His world is one of eternal darkness, but oh how the darkness is filled! Images , more vivid then any eyesight, supplied by a unique "Radar sense", as well as hyper acute senses make his world a unique and astonishing place. By day he is a well known and respected lawyer, by night a different kind of defender, one who is known by his enemies as a "Man without fear". Years of training along with his amazing senses have made him a man who instills fear instead. Armed with his multi purpose "Billy Club" he swings through the Manhattan skyline , battling evil and injustice wherever it rears its ugly face. He is....

Daredevil, the fearless!

Daredevil #8

By returning Ralph Angelo!

The Hand of Chaste Part I of V

"Old debts..."

Daredevil swings through the Manhattan early morning skyline, as only he can do, somersaulting and diving through the air gracefully, as people far down below either ignore him, or stare in awe!

"Damn" He thinks, "As if life hasn't gotten complicated enough of late, now I have to oversleep the day of the reading of Rosalind' will*. Ad to that the mugging I just broke up over on 48th St, and it has the making a of bad day before breakfast."

* Rosalind Sharpe died mysteriously in our second issue

Snapping his Billy club line forwards with an audible "crack" , Daredevil makes one last high speed swing through the canyons of Manhattan, to alight on a now familiar building. One which houses the offices of Sharpe, Nelson, and Murdock.

Minutes later, Daredevil is gone, replaced by sightless Attorney Matt Murdock. Matt makes his way down empty hallways and corridors, his radar sense alerting him to any casual passers by , as well as his other unique and heightened senses.

Finally finding the doorway in question, Matt enters. Immediately Franklin, "Foggy" Nelson stands and moves to help the supposed blind man to a seat next to him.

"Where were you Matt?" He whispers, "They've all been waiting for you."

"Rough morning Foggy." Answers Murdock.

The attorney at the head of the table begins to speak.

"Mr Murdock, good of you to join us. I will begin to read the contents of Rosalind Sharpes will."

He pauses momentarily, then begins, "I, Rosalind Sharpe, being of sound mind and body , do solemnly bequeath, upon the condition of my death, my personal savings to "Mr Slinky".

All heads in the room stare at each other, including Matt and Foggy, as a hushed murmur of "Who the hell is Mr Slinky?" echoes around the room.

The attorney pauses momentarily while waiting for the room to silence itself.

"I bequeath my home to the ASPCA to do as they see fit with it. My automobiles to the home for battered women on 43rd St. in Manhattan, and my share of Sharpe , Nelson and Murdock to Mr Matthew Murdock. To my son Franklin Nelson I leave this. " The lawyer holds up a gold key, then continues. "This will open a safe deposit box at "The bank of trust" at 40th St. There you will find your inheritance my son."

The man closes his briefcase and begins to leave.

"Wait a minute, " Foggy begins, "That was it? The entire will? Who the heck is Mr Slinky, her boyfriend?"

The lawyer that none of them know smiles woefully, "No Mr Nelson, that was I, Mr Slinky is your mothers pet Boa constrictor." Turning once more the unnamed Lawyer is gone, as the others in the room mill about, Matt and Foggy leave, going up stairs to their offices.

"Matt, she left you the business. That's amazing. "

"To be honest Foggy, I'm more then a little surprised she didn't leave it to you."

"I'm not hurt or anything Matt. I know what I'm capable of doing, and I know I'm a damn good lawyer, no matter what mom thought of me."

Matt turns towards his friend and clasps his shoulder firmly.

"You're right Foggy, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a good lawyer. Look, I have to run. I have to check on Sister Maggie* , and I have to stop in on Karen today.**"

*Injured last issue,

** Drugged and beaten in our first few issues

Foggy sighs, "Still no improvement huh?"

"No, not yet. But I'm optimistic, she's getting the best care available, and the doctors say she has the will to beat this."

Foggy Nelson shakes his friends hand.

"I know buddy, I know."

Minutes later, Daredevil swings through the mid-morning sky, as his mind wanders over the incredible events of the past few months. So deep in thought is he, that he fails to hear the furtive figure following him, until suddenly that figure drops down on top of him from above!

"Whooff! " He yells, as he rolls over, snapping his attacker off with a powerful kick! With feline agility the figure lands , and begins to stalk DD from a crouched and growling position.

"Sabertooth huh? I didn't know we had a dance date kitty."

"Huh. You're a funny one ain't ya red man? Ya won't be when I'm done wit ya."

Sabertooth leaps again, his powerful legs propelling him the twenty feet that separate them almost instantly. He slashes out at Daredevil, as hornhead ducks low, evading the eviscerating cut, to respond with a sweeping leg , knocking the feral hit man on to the ground. But immediately the killer is back on his feet.

"Not bad Redman. To bad yer gonna be redder then ever, from yer entrails bein' on the outside a yer costume . He slashes again, this time DD stands his ground, as the claws drag across the costumes surface , but fail to puncture it.

"What th- What the hell is that?"

"Mimetic cloth pussycat. I started wearing it a few years ago, when I changed costumes for a while, but it's uses were to good to pass up when I went back to the classic look."

As he speaks, DD fires off a snap kick to Sabertooths jaw, snapping his head back, hard!


"Why are you here madman? What's this all about?"

Sabertooth rakes the air in the area of DD's throat, as the man without fear leaps back yet again, and this time, before landing, he snaps his billy club cable out, snaring a pipe on an adjacent rooftop. With a quick swing he arcs around the roof, as Sabertooth stares on growling like a wild thing.

"Come back here you wuss, you can't run far enough from me! I'll find ya wherever ya go!"

DD continues his arc, coming back like liquid mercury, slamming both legs out and under Sabertooth's wildly flailing claws.


"Who says I'm running?"

The kick tosses Sabertooth across the rooftop like a sack of potatoes, while Daredevil lands himself, cat like.

"No more games Creed. Who sent you. What do you want. "

Sabertooth stands and wipes blood from his lips. "First blood to you Red. As far as who sent me, I got no reason not ta tell ya, since I'm gonna gut ya in a minute or two. It's the hand. They 've had enough a you beatin' on their boys over the years. They want ya outta business permanently."

DD exhales . "So their idea of taking me out is to send a second string loser like you after me? No wonder why they've always lost."

"Second string--- Why you --"

Again Sabertooth hurls himself at DD, this time Daredevil drops to the ground, kicking upwards, as he grabs Creeds collar, he tosses him over the roofs edge he was standing near. As he goes over, Sabertooth takes one last swipe at him, cutting the man without fears exposed cheek.

Daredevil gets to his feet and peers over the buildings edge, as he hears Sabertooth hit the concrete far below.

"He's still breathing, his heart rate is ragged, but he's alive. His healing factor must already be cutting in judging by his accelerated heart beat."

Then another heartbeat attracts his attention, one coming over the rooftop towards him.

"Elektra." Is all he says as the beautiful woman lands without a sound next to him.

"Hello Matthew. How are you?"

"I've been better . What can I do for you Miss Natchios?"

"Matthew, I need your help. I've been trying to get your aid for weeks now. But something is continuously getting in my way."

"What do you need help with Elektra? You're usually not the aid asking type. What is it?"

"Matthew, the "Chaste" have fallen to the "Hand"."

"What???When did this happen, how???"

She sighs deeply, and seems to almost collapse into herself. "It began before you left for Florida. My friend and young ward Nina was killed by this un-dead monster the Hand had resurrected."

"As you yourself were."

She nods at him, before continuing. "Nina suddenly reappeared , alive again, but this time under the Hands control. We fought, I won. I brought Nina to the Chastes mountain, but they refused me access, accepting only her. I returned here to be confronted by Sticks silent shade, who solemnly merely shook his head . Not long after, I was attacked by the behemoth that had killed Nina originally, as well as Nina herself. They.....framed me for multiple murders, as well as told me the Chaste had fallen to their immortal enemies, the Hand. I escaped their relentless attack, and sought you out, to find a trail from your apartment , to a secluded alleyway. Where I found your woman, Karen Page .* That brings us to our battle with the Hands assassin . Who we both defeated. Then you were gone in anger. I decided to wait and bide my time. Evading the Police, as in any city is childs play, but evading our old enemies is not. They draw closer Matthew. I need your help."

*See our second issue

Matt rubs his head, he's beginning to feel feverish. "Elektra, of course I'd help you. No matter what happened to us in the past, we do .....share a ......bond...."

Suddenly DD stumbles, as he begins to fall . "Sabertooths claws....poisoned."

He slumps to the ground , unconscious, Elektra at his side before his head can hit the hard rooftop .

"Matthew!" she shouts, as she touches his feverish forehead. "He's burning up." She thinks to herself. And then another voice intrudes on the deadly tableau, one that causes her head to snap around like lightning, her battle hardened senses scream at her of the deadly foe who awaits.

"Stand away from him witch. Whatever you've done to him, I will revisit upon you far worse. On this you have the word of .....The Black Widow!"

Next: Ur dur, need we say more? To Be Continued!!1

Dare-ing to be different

C/O [email protected]

Hey Ralph! Well, I loved this issue! Seeing Matt take on a more
powerful force than himself, and all of the religious imagery made for
a fantastic tale. I loved seeing the more political aspects brought to
the fore as well. It reminded me of my favorite Daredevil stories ever,
which is a very good thing. Keep up the great work and I'll e here for
next issue!


Thanks TJ, I passed this along to Ron, and he was happy to hear you enjoyed the story. Let me know what you think of this one buddy!


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