His world is one of eternal darkness, but oh how the darkness is filled! Images , more vivid then any eyesight, supplied by a unique "Radar sense", as well as hyper acute senses make his world a unique and astonishing place. By day he is a well known and respected lawyer, by night a different kind of defender, one who is known by his enemies as a "Man without fear". Years of training along with his amazing senses have made him a man who instills fear instead. Armed with his multi purpose "Billy Club" he swings through the Manhattan skyline , battling evil and injustice wherever it rears its ugly face. He is....


Daredevil, the fearless!

Daredevil the fearless # 5


By Ralph L. Angelo Jr.


Splash page: Matt Murdoch faces his best friend and confidant , Foggy Nelson.

Narrator: What has gone before : Last Issue Daredevil finally wrapped up a long standing mystery in finding the true forces behind his fathers death, and brought the culprits to justice. Now, upon arriving home, Matt Murdock has found his world continuing to crash around him, as Foggy has just told Matt that Foggys mother (Rosalind Sharpe) , and their mutual boss has died suddenly in Matts absence. The time, 2 seconds after last issue.

Matt: "What? Foggy…what happened? How?" (Foggy's distraught, that much is obvious, and as much as I disliked Sharpe, she was still his mother.)

Page 2

Matt and Foggy sit in the airport waiting area nearest Matts exit way from his flight.

Foggy: "Matt…s-she left for work yesterday morning , and was run down as she crossed fifth avenue on the way to the office, you know she always walked, 'cause she hated to spend cab fare. Well a black van ran her down , and kept going."

Matt: (My God, his heart…..He's got to calm down!) Foggy! Slow down buddy, you have to relax. Take a deep breath. "

Foggy nods and does as Matt asks. A minute later he continues.

Foggy: "The van was found two blocks away, abandoned . The police say a homeless man watched as another car pulled up from the opposite end of the street and picked up the driver of the van. The van was stolen a week ago from Long Island."

Page 3

Matt: "So there's no other leads then Foggy?"

Foggy shakes his head no as Matts radar sense reads his friends pain wracked face. Then, his hearing picks up a heartbeat. One that brings the taste of bile up his throat as revulsion at the very thought of the man that heartbeat belongs to brings him to anger.

Matt: "Foggy. Stay here. I have to speak with someone here. Someone who's obviously here to speak with me."

Foggy: "O-okay, but hurry Matt, there's more."

Matt nods his head and stands, walking determinedly towards the sound of that thundering heartbeat. The one like a heavy bass drum that fills his hearing, and drives him to fury.

Page 4

Matt rounds a corner and meets the man he hates more then any other in the world. The one villain , the one foe who he truly despises.

Matt: "Hello Fisk, to what do I owe the displeasure?"

Kingpin: "Now counselor, is that any way to treat a friend? And I was so looking forward to having a nice conversation with you. And by the way, your rather determined walk this way could lead one to the belief that those glasses are merely to guard against harsh sunlight, and nothing more."


Matt: "Right now Fisk, I couldn't give a rats ass as to what anyone thinks. What do you want. Get to the point."

Page 5

Fisk laughs heartily.

Fisk: "You are such a funny man Matthew. Very well then. I have come to congratulate you on a job well done in Florida. And also to thank you."

Matt: "Thank me? For what? No more games fat man, I've had enough."

Fisk: "Why to thank you for disposing of my only competition in that arena."

Matt Murdock spins, anger and realization suddenly explode upon his consciousness as his senses take in Fisks entire presence.

Matt: "You dirty sonuva.."

Page 6

Fisk: "Such language counselor, I expected better of you. My home in Miami will always be open to you. I'm sure you know of the place, It used to belong to Ulysses S. Lugman. Until about 12 hours ago. "

Matt: "Get out of my site you fat bast---"

Fisk:" Ha! I see frustration written all over your poor, blind face Mathew . At least consider this. With your employers death, where does that leave you? If you are looking for gainful employment, I can be of assistance."

Murdock turns his back and angrily walks towards Foggy Nelson, as the Kingpin says one more thing , low enough where no one but Matt Murdocks , with his hypersensitive hearing will hear.

Fisk: "And Matthew, isn't a shame about that warden down in Miami? The poor man. To be cut down in life so young."

Page 7

Murdock continues on towards Foggy.

Foggy: "What is it Matt, what happened?"

Matt: "Nothing Foggy. Let's just get out of here. The air is…..tainted. I need something fresh to breathe."

Both men leave, as Fisk exits in the opposite direction.

Matt and Foggy enter the waiting limo as Matt holds his head from an encroaching migraine.

Matt: "What else Foggy?"

Foggy: "What do you mean Matt?"

Page 8

Matt: "You said there was something else that happened. You might as well tell me now while everything else has hit the fan."

Foggy looks at Matt, his best friend he's ever had, and his heart breaks with the what he has to tell him. Foggy takes a deep breath and then….

Foggy: "Matt, it's about Karen…."

Twenty minutes later…..

Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson stand in a hospital room at Lennox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, looking at a young woman who is fighting her way back from deaths door.

Page 9

Matt: "Foggy, what happened?"

Foggy Nelson places his hand on Matts shoulder as he speaks.

Foggy: " Elektra found her Matt. She was in an alley, all drugged up and drunk as well. From what she's said in the few lucid moments she's had is that she was kidnapped right after you left. She was tortured and continuously fed drugs against her will. My God, the doctors say there's such a combination of chemicals in her right now….Well, she's fighting her way back to normal Matt. She's a strong one."

Matt: "Is she Foggy? And how far does she have to go? Who did this Foggy? Was it the Kingpin again? She worked at a radio station he used to own. Is this more of his handiwork?"

Page 10

Foggy: "Uh I -I don't…."

Matt: "No, not his style. He didn't rub it in my face either. So I doubt very much it was him. It's someone else. I need to find out who."

Matt turns and leaves the hospital room, after he tenderly kisses Karen Pages forehead .

Matt: " I'm sorry Foggy, I have things to take care of here. Someone did this to Karen, now they'll be the devil to pay!"

Foggy Nelson watches Matt angrily leave the room and winces.

Foggy:(Whoever did this better be long gone from town. Other wise ……)

Page 11

Daredevil canvases the city streets where Karen was found .Soon there are informants and thugs fearing his name as the red man leaps from shadowed rooftop to fear haunted alley all through the day and into the late night. Word on the street is ripe with fear of the redman with the horns, getting information on a former prostitutes beating as well as info on the whereabouts of the lady ninja, Elektra.

Daredevil: ( It's been hours, and so far the only thing I've been able to ascertain is that someone on a motorcycle followed her the day I left. Someone oriental. But who? And where is Elektra? I know she's wanted for something these days, but she should know I need her.)

Suddenly an object fills DD's radar sense, it's a knife thrown with unerring accuracy, it spins end over end, and with a snap of his wrist, Daredevil catches the sai, without ever turning around.

DD: "Hello Elektra. How are you?"

Page 12

Elektra: "I am fine Matthew. I heard you were looking for me."

DD : "I think you know why."

Elektra: "I do. The identity of the scum you seek is not known….. at the moment. I will help you find this dog, and run him down."

DD: "Fine Elektra. Let's go."

In silence they both leap off the buildings precipice , and into the beckoning night. Together they swing through the manmade canyons , and together they continue searching for leads. The hours pass, and slowly things begin to come together. A bar in Chelsea yields a vital piece of the puzzle, as several punks lose teeth, as well as the info Daredevil seeks. Another bar in the lower west side loses a window as a burly punk is kicked through it. Inside Elektra throws a sai through a knife wielding thugs shoulder, as Daredevil levels a flying kick into a large bikers abdomen, dropping him immediately.

Page 13

DD: "I can keep this up all night dirtbags, can you? And I'm the nice one. SHE wants blood."

DD nods in ELEKTRA's direction as her ridge hand strike downs another in an almost endless sea of thugs. She smiles as DD mentions her.

DD: "Tell me what I want to know kids, or it will get worse before it gets better."

DD throws his billy club, it careens around the room, as if it were alive, snapping a jaw here and there, smacking into the back of someone's head, before returning back to his hand.

DD: "Talk !"

The bartender raises his hands up from behind the bar and waves them towards DD

Page 14

Bartender: "I-I know who he is, comes in here once in a while."

Elektra is there, subtly , smoothly. With barely any discernible movement, her Sai at the Bartenders throat.

DD: "So? Who is it? Where do I find him?"

The bartender swallows hard and begins to speak……

Minutes later the two heroes are swinging through Manhattan , towards Chinatown.

Elektra: "Funny, I thought this man was Japanese , not Chinese. Why is he frequenting this area?"

Page 15

DD: "Maybe he likes the sushi, what do I know Elektra? All I want is a piece of his hide right now."

Suddenly a bolt of electricity arcs upwards from the ground, stabbing Daredevil in the back!


DD: "UUUnnngh!"

Elektra: "Daredevil!"

She swings towards him, oblivious to her own safety, and catches his stunned form, as they both roll to a stop on the cold tarmac. Suddenly a headlight stabs the night, as a powerful motor hums to life, revving throatily as laughter fills the night!

Voice: "Ah you Gaijins are so funny. Both in red , one like the devil himself. I hear you are looking for me pretty lady. Well I am here. And I bring greetings from the hand."

DD Shakes out the cobwebs as Elektra angrily advances on the motorcycle riding stranger

Page 16

Elektra: "The HAND?? They are behind this? Your evil is complete now little man. Whoever you are, you have spoken the wrong words. ANY who ally themselves with the Hand are my sworn enemies."

She throws the Sai in her left hand, as the unknown assailant points his hand, and bio-electric energy spasms outwards, engulfing it, but it served its purpose! In a flash, Elektra is there, her boot connecting in a side thrust kick to the assailants face! He falls off his bike, to the ground.


Bad Guy: "Not bad pretty lady, but not good enough."

He points and electricity flies, burning the ground where Elektra once stood! But she's somersaulting overhead, as a certain billy club arcs from seemingly nowhere to smack the villain in the side of the head.


Page 17

Daredevil is standing there, obviously enraged, advancing steadily on his opponent.

DD: "Who are you? Why did you attack Karen Page?"

Bad Guy: "I am known as Tsurayami . Is that why you are after me? Because of the gaijin cow? Hahahaha."

DD grabs Tsurayami by the collar

DD: "Why?"

Tsurayami: "Because the Hand wanted to send you a message. They know of your involvement with the blind lawyer Murdock, and wanted you both to know that your days are numbered. In fact I think yours are over."

Page 18

Suddenly electricity arcs through DD body, as his contact with his foe earns him blistering pain!

DD: "Arrggh!"

Tsurayami: "There is a price on your head Devil. I was not to collect it yet, but now after your attack on me, perhaps….."

Elektra attacks, sweeping the legs out from under Tsurayami, breaking his grip on DD, but stunning herself in the process by contacting his body.

DD: " No more you grinning ghoul." (That hurt, bad. This guy is overconfident, but that's a flaw I have to exploit, if he gives me a chance.)

The villain sweeps his arm across the road, spraying bio-electric power at the two heroes, who both narrowly avoid it!

Page 19

Elektra: "Matthew, I do not know how long I can continue this. His last bolt…hurt."

DD : "Just keep him distracted."

DD Cartwheels across the road as Tsurayami peppers the ground with his Bio blasts.

Tsurayami: "You are both worthy adversaries , but this game grows old."

DD: "Maybe it just grows tiring , for you. I notice your not hitting the target as readily. What's wrong, running out of juice?"

Tsurayami: "Bah, I can overcome you fools without my powers."

Page 20

Elektra throws her Sai once more, this time it connects, imbedding itself in his calf.


Elektra smiles as she delivers an elbow strike to his face, shattering his nose into a million pieces.


Tsurayami rolls over, dislodging the sai as he goes, but nailing her directly with a bio bolt.


Elektra drops to the ground, unconscious.

Page 21

The villain drags himself to a standing position, as DD approaches .

Tsurayami: "You dog! I will finish both you and your witch at a later time."

DD: "You're the one running with his tail between his legs, I'd have to say you fit the "dog" analogy a lot better then either of us."

Angrily, and desperately Tsurayami fires all his power in a bio-bolt that singes the air, but Daredevil is overhead, leaping and firing his billy club line to a fire escape, then swinging down hard , he kicks the villain in the chest, knocking him tumbling towards his motorcycle.

Without another word Tsurayami struggles to upright the machine, then leaping upon it he guns it to escape, but DD is there, throwing his Adamantium Billy club, directly into the front wheel! His incredible radar sense unerringly guiding his throw! The bike goes over front wheel first, as Tsurayami is thrown over the handlebars and fairing. Only his Ninja training saves him from a broken neck. The CBR900RR goes down in a crumpled heap.

Page 22

DD grabs the barely conscious assassin by the neck.

DD: "When you get out of jail, tell your masters that they started a war here today, one I mean to finish. Tell them to beware. Karen Page and Matt Murdock are under my protection. If any harm comes to either of them, I will hunt the Hand down one by one, until none are left. Do you understand me firefly?"

The villain nods weakly

DD: "Good."


He punches his foe brutally into dreamland with a powerful left that skips Tsurayami across the street like a stone across a pond.

Page 23

Elektra approaches from behind, his hearing alerting him to her consciousness moments earlier.

Elektra: "That was almost uncharacteristically brutal. I liked it. What happened?"

DD: "I needed a little vengeance Elektra, for what he did to Karen, and for myself as well."

Elektra: "HHmm, the upholder of the law meeting out punishment. How out of character."

DD turns to her.

DD: "There may be a few things out of character for me happening in the days to come Elektra. It seems like the whole world is closing in around me, and this may be the only way to handle it."

Without another word he snaps his billy club upwards and swings away into the night, leaving a bemused Elektra staring after him.





Next: Politics in the big city




Dare-ing to be different

C/O [email protected]


 Next issue my brother Ron takes the helm for a multi issue storyline ripped from todays headlines. Also, once again I re-iterate, I need some letters! Where are they?? I know Matt sent me a review of a pile of issues, and I can't find it at all. So sorry guys , no mail this issue. Click the link above though, to send me some. Till next time


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