Born to wealth, his inheritance more then just monetary, Tony Stark received his fathers genius and business savvy, along with his mothers good nature and common sense . Bolstering these with a natural talent for engineering, along with a will of Iron, Anthony Stark became an even more accomplished businessman then his father. But tragedy struck the young Millionaire, trapping him , he thought at the time, forever, in a suit of Iron to match his inner resolve! Since then he has fought back against many trails and tribulations, conquering every one like a shining knight of old. His steel mesh armor acting as a weapon for good against the most hi-tech villains of all time! He is the shining warrior of the future! The Golden Avenger! He is the one and only, the invincible


Iron Man #358

For the first Time

by Ralph L. Angelo Jr

The terror from down below, Part IV

and the conclusion~!

Splash Page: Close up view of Iron Mans helmet , as Wide eyed, Iron Man stares at the scene being reflected in his helmet, the image of Thor being stepped on by the huge foot of Ultimo, as they both come crashing through the ceiling of the subterranean cavern Iron Man stands in, while he was battling Grotesk*.

*Hang on, all will be revealed as we go along, or you can simply read our last issue and Thor numbers 527 & 528 for the full scoop!

IM :"Thor!"

Page 2

Grotesk laughs heartily as Ultimo crushes Thor underfoot.

Grotesk: " That's it my huge friend, crush the so called Thunder God, then you can turn your- I mean our attentions to this iron plated fool."

IM: "It's not going to be that easy maniac."

IronMan streaks upwards on jets of flame, unleashing his repulser rays at the underside Ultimos' chin, toppling the off balance behemoth , knocking it off of Thor, as the God of Thunder immediately rises, anger gleaming in his eyes like a storm brewing, a very dangerous storm.

Thor: "My thanks Iron Man, but this leviathan hath angered the God of Thunder, and now he must indeed pay the price for his actions, I say thee, have at thee monster!"

Thor whirls his mighty hammer above his head, and then he hurls Mjolnir with thunderous results, smashing Ultimo upwards and back, as the mighty hammer returns to his outstretched hand!

IM : "Nice shot goldilocks, but I think we should handle the so called brains of the operation here first."

Thor: "Agreed my friend."

Page 3

Both turn towards the suddenly silent Grotesk, who feverishly works the control that sits wrapped on his forearm, the alien metal of the device actually flowing with rhythmic, almost living movements as it covers his right arm. Undulating as unto a thing alive and sentient.

Grotesk: "No Avengers, you will not stop me, already Ultimo stands and is ready to continue his rampage . Together he and I will have our revenge on the surface world . Together we will-"

I M : "Shut up ."

Iron Man fires a repulser blast at Grotesks head, blowing him across the dank, deep cavern, his uni-beams light the only thing keeping the room in view!


Grotesk : "Unngh!"

The villain falls in a heap at the far end of the tunnel, trying to stand almost as soon as he lands.

I M: "All your blathering about nuclear testing killing your people is true, but the bottom line is it wasn't the surface worlds testing that caused this tragedy all those years ago, it was your own! I finally deduced why you were seemingly unharmed from the tests, yet your entire race was wiped out."

Iron Man grabs Grotesk by the collar, heaving him skyward.

Page 4

I M : " YOU'RE the reason your people are wiped out. Twenty years ago a nuke was found to be missing from the United States weapons count .I just received this report on my systems mainframe. The government kept it quiet to insure the peace, but it was never found. This particular nuke was kept deep underground in Nevada. There were others there also, but only one was taken. I suppose you were experimenting weren't you? And things got out of hand. Your race was wiped out , while you were hidden away safely. "

Grotesk: "NO! It wasn't like that! I was there, I didn't set off the weapon, it went off prematurely, while we were transporting it into a safe keeping area in my peoples lands."

IM :"And this is the surface worlds fault? I don't think so . Take responsibility for your own actions Grotesk!"

Grotesk: "My name is Gortok, Prince Gortok!"

For emphasis he drives his fists down onto Iron Mans helmet, causing Iron Man to drop the villain!


Thor: "Nay madman! None shall harm the Golden Avenger while Thor doth breathe!"

Thor hurls Mjolnir yet again, but Grotesk is far more nimble then a hundred story tall goliath, and ducks below Mjolnirs path.

Page 5

Grotesk : "Ha! Neither of you can stop Grotesk! You both forget the strength of my own limbs."

I M : "No crater face , we didn't. We just chose to ignore it!"

Iron Man rockets in, unleashing a powerful left cross haymaker, that topples Grotesk in a heap.

Thor: "Well struck my friend! Doth the villain yet live?"

IM: "Of course Thor, we're Avengers. We don't kill! He's just unconscious."

Thor: "And what of yon strange device that e'en now doth loosen its grip pon his arm?"

IM: "I'm not sure old friend. It's some form of almost living metal. I have to assume it's a form of Alien control unit for Ultimo. Probably lost here a millennia ago. Perhaps that's why whoever built him, left him here."

Thor grasps his chin in thought, as Iron Mans Uni-Beam continues to illuminate the dank cavern in an eerie glow.

Thor: "Aye, twould explain much. Still, the giant must needs be stopped!"

I M : "And we're the only two Avengers around I see. Okay, if that's the way it has to be , that's the way it has to be!"

Page 6

IM:"But first...."

Iron Man disappears up the tunnel towards the surface in a blast of jet exhaust, returning moments later with a spool of heavy cable in hand. Working quickly, the Golden Avenger wraps the unconscious Grotesk up tightly as Thor nods in agreement.

IM: "I didn't want to lose this madman once we've finally caught him."

Thor: "Aye my friend, verily the Odin-son doth agree. Still, I would know about yon device enwrapped pon the villains arm"

IM :"Well, from what I can discern, this control device is a form of Neural-mimetic metal that allows control of Ultimos higher functions, as if they were the users own. In other words, the person who wears this device extends his consciousness to Ultimo as well, while maintaining his own individuality."

Thor: "Aye, as I had thought, not so much in those terms Iron Man, but thought it nonetheless."

IM: "Yes, now it's time for us to stop coffee klatching and find our lost behemoth, before he gets to far."

Thor: "Aye Avenger! Let us begone!"

Page 7

Whirling Mighty Mjolnir overhead, Thor suddenly flies up the tunnels length towards the surface, with Iron man behind him. An instant later they emerge to a scene of carnage!

IM:"Well at least we can see where he went."

Thor: "Indeed. The giant hath left us a trail a sleeping child could find easily."

Both heroes stare at the wreckage strewn all about the Stark industries newly constructed Long Island campus. Cars are crushed by the gargantuan foot of Ultimo, brick and mortar walls are torn asunder , as are fences , as the rampaging giant leaves a path of destruction heading south, towards the ocean.

Thor: "Twas fortuitous that thou had the foresight to alert the National Guard to our predicament."

IM:"Yes, I just hope they cleared out everyone in this things path."

Hovering in mid air both heroes scan the horizon, as Iron Man does more then merely see in the distance. His armor scans several different bands across the EM spectrum, searching for some sign of Ultimo, until..

IM :"Got 'im! C'mon Thor, Lets find this monster and finish this off."

Jets blasting, Iron Man rockets away as the God of Thunder follows his friends lead.

Page 8

Cut to : Rhodes air, Silicon Valley, Ca.

Friends. They fill our lives with both joy and sadness. We share their ups, as well as their downs. All the while placing them in a special part of our hearts and memories. If Tony Stark could see the future of one of his most trusted friends , he'd quiver in rage and sorrow. Jim Rhodes has just landed his small cargo plane and disembarks. An employee runs out of the hanger, towards Jim, rubbing his greasy hands on a rag.

Jorgy: "Hello Jimmy! Your plane, she is all fixed for you. "

Rhodes: "Good, thanks Jorgy. The old bird is ready to fly then."

Jorgy: "Ja bossman. She is ready for you."

Rhodes: "Okay. Put the big girl away Jorgy. I'll take her little sister out for a run in a-a AAAARRRGGGHH!"

Rhodes convulses savagely, his body wreathing in pain upon the hot tarmac. Eric "Jorgy" Jorgensen runs to his boss and friends side, trying to help, but it may already be to late! Jim Rhodes lies on the hot runway , his body shakes uncontrollably as his eyes roll up into his head.

Page 9

Back on Long Island, the national Guard continues to evacuate homes and businesses in the colossus known as Ultimos path. Two national guard troopers hurry families towards waiting trucks to get them clear..

Guard 1: "Oh man where are those Avengers, I can see that thing heading this way."

Guard 2: "Forget the Avengers, forget that monster, just get those people out of here, MOVE IT!

The men move hurriedly , as first, the head, then the shoulders of Ultimo appear over the horizon, until its massive body fills the view of all there. Then, a young boy ,hugging his teddy bear, being dragged by his mother to a waiting National Guard truck suddenly looks skyward, as screams fill the neighborhood around him, he stares as two majestic figures arc across the skyline, on a collision course with the towering Ultimo!

Boy: "Look! Mommy ,look! It's the "Vengers! It's Thor and I'on Man!"

Both heroes arc towards the great , towering creature before them.

Page 10

Thor: "Iron Man, together my fellow Avenger! Let us smite this demon !"

IM: "I'm right behind you Asgardian."


Both Avengers ram into Ultimo, smashing him through several of the one and two story homes, crushing peoples lives as surely as if those people were in those empty houses. Ultimo lashes out with its massive right arm almost immediately from its prone position, smacking Thor from the sky.


IM: "THOR!" (I've got to find a way to stop this monster once and for all. Brute force isn't the answer. There's more of an answer here then that.)

Iron Man fires his solar beam from his chest plate , the searing heat turned up to full intensity, he concentrates the blistering assault on Ultimos right leg.


IM : (I've got to try to melt this things leg, cause some serious damage here. That's the only way to stop it. At least I hope stop it.)

Page 11

Thor returns, flying towards the towering behemoth to unleash a right handed blow that causes earthquake-like tremors for miles around!

Thor: "Ultimo, the son of Odin says thee nay!"


IM: "Thor! Repeated blows is not the answer, we have to use our heads here. Work together to topple this thing once and for all."

Thor looks angrily towards Iron Man, his warriors blood runs red with rage, but in the end he knows his friend is correct.

Thor: "Aye Iron Man, thou art right. Let us strike with our heads, instead of just hands alone."

IM : "Less talk big guy, more action!"


Iron man fires both repulsers at the already standing Ultimo who was ready to attack Thor once again.

Thor: "ZOUNDS! Yon beast doth shrug off our mightiest combined blows. It seems no power of this earth canst stop it. Wait! Indeed that may be our way to defeat this evil."

Thor begins to spin Mjolnir mightily overhead.

Thor: "Once before, many months agone I didst create a portal to the Negative Zone, hence I did hurl a planetoid entire to its doom* . So will I do again with this mechanized demon."

*See the legendary Thor #513

Page 12

Instantly a portal to the Negative zone begins to form , hungrily tearing at Ultimo and all the surrounding area!

IM : "Thor, no! The portal you'd need to create would be to large! You'll suck in half this township! (No good, he can't hear me over the roaring of the winds he's created! This is getting worse by the minute.)

Even as Iron Man thinks those words Ultimo proves yet again just how unstoppable he is, as searing energy beams leap from its eyes, to smash Thor across the skyline , towards the south shore of Long Island, only a few miles distant.


Thor: "Uuunnghg!"

IM: (I've got to buy Thor some time.)

Iron Man concentrates and fires his pulse bolts at Ultimos chest, smashing the monster back yet again, this time with the desired result!


Ultimo falls to the ground, damage showing on his chest.

IM: (That had more of the desired result, but this suit of armor is barely holding itself together right now. After the beating Ultimo gave me in South Carolina * I did some make shift repairs in California before Thor and I returned here. But the basic integrity of this armor is gone. I don't have the power needed to fire a sustained blast at this thing.)

*See Thor #527 & 528

Page 13

Nearby the God of Thunder once more regains his footing and leaps into the battle, like a true warrior born!

Thor : "This war has raged long enow monster. Tis time to end this foolishness, now and fore'er !"

Thor lands a crushing blow to Ultimos foot with Mjolnir , hammering down with all his legendary might!


The giant topples over, as Thors' left handed punch to Ultimos jaw nearly decapitates the monster, tossing it back yet again!


IM: "How can this thing take all this damage and still be coming back for more?"

Thor: "I know not my friend, yet already yon beast doth rise, though this time tis on shaky legs."

IM : "So I see Thor. Maybe our window of opportunity is finally here . Lets not waste it."

Thor: "Indeed Golden one . Thor shall follow thy lead!"

Page 14

IM: "Okay Thor, you're going to have to trust me on this one. Whatever you do, you have to follow that lead exactly. No matter what."

Thor : "Very well Iron Man, Thor shalt do as thou doth ask."

IM: "Good. Because what I need you to do will most probably kill me."

Cut to: Madripoor, the dark island nation in the midst of the mysterious orient. Where High town and Low town are as diametrically opposed as their names imply. Deep in the midst of low town, cutting in and out of alleys , a beautiful woman runs through ankle deep puddles as four sets of feet mimic her path, their voices gutturally speaking the Madripoorian dialect.

Thug 1: "You fools! Get her! She cannot escape! She must be stopped."

Thug 2: "What she knows is that important? That destructive to the masters plans?"

Thug 3: "Yes you dog! Otherwise we would just kill her outright, instead of merely capturing her, as per the masters commands."

Thug 4: "Stop arguing you fools! We must capture the witch! Our own souls will be forfeit if we do not!"

The woman continues to run at a breakneck pace through the alleys and side streets of the bad end of town, as her ragged breath cuts sharply in her lungs..

Page 15

Suddenly the woman runs out of one alley, and into the waiting arms of one of the thugs!

Thug 3: "So witch, you think you smarter then us huh? Now you know different. Now you pay the price for your spying ways. But first, we have our fun with you."

As he speaks the other three punks exit the alley from behind her.

Thug 1: "So you think you know my city better then me wench? We send Seng ahead to grab you, so we get you from here. Now you ours . The master wants you alive. But alive means only breathing. Nothing else. "

Thug 2: "Yes now come party time ."

As he speaks the thug grabs her by the hair and yanks hard, pulling her to him, close. He runs his hand along her cheek.

Thug 2: " You beautiful woman, even for American. Now you not be so beautiful when we done with you maybe huh?"

Suddenly the woman lashes out, her knee drives hard into the thugs crotch, as she brings a perfect elbow strike into his jaw, breaking it in one smooth motion.


Page 16

The thug hits the ground like a rock as the shapely , shadowed figure performs a perfect rear thrust kick to the 3rd thugs sternum , the solid whack brings a smile to her lips. As she reaches down and grabs the gun the 2nd thug dropped..Suddenly the 4th thug kicks her in the stomach. Grimacing, but still silent she rolls with the blow. Leaping to her feet once more she fires the purloined gun , dropping the 4th man with one shot. But then another shot rings out, and the woman drops to the garbage strewn street like a sack of meat, her head bleeding. Red blood mixing with darker hair. The 1st thug smiles sadistically.

Thug 1: "You good lady, whoever you are. The Master want you alive, he get you alive. But after he done with you , you maybe wish you dead now. Huh? We find out soon enough I think."

And as those words ring in her ears through a maroon haze of pain , the final thoughts in Bethany Cabes mind is how much she could really use a certain knight in shining armor right now.

Page 17

Iron Man and Thor stand poised on a beach on Long Islands South Shore, as Ultimo approaches. His thundering footsteps reverberate through the beach they stand on, sending tremors rising up through the sand.

Thor: "It comes Avenger. Let us steel ourselves! "

IM: "Already done Thunder God.. Just do what you have to. "

Thor: "Very well then .May Odin stand by thy side my friend ."

Without another word Thor slams Mjolnir to the ground twice, as a savage storm immediately whips up. Lightning stabs towards Ultimos gigantic frame, as the once clear sky immediately becomes a roiling black storm!

Thor: "Stand fast Iron Man. Verily, either the monster falls this day or we will. This battle has raged long enow! "

Suddenly the lightning rips from the sky ,to leap towards Mjolnir, then to exit Mjolnirs face as blistering blasts of power, but not towards Ultimo, rather towards Iron Man!


Page 18

Tony Stark screams in agony inside his form fitting armor, as uncountable ergs of power scream past disabled circuit protection devices, overloading the Golden suit completely. Driving its systems towards total collapse as circuits begin to melt and disintegrate. But before they do, through a haze of mind numbing pain, the Invincible Iron Man unleashes his mighty Pulse Bolts, only these are so over driven with raw power they barely resemble anything save a massive discharge of crimson energies!


The mega-pulse bolts punch a huge hole in Ultimos' torso, instantly dropping the giant to the sandy beach. At the exact same instant, Iron Man drops as well. The dual landings mimicking each other precisely.


Page 19

Thor: "Iron Man! Dost thou yet breathe ? Hath thou gone on to dark Helas' realm?"

Thor flies to his companions side. He touches the armored form , and recoils immediately as the searing heat emanating from it singes even his nigh invulnerable hand!

Thor: "Answer me Iron Man! Verily the Son of Odin commands! The villain has fallen to our combined might! But the day cannot end like this valiant one! Thy sacrifice must not be! "

Thor grabs Iron Man again, his hands steaming as he seeks to tear the powerless armor from the prone form of Anthony Stark. When an audible groan emanates from within the armor.

Thor: "Iron Man! Thou doth live!"

IM: "Yes Thor, I-I'm okay. A little overcooked perhaps, but other wise fine. This armor is destroyed. You'll have to fly us both back to Avengers Mansion. From there Tony Stark can board a private jet back towards California. At least for now."

Thor: "For now? What dost thou mean?"

Iron Man stands, his powerless Armor de-polarizing into an almost fabric-like state

IM : "I mean that I had forgotten how much fun living in New York can be. Also , my family was from here originally. I grew up on the Island and in Manhattan. Perhaps I've been away to long. Perhaps Stark enterprises has been away to long. Maybe it's time to return, in a big way."

Page 20

Thor: "Well whate'er thou doth decide my friend, know thee that Thor will stand by thy side 'gainst any foe. Thou art a warrior born most true, and worthy of the name Avenger!"

IM: "That goes double for you Thunderer. ."

Both heroes look towards the inert form of Ultimo.

Thor: "What do we do with yon toppled behemoth?"

IM: "I guess back to Stark South Carolina. It's pretty much destroyed now. Probably beyond repair by means of our current science. Still, new mysteries did form today. That control unit of Grotesks, obviously made for Ultimo. Why was it here? Why is Ultimo here? And more, who placed it here?"

Thor:"I know not my friend. That in truth is a mystery that may indeed not be answerable."

Thor grabs Iron Man and , spinning Mjolnir overhead, takes to the sky, heading towards Manhattan.

IM: "I don't agree there Thor. Every mystery has an answer, every problem a solution. Though that may just be the scientist in me speaking, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of this one."

Thor: "Aye, though in truth we must begin clean up procedures."

IM: "Agreed. The National Guard already has Grotesk in custody. I heard this over my helmets com unit before it was fried along with every other system in this suit."

Thor: "Then all loose ends are taken care of."

IM :"Yes, all save one. Why was Ultimo put here in the first place?"

And thousands of miles away , as if in answer to Iron Mans continued query, a leathern eye opens. An eye belonging to a massive head, which is connected to an even more massive body. A body with wings and a tail . And with a sound that shakes the heavens, Fing Fang Foom laughs, before once more returning to his slumber........

The End?

Link to our next exciting issue!

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