Oh, sorry, That's our computer. She was made to sound like an old friend of the JSA."

"Okay, gotcha. Can she turn this thing back on? Can she get it to put me where I want to go?"

Suddenly a voice fills the room around the two heroes.

"Yes Captain, I can."

The teleporter hums to life, as Captain Marvel stands staring in wide eyed amazement.

"Why, umm, thank you ma'am. " Captain Marvel answers a little sheepishly, as he steps towards the cylinder before him.

"You may be teleporting into a trap , Captain. Be ready for anything."

"I know Hourman, and thanks!"

Captain Marvel waves jauntily, as he fades from sight with the teleporters activation.

He reappears almost simultaneously in a scene filled with maddening chaos!

"OhmyGod!" He exclaims aloud, as he sees Batman, wearing some sort of gleaming black bat armor, kicking a Branx warrior backwards., as a savagely flailing Gordanian is pounded backwards by Captain Atom . Nearby, the Flash runs tightly around several of the aliens, wrapping them up in a small vortex, that suddenly hurls them skywards, where they smash into the roof, instantly rendering them unconscious.

"Captain Marvel!" Yells Batman, "Get down to the west wing, The Demon, Mister Miracle, and Superboy are all down there, and they need all the help they can get! There are hundreds of these things in here, and we've got to recapture the 'Tower. Move it Marvel!"

Captain Marvel nods wordlessly, as he streaks off, using his Mercury-like speed to fly to his fellow heroes aid!

But with Batman, Captain Atom and the Flash, the Creeper fights on, as Zatanna hurls spell after spell, seeking to disable her attackers. But time is not on Zatanna's side. She's weakened from using her teleportation spell, even if Dr Fate had lent her strength.

"We've got to end this Bats." Shouts The Flash as he rapid fire attacks his enemies faster then their eyes can follow. " 'Tanna's dead on her feet."

"I know Flash. Just do what you can to finish fast." He answers, tight lipped and grim jawed behind his armored helmet, as he slams his armored fist into a Gordanians jaw, shattering its tusks. The pained creature lunges for Batman, who ducks below the attack, and smashes upwards with a double fisted rising punch. The Gordanian drops to the ground, as Batman fires a Batline from his gauntlet, wrapping up the stunned brute in an almost unbreakable titanium line.

Inside the Batman seethes with an anger that is terrible to behold! He's been held away from his beloved Gotham for far to long, and in its most desperate hour of need! Plus there's the matter of Robin and Nightwing, wherever they may be. His right fist smashes a Branx warrior back, but this time the foe fight backs! The Branx pounds at Batman quickly, dropping him with one powerful blow!

Batman rolls quickly to his feet, but the Branx is on him immediately, its fetid breath filling his nostrils with its noxious fumes.

Suddenly , the Branx is lifted off of Batman as if he was a feather, and held up in the air at arms length by an unexpected source...

"Superboy??? " Roars Batman indignantly "What are you doing here? The others need your help."

Superboys grin is from ear to ear, as he hurls the Branx away , like a toy. "Sorry Bats, you look like you could've used some help."

Batman grimaces angrily as he stands , adjusting his cape disdainfully.

"What happened to the others , Superboy?"

"We're finished Bats, every one of these invaders are taken down, and the others are just mopping up."

"Good. After all these aliens are accounted for, and placed in holding cells, gather up everyone else and meet in the conference room. And be fast about it Superboy. The fate of the world hangs in the balance."

He turns and leaves, angrily heading towards the conference rooms.

Superboy turns towards the Flash, "Boy , you'd think he'd be happier that I just saved his hash."

"You kiddin' kid? You really don't know the Bat to well, do you? He's more PO'd that you had to lend him a hand, then he would've been if the Branx he was fighting had beaten him senseless. As it is, he owes you now, and that's not something Batman likes . Also, there's the simple fact that he was losing, and that he knows without your help , he'd be out of it right now, or worse."

Superboy sighs, "Great."

Twenty minutes later...

The JLA conference room is packed. Among the inhabitants are Batman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Plastic Man, Firehawk, The Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern. As well as Captain Atom, Firestorm, Dr. Fate, The Demon, Superboy, Captain Marvel, Zatanna, The Atom, Zauriel, Mister Miracle and the Creeper. Seated together at the back of the auditorium are a rather tired and beaten Nightwing, and Starfire, as well as Cyborg and Changling.

J'onn and Batman stand side by side on a podium in front of the other heroes. J'onn speaks first.

"We have decided that a team of our most powerful, led by myself , will lead an attack on Monguls command ship. While the others will return to Earth where ever needed from this station, using the teleporters. According to Hourman , aboard the Higher Authority, the JSA's satellite home, there are several parts of the Earth that have sustained heavy damage and destruction. We'll deal with the areas under the heaviest attack first."

"Yes," Batman cuts in, "I'll be going to Gotham immediately, with me will be The Flash, The Demon, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, The Atom, Mister Miracle, and the Creeper. The rest of you have to get into that ship and find Superman, Steel and Supergirl."

"Whoa, wait a minute here." intercedes Firestorm, "last I heard, Superman was the only one being held aboard that thing. What are you talking about Steel and Supergirl?"

Green Lantern turns towards Firestorm from his seat in front of him before speaking.

"Flame top," Kyle Ranier begins, "Steel and Supergirl escaped from here when we started to beat these creeps back. It was Batmans plan to rescue Superman, and that those two stood the best chance of accomplishing it."

"Great." Grumbles Firestorm, as he sinks into his seat. "Now we have a three way rescue to complete. As if things weren't bad enough already"

"You have no idea how bad things are , Firestorm." Batman angrily growls from the podium, "That ship is heading towards the sun, very quickly. We need Dr. Fate to teleport you all into its path. You have to stop that thing. Once that's done, we can worry about the rest of the armada"

"And that's a very big worry, Batman." Answers the Atom, "My last guestimate to its size was somewhere over a thousand ships. What are we looking at now?"

J'onn J'onnz answers Ray Palmers question, silencing Batman with his hand. "The armada was one thousand , one hundred ships in size, at first count. It has decreased somewhat in size due to our efforts, as well as terran missile defenses and the like, but it still numbers well over seven hundred vessels of all sizes."

"Wheeewww, that' a big group out there." exclaims Captain Marvel surprisingly. "I didn't think there were that many, from what I've seen."

Batman slams his hand down, hard. "The time for chit chat is over. You are the Earths last, best hope for survival. There is no failure here, only success, or death, period. The stakes have never been higher. There are a hell of a lot of people down there counting on us. We cannot let them down. We cannot. Now lets go do this, and let's get it right the first time, because there will be no second chance."

Everyone begins to stand, as Nightwing makes his way towards his mentor at the front of the auditorium.

"Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that, Dick. You look like hell. How are you feeling?"

"Nothing that won't heal*, Bruce. I'm serious though. You're tightly wound, moreso then usual."

*Nightwing and Starfire were held captive aboard the evil Blackfires ship, until being rescued by Cyborg and Changling.

"I have to get down there Robi- I mean Nightwing. Sorry, old habits die hard sometimes."

"Yes, I know. That's why I'm going with you to Gotham."

"WHAT? You can hardly move, boy. How are you going to be any use to me?"

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. More then anyone, you know that. I'm going to keep you out of trouble."

"What about your team?"

"I'm sending the Titans to LA, where we tracked the wreckage of Cyborgs ship. I'll hook up with them afterwards."

"Your place is with your team , Dick."

"No Bruce, my place is with my father."

He grasps Batmans hand, in a grip of iron. Both men smile, Nightwings characteristic one offsetting Batmans uncharacteristic.

Five minutes later...

Two teams of heroes ready to transport into two very different hells.

Batmans group enter the transporter tubes, leaving in groups to reappear instantly in Gotham City, a City that Batman has been forcibly kept away from for many days!

The other group doesn't use the transporter tubes, rather, they use the mystic might of the man known as Dr. Fate, who places the group in deep space! Immediately before the out of control starship that hurtles towards the Sun!

"Firestorm! Follow me!" Speaks the Martian Manhunter , as he phases through the ships hull.

"What are we doing Manhunter?"

"We are searching for our friends, Firestorm."

Outside the ship, the guns begin to blaze, as the ships gunners take aim at the heroes who suddenly appeared in their path.

"Scatter people! Then return fire!" Yells captain Atom, as he, Firehawk, Captain Marvel, Green Lantern, Zauriel and Superboy begin to attack the gargantuan ship.

Inside the huge vessel, J'onn J'onnz and Firestorm phase quickly between deck after deck, room after room, far faster then the alien crew aboard the ship can draw a bead on the two speeding heroes and fire, until finally, as the reach the bridge!

"Firestorm !" Roars The Martian Manhunter , "Beware! Madness!"

Firestorm phases in after J'onn, and his eyes almost pop out of their fiery sockets!

"Holy Cow! Superman! And Green Lantern, Lots of 'em including Hal Jordan! "

Suddenly a voice from next to the two just arrived heroes stirs them to action!

"What are we? Chopped liver?"

"Steel! Supergirl!" Shouts Firestorm in surprise, And Starman?!? I haven't seen you in years!"

"I've been out of circulation for a while Firestorm. We'll have time for chit chat later, right now we've got a runaway starship to stop."

"We're on it already Starman, there's a whole army of heroes outside this thing, fighting to stop it."

"Enough chatter you two, we must stop this ships headlong plunge." The Martian Manhunter growls emphatically.

"Okay J'onn, let's do it." Answers Firestorm, as he leaps into battle, directly at Mongul, who's in battle with both Superman , and the greatest Green Lantern of all!

"Hal!" Shouts Superman, as he backhands Mongul, "We've got to stop this ship."

Green Lantern grips Mongul in a vice of green energy, but Mongul shatters it , by kicking one of his own men into Green Lantern, killing the Alien marauder instantly!, But his attack served its purpose, Hals concentration was broken, and Mongul breaks free, as Firestorm envelops Mongul in blasts of explosive Nuclear power, smashing Mongul through a bulkhead, and into a surrounding hallway!


Instantly , Firestorm is after Mongul, who rights himself almost immediately, and punches the quickly flying hero powerfully!


Firestorm drops in a senseless heap at Supermans feet, who rockets through the hole in the wall, and pounds Mongul downwards, as he's quickly followed by Starman and J'onn J'onnz!

"You'll never win , Mongul. This insanity is over! As of now!" Roars the man of steel, as all three heroes rip into the falling Mongul!

Starman fires solar bolts of power into the falling behemoth, as Superman and the Manhunter both slam powerful fists into the giant!

The four figures drop through deck after deck! Finally stopping in a crushing landing aboard a hanger deck, five levels down, where Mongul kicks Superman away disdainfully!

"Away from me! My victory is but moments away! You won't stop me , Kryptonian, no one will!"

"That's where you're wrong , monster!" Bellows Green Lantern, as he arrives next to J'onn and Starman from above. Then, all three attack as one!

Green Lantern creates a barrage of energy shells, that explode upon contact with Mongul, driving him backwards, then Starman dives in to pound mercilessly on the tyrants face, as J'onn follows up Starmans lead, raining blow after high impact blow upon Mongul!

"Nooooooo!!!" Howls Mongul, painfully!"You won't defeat me, not when I'm so close to victory, so close to being free!"

"This is for all the people of Coast City, you animal!" Yells Green Lantern , as he creates two huge fists that pound Mongul repeatedly .

"Yes Mongul, " Roars Superman as he streaks across the deck towards his mortal enemy, "This is for all those innocents you butchered, and all those on Earth you're trying to kill now! "


Supermans punch is thrown with all his remaining might! Mongul is heaved through bulkhead after bulkhead, until he finally lands beaten and broken , barely conscious , almost half a mile away on the gargantuan ship.

Instantly, the heroes are upon him. Superman and Green Lantern are there first, with GL wrapping him up tight in bands of emerald energy.

Monguls broken body heaves, as he laughs weakly. "You are to late fools. This ship is loaded with anti-matter explosives, that will blow out your Sun like a match upon impact with it's corona. Then I will be free of Neron forever! And you all will be dead. Nothing can stop this ships plunge of galactic death, nothing!"

"That's where you're wrong , monster." Superman answers grimly, "We've stopped you, and by Krypton, we'll stop this ship, no matter what sacrifice it takes!"

Firestorm, Supergirl and Steel arrive, as Mongul continues to laugh.

"Oh shut up, you maniac." Grumbles Firestorm, as he creates steel clamps around the Tyrants body and mouth, pinning him to the deck. "I've heard enough outta you already."

"We've got to stop this ship, my friends." Hal Jordan implores.

"We will, Hal. Get your Lanterns outside to aid the others. We're going to stop this thing if we have to dismantle it in space!"

The heroes leave the ship en masse, whipping around to the nose of the ship, where the remaining group of warriors have been fighting a losing battle to slow this great out of control beast.

"What's our status?" Captain Atom shouts to the others, as they approach.

"Mongul's down, but the ship is still out of control. We have to stop it, immediately." Answers the Martian Manhunter.

Blaster bolts still fill the space around the heroes, as the ships crew fire continually , but to no avail. The heroes are to small for the marauders to get a bead on, and they fly about so quickly, that any weapons fire misses them completely!

A stalemate, but that in and of itself is no good. The ship still will plunge into the Sun, dimming its fires forever, unless the assembled heroes can stop it.

"Ring the ships nose, all of you, and do whatever you can to stop this thing!" Shouts a desperate man of steel, as he , the Martian Manhunter, Starman, and Captain Marvel ram into the ships bow, and fly against it with all their strength, but it is to little, to late! They are like flies attacking an elephant! The ship slows, but does not stop!

Firestorm circles around the back of the great vessel, attacking the engines , seeking to turn them to jelly! But they are to large, to massive! His power splays off of them, as he concentrates all his remaining strength into changing those engines into something useless. He engulfs the back end of the ship, straining himself beyond all limits!

At the front of the gigantic command vessel , the Green Lanterns place all their will together, and create a huge shield around the front of the ship to stop it, but suddenly, the skin of the ship peels off on impact with the shield, revealing a yellow surface beneath, that plunges through the shielding, like a knife through butter! Only Kyles portion of the shield holds, his rings weakness to yellow having been long since nullified!

"Hold it Kyle! Stop this thing!" Yells Hal, as he places his hand atop Kyles, adding his will power to Raniers.

Supermans veins bulge in his neck and arms, as he puts his all into stopping the out of control star killer. Next to him, the Martian Manhunter says nothing, as he too, puts all his vast strength and power into slowing the juggernaut. The heroes ring the ship, Supergirl, Steel, Superboy, Starman, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel , all of them. They all place their collective strengths on the line, straining themselves beyond the breaking point! Hundreds of thousands of tons, moving at millions of miles an hour! An irresistible force, meeting unmoveable objects, but the objects have lost! They are moving, and they are getting closer and closer to the Sun!

"It's slowing!" Bellows Kyle!

"But not enough! Nowhere near enough!" Answers Captain Atom, as he pours his all into his Quantum beams, that splash against the hull, seemingly uselessly. "We should have just destroyed this thing from the inside out, but it's to late now, much to late!"

"Don't give up! Never give up! We've got to stop it! We've got to!" Howls Superman, as he redoubles his effort!

Next to him, Captain Marvel growls in agony and determination, as he crushes the hull of the ship where he presses against, his grip shattering the ships skin, but still he fights on. "Holy Moly Superman! We can't stop it, it's going to hit the Sun! And nothing we can do will stop it!"

"Don't falter Captain, even if everyone of us die here and now, we have to stop this thing!" , Screams Superman!

Back on Earth, the heroes battle impossible odds in the heart of a burning Gotham city, as Batman, Nightwing, and so many others fight on through pained and weakened limbs. Superheroes fight side by side with Super villains, Police, soldiers, common men, and street thugs, all joined together in battle against one common foe! Side by side and shoulder to shoulder the whole of humanity fights on against the evil, alien hordes .

And this is not just in Gotham city! The world over, the same scene replays itself again and again. In Markovia, The Outsiders battle beside brick and board wielding citizenry against the invading aliens. In Paris, the Euroguard battle before the ruins of the Eiffel tower , staunchly holding their position.

But all know, all around the world, the final battle is being fought in space, and without that victory, there will be no victory at all!

Out in the blackness of space, Monguls ship passes Mercury, as the fiery ball of gas looms ever closer behind the unstoppable behemoth!

"It's no good!" Howls Captain Atom, "It's not slowing enough, no matter what we do!"

No one answers him, as they all feel their bodies breaking under the terrible, unspeakable pressure. But the stakes are beyond anything they've ever faced before , and all face the inevitable , grim faced

"It's not stopping !" Screams Superboy through his communicator! "It's to late!"

Everyone there knows it! But still they press on, many begin to weep at the hopelessness of the situation, knowing their own imminent deaths will be but the first of many, many more. But everyone of them knows they'll go down fighting, giving their lives to save the Earth, even if it appears they've already lost!

And then , suddenly it happens! Space stretches and tears behind the assembled heroes, as a huge gleaming, skull shaped ship appears, tentacles miles long brandishing to and fro in space. Superman stares in disbelief, as the others join him in wide eyed wonder.

"No!" He stammers, "Not him, not now. We're not ready for this!"

"Who is it? Who's in that ship?" Shrieks Supergirl

"You know who it is, Supergirl. You already suspect." Is his pained answer

"NO!" She whispers in a hoarse cry of agony, "We can't beat him now, not after this."

Suddenly beams of energy rip out of the flying head, that tear into the great death ship, shattering it like glass, as a voice, a terrible , terrible voice rings through their collective minds!

"No one destroys Earth, no one but I, I Brainiac! "

They all clutch their heads painfully, as his powerful psychic blast screams in their minds.

The huge ship they fought so hard to stop is destroyed by Brainiacs power, shattered to shreds of steel and floating flesh, and all around them, the armada follows suit, as Brainiacs' ship fires upon everyone of the remaining alien ships, destroying many of them, as the remaining ships warp out to parts unknown.

Then , as the pained and weakened heroes gird themselves to attack the foe who defeated the undefeatable, that terrible voice rings through their minds once more! "Your world lives tonight because I willed it! Remember that. You all owe your existence to Brainiac. But that will not be a long existence. This pathetic worlds days are numbered. When I return, I will turn this planet to dust. And none of you can stop me. Remember that. I proved it so tonight. You are all helpless against my power. You continue to exist by my grace alone."

"We'll see about that Brainiac!" Shouts Superman , as he speeds towards the gigantic ship, but suddenly a blast of energy from one of the tentacles engulfs him, stopping him where he flies, instantly and painfully!

"I have not the time to continue this foolishness , Superman. Remember, when I return, you will be as helpless against me then, as you all are now."

And then Brainiacs ship disappears in a flash of imploding Stars, as it warps space, to leap across the galaxy to who knows where.

Several heroes ring the man of steel, helping him.

"He ran Superman, we could've taken him, and he knew it." Offers Firestorm, halfheartedly.

"No Firestorm, we couldn't have. No matter what you may think. He had us. He had the world, and we were helpless. But that won't be the same when he returns. I'll be ready for him, you hear me Brainiac? I'll be ready and waiting!" Superman shouts into the star speckled blackness of space, as everyone begins to make their way back towards Earth, pained and agonized. Knowing inside that this time, they would have failed...

Epilogue 1

Nerons Hell

Demons run to and fro, as the walls of hell reverberate with Nerons screams of impotent anger. Around him flames leap uncontrollably, as souls shriek away from his gasp, escaping from this damned place they never belonged, Neron rages in impotent fury, as millions of souls he had no claim to escape him, to either return to the living world, or to heaven, where they belonged. Many souls , including several that served time in this evil dimension for far longer then they ever deserved. Souls such as Dan Cassidy, the Blue Devil! As well as many others... But one in particular still eludes Nerons grasp, one that started all this many months ago, one Neron wants back, badly to inflict an eternity of agony upon "Mongul!" He rages into the steaming pits...

Epilogue 2


Superman stands on one of the few remaining rooftops that stands above the razed city, as a tear runs down his face at the sight of the carnage around him. Batman silently lands next to him.

"This is the worst it's ever been, Bruce."

"I know Clark, I know."

"It's like this all over the world, you know. I've seen it ."

Batman says nothing, merely nodding grimly.

"We have a lot to rebuild, the world over , my friend. The planet won't be the same for years, if ever."

"Something else is bothering you, Clark. What is it?"

"He had us , Bruce. Brainiac had us. There was no way we could have beaten him at that moment. Why'd he leave ? It was his chance for a final victory."

"Perhaps he has a bit of twisted honor in him somewhere, Superman. Perhaps he didn't want his final victory to be won that way."

"I suppose you could be right , Batman."

"There's another answer too, you know."

"Which is?"

"He was weakened from taking out all those ships, and knew he couldn't have defeated us , at that point."

"Perhaps, Batman. Or perhaps he wants us all to be aware he could destroy us, destroy the world, at any time , any moment of his choosing. The entire planet owes its existence to Braniac right now, and he knows that. It's a marker I'll wager, that he'll be along to collect sooner then later."

"If he does, Clark, we'll be waiting, all of us."

With a sharp popping sound, Batmans grappling gun fires off a line, and he swings away into the darkness without another word, as Superman stands on the roofs edge, staring at the blacked out, powerless remains of Metropolis. Then, he slowly, silently begins to fly away into the night, as rain begins to fall grudgingly about him, his tears mixing with the coming storms, he begins to weep...

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