Born to wealth, his inheritance more then just monetary, Tony Stark received his fathers genius and business savvy, along with his mothers good nature and common sense . Bolstering these with a natural talent for engineering, along with a will of Iron, Anthony Stark became an even more accomplished businessman then his father. But tragedy struck the young Millionaire, trapping him , he thought at the time, forever, in a suit of Iron to match his inner resolve! Since then he has fought back against many trials and tribulations, conquering every one like a shining knight of old. His steel mesh armor acting as a weapon for good against the most hi-tech villains of all time! He is the shining warrior of the future! The Golden Avenger! He is the one and only, the invincible


Iron Man #369

"Of Gods and Madmen, and knights of Iron!"

ralphsarmor.gif (41084 bytes)

By Ralph Angelo

Last issue: Iron Man And War Machine defeated five different versions of the ever deadly Iron Monger armor. But it was a symbolic victory at best, as the true villain of the piece, Obadiah Stane, escaped, leaving Iron Man to destroy Stanes command center , and base of operations. War Machine proceeded back to Stark Internationals Long Island HQ , along with the physically and mentally wounded Bethany Cabe, While Iron Man rocketed first to Japan, to repair his armor, and then to the Himalayas, to find and confront his greatest enemy, the deadly and evil Mandarin!

And that brings us up to now...

A farmer tills the barren , dry soil of his farm , deep in China, in the Hunan province. He knows the farm will provide sustenance for he and his family for another year, at the price of his sweat, and blood. But it is the only life he has ever known, as have his ancestors for centuries before him.

The man stops and wipes his sweat stained brow, his rattan hat low on his head, when suddenly a roaring sound sweeps towards him from the sky, and with a blast of almost hurricane force winds, the man is swept to the ground, as the sound passes overhead, and disappears as quickly as it came. The man prays to forbidden Gods! As he runs to his farmhouse and family, stammering about the end of the world . He has no idea how correct he may be!

Invisibly, in his "stealth" mode , Iron Man breaks the sound barrier as he screams low over the surface of China, heading directly for Tibet, and the Himalayan mountain range.

"Felix,"Speaks Tony Stark through his helmets communication array, to his Attorney and corporate officer Felix Alvarez. "You're about to be contacted by the Government of Madripoor."

"Concerning Iron Man's destruction of an office building? Already happened , Tony. What's the story here? They're claiming that Iron Man attacked the private property of some minor elected official, who's since disappeared."

"Felix, I, along with Rhodey and Bethany Cabe were held hostage in that building by Obadiah Stane. Beth was held against her will there for months, brainwashed and who knows what else was done to her at Stanes hands. War Machine and Iron Man rescued us all. The damage was done in conjunction with Stanes forces attacking us, including a small army of Iron Mongers."

"Unbelievable!" Breathes Felix, "He was thought dead for years."

"I know, Iron Man witnessed it. But he had faked his own death, and in a most horrific way, besides."

"Well don't worry about a thing , Tony. I'll handle everything on my end. Where are you now?"

"I'm over Japan, I have some business to take care of there. I'll speak to you in the next few days, when I return to the states. Take Care Felix."

"You too, Tony. Good Luck with whatever you're doing."

The com line goes dead , leaving Anthony Stark alone with his own thoughts.

"I have most of my suit systems shut down, to ad power to the stealth field, and to keep my speed up , the stealth field draws so much energy that it slows the suit down considerably. No matter. I've got to find the Mandarin, wherever he's hiding."

Within minutes, Iron Man sees smoke on the horizon, as he nears the himalaya's

"What the- That's a temple of some kind burning in the distance. Long range scans confirm it. Time to step up the pace, and find out if that's the insane would be world conqueror I'm looking for!"

Suddenly Iron Man shimmers into view, as all his suit functions (including his boot jets) come back online, and he redoubles his speed instantly.

"I know there're a dozen different alarms going off in some military office right now with my appearance here, but it can't be helped."

He zooms towards the burning temple, and is surprised to see the Mandarin battling a huge Lizard-like man, while another lizard creature, a woman lies nearby, apparently unconscious.

"Fall , demon! The Mandarin commands! The secrets held within will be mine, and subsequently the world!"

He fires blasts of energy from his rings in quick succession, heat, cold, force beams, but the tall, scaled dragon continues to fight back , firing energy beams of his own from vertically slit eyes!

"Foolissshhh human, Sssothgarn the lizard God takes no orders from the likes of your inferior kind!"

"Sssothgarn?" Thinks Iron Man, "Where've I heard that name before?"

Instantly an inquiry is sent to the Avengers computer mainframe back in Avengers mansion, and almost imediately he gets his reply.

"He fought Thor not to long ago*, He's actually some sort of God of Lizards, or so Thor claimed."

*See Thor #503&504

Suddenly a heroic voice intrudes upon Iron Mans silent reverie, as well as an image of the Thunder God over his helmets com system.

"Iron Man, my friend and ally, Thou hath found the devil Sothgarn? By my fathers beard, will I join thee , for this foul demon I do owe a debt of pain!"

"Uh", starts Iron Man over his Avengers frequency tuned communicator, "You're more then welcome Thor, I have a feeling I'm going to need the help. These two are tearing this place apart." Where are you Thunder god?"

Thor's Voice rings through Iron mans helmet, as a holographic image of the Thunder Gods face is beamed directly to his retina's by his armors viewing systems "I was visiting the Mansion proper fellow Avenger, when thy inquiry into the nefarious "Sothgarn" didst appear 'pon the monitors."

"Ah of course," answers Stark, "The Villain alert system."

"Aye , my friend, now stand fast the God of Thunder doth come hither !"

And with a flourish, Thor's image disappears , as below the hovering Iron Man Sothgarn smashes through the Mandarins attacks, to powerfully backhand the quickly backpedaling master villain across the grounds of the temple ! As he rolls , The Mandarin fires his freeze ring, encasing Sothgarn in solid ice!

"So Dragon, now it ends." Laughs the Mandarin, still not seeing Iron Man above him. "Your secrets will be mine, and then so the world!"

Suddenly a taunting, powerful and familiar voice fills the Mandarins ears, and his heart freezes momentarily at the sound of his hated foe!

"They'll be no secrets given, or taken here Mandarin, not if I have anything to say about it!"

The Mandarin looks skywards at Iron Man, hovering there, surprise, anger and a hundred other emotions fill his face, as he swings his hand upwards, releasing his force beam !


The beam slashes through Iron Mans form, as the golden figure disappears from sight!

"What?" Stammers the Mandarin, as Iron Man suddenly reappears next to him, from thin air, to hit his seemingly life long foe with a thunderous right!


"Unngggh!" Howls the Mandarin through grit teeth, as he's slammed through the air.

"That's for bringing Stane back into my life you twisted Son of a Witch!"

The Mandarin rolls to his feet, wiping a trickle of blood from his lip in the snow swept mountain region.

"A good blow, Stark. Your armor continues to evolve, and to be a testament to your genius. But it is a genius that will soon no longer matter, as it will be attached to your rotting corpse."

He raises his left hand and fires a flame blast, which engulfs Iron Man completely!

"Whoa!" Shouts Stark "That sent my thermal defenses to the limits, but I can handle it."

Suddenly a second, far more powerful burst of flame engulfs Iron Man from behind, accompanied by a roaring sound that drowns out all others! Sssothgarn fires his flaming Dragon-like breath at the Golden Avenger, pinning him between himself and the Mandarin!


"Arrgh!" Howls Iron Man in agony, as circuit breakers throughout his armor trip, relegating power to secondary defenses!

Then a rasping voice hisses as Iron Man drops to one knee under the continued twin onslaught!

"Sssssoo, , whoever you are, you ssseek to interfere where you are not wanted or needed."

"Yes , Iron Man," Gloats The Mandarin, "Begone, this is none of your concern. I had engineered Stanes return to keep you occupied while I destroyed this so called Dragon God, and placed the Dragon crown upon my head, making myself ruler of his damned race, and thus ruler of the Earth itself."

"Petty thoughtsssss, little human, I am a God! When we are finished with thissss fool in Iron, I will deal with you, permanently." Growls the evil Sssothgarn.

"This is no good." Thinks Iron Man, "All my systems are concentrated on keeping me alive at the moment, I don't have any power left to divert to even flight! I've got to do something soon, my deflector screens are starting to buckle".

Suddenly a crack of thunder shakes the very ground, as the clear sky is quickly filled with lightning as if from nowhere! The ground quakes, the heavens roar, as a figure from myth and legend suddenly appears from thin air itself, amid the very lightning and with a voice louder, more thunderous then the very cacophony of the abrupt storm itself raises a powerful roar that quiets all before its power!

"Verily vile creatures, The God of Thunder hath come! Beware all those who would harm the boon companion of the Mighty Thor!"

There he stands! His power and Majesty force all to take a step back , as he whirls mystic Mjolnir above his head mightily!

"Thor!" Shouts Sssothgarn in abject anger! "My most hated foe! How I will dessssstroy thee!"

"Then come foul reptile, the God of Thunder stands ready to battle thee once and for all!"

Thor hurls Mjolnir squarely into Sothgarns chest, knocking him back a hundred feet, gouging a huge furrow in the snow streaked, hard packed ground!


Instantly, Iron Man rockets upwards!

"Now!" Shouts the Golden Avenger, as his glowing armor arcs over head, to return in a streaking blur to fire repulsers into the Mandarins hastily erected energy field.

"I've got to release all this extra energy, my induction grid absorbed from the flames I was fighting off." Thinks the Armored Avenger.

Iron Man pours incredible amounts of power into his repulsers, which slowly, but surely force the Mandarin back first a step, then two, as he grudgingly gives ground to the horrific onslaught that pounds his defenses mercilessly.

Suddenly the Mandarin switches tactics, firing a vortex beam from another ring, spinning the ground out from under Iron Man in a cyclone, and tossing him into the air like a doll!

"Fall Iron Man! The Mandarin WILL have his long awaited revenge!"

Iron Man rights his flight, and unleashes his uni-beam laser, peppering the ground at the Mandarins feet.

"The only revenge coming here, you madman is mine! And why do all you world conquering wannabes always speak in the third person?" Answers the awesome Avenger

Nearby , Thor unleashes a powerful right cross, that smacks Sssothgarn backwards, but immediately the Lizard God whips his powerful tail around in a fearsome arc, and slams the God of Thunder away!

"Back foul Assssgardian, Sssothgarn will win the day. Long have I bided my time, awaiting the proper moment to wear the Lizard Crown, and thus rule this paltry planet."

"Ne'er Evil one! Not so long as the son of Odin doth draw breath! Thy foul presence will be removed from this fairest of worlds, by Thors force of arm alone!"

As if in punctuation, the Thunder God slams Mjolnir to the ground, creating a small Earthquake like shock wave that throws all present into the air!


"Whoa Thor!" Shouts Iron Man "What are you doing? We don't want to destroy half this mountainside in trying to stop these two!"

"Worry not friend Iron Man, The God of Thunder doth know what he does."

Thor leaps upon Sssothgarn, hammering him with lefts and rights , but the evil Lizard God returns blow for blow! Suddenly he wraps his tail around Thor, and heaves him away, to unleash his flame breath once more in a fearsome blast!


Thor is engulfed and battered by the searing flame breath, but he whirls Mjolnir mightily before himself, beating back most of the searing heat!

"Get thee back foul demon! Thor will smite thee!"

Again the Thunder God leaps at his foe, while meanwhile Iron Man battles on against the deadly power of the Mandarin!

Nearby, Cylia, the lizard goddess and daughter of Sssothgarn rises to her scaled feet, her 6' long tail whips the air with an evil hum "Let thessse foolsss continue to fight." She Thinks, " After many monthsss, the "Crown of Dragonsss" is unguarded by my father, soon it will ressst upon my head, and I will rule all those in the lizard kingdom."

She turns and enters the ruins of the ancient temple, picking her way through the bodies that litter the ground beneath her. For months* she and her father had made their home here amongst these priests , yet she walks through them without any remorse. All she is concerned with is the prize, the Crown of Dragons.

*Since Thor #527 for Cylia, and for Sothgarn, Thor #504

Outside, Iron Man releases his pulse bolts, shattering the Mandarins hastily created force screen, and smashing his foe back, powerfully!


"Stay down, Mandarin. I'm not playing today. You've gone to far these past many months. You pushed all the wrong buttons with me. This time I'm making sure your put away for good."

"Never!" Shouts the maddened Mandarin, as he unleashes power from all ten of his rings simultaneously!


Iron Man is swept away , and thrown half a mile by the powerful blast!

Thor meanwhile, hurls Mjolnir to strike Sssothgarn squarely in the chest, tearing him across the ground.

"Back evil one! Your days are ended here upon the fair earth! Thor will end thy madness once and for all!"

Meanwhile... In a military facility deep in the Himalayas , the Chinese army views images of the deadly battle excitedly and nervously !

*" The American Super heroes battle against the traitor Mandarin, as well as a dragon man! We must oust them from our land." One screen watching soldier says to another inside the hidden bunker.

*Translated from the Chinese

As they talk, a third drab suited soldier walks up to them with carrying a sheaf of papers, "Our orders have just been received! We are to destroy that area, with whatever means necessary, starting immediately!"

The two men nod, and uncover matching red buttons upon their consoles, then with a look towards each other, and a grim nod, they stab the matching buttons, and the Earth around them shakes ominously!

Miles distant, and within the temple, Cylia gently places a crown of gold and red intertwining coils upon her head, while the ground immediately begins to rumble! She smiles evilly and throws her scaled arms upwards in victory, as the temple itself begins to shake itself apart around her!

Outside, Iron Man immediately turns his head skywards, shock widening his eyes! "Thor! "He yells above the din, "We have incoming! There's an ICBM headed this way ! And I guarantee its payload isn't friendly!"

The Mandarin suddenly turns towards the temple, from where he lay on the ground, at Iron Mans feet, as the Earth itself begins to vibrate!

"No!" He roars,"She has taken the crown!"

Sothgarn instantly vaults over Thors head towards the temple, but before he can go any further, the ground erupts before him, as a huge dragon rises upwards from the bowels of the Earth, it's pounding wings scattering the Earth around him like dust! On its shoulder, with the crown perched upon her head sits the evil Cylia, smiling venomously!

"Daughter! What have you done?" Roars Sothgarn!

"You!"Yells Iron Man, "I know you!"*

*Iron Man met this particular Dragon in issue # 360 , Look it up!

The Dragon looks quizzically at the Golden Avenger, but has no recognition, as it suddenly inhales mightily, and then exhales flame, engulfing all four figures in it's powerful , flaming breath!

They don't even have time to scream! As above them a deadly missile quickly gains on the unsuspecting Dragon...

To be continued in the pages of Thor # 539!

Armored Assaults C/O [email protected]

Hi Ralph! Well, as always, I have been very pleased by
this Iron man run! It was very good to see Tony and
Rhodey in action together... especially against such
lethal opponents! The unique Iron Mongers were very
well designed... I really enjoyed them! Stane's escape
was wonderful, and just as brutal as I would have
expected! And the glimpse of the Mandarin, in all of
his glory at the end was great! I appreciate the great
work, and can't wait to see the rest!


Hi ralph! Well, I loved your explanation of Stane's
survival! It made perfect sense! (It even explains why
he went from the goofy outfits he wore in his first
appearances to the way he looked at the end!) I also
liked the way that Tony and Rhodey were prepared for
him and easily escaped his dungeon later! :-) Keep up
the good work buddy! Talk to you later! Bye!


Well gang, that's it for me here in the life of MV1's Iron Man! I have no idea who's next to chronicle his adventures, but I had a blast , and I hope you all enjoyed it! Watch for the conclusion of this tale in the pages of Matt Turnage's Thor. Maybe spomeday I'll come back and write a few more Iron Man stories, I wouldn't mind another run at this title someday. It's been fun, see you in the pages of Captain Marvel and Avengers 2011, as well as FDC's Superman and Firestorm, and last but not least, Avengers 2000's Fantastic Four!

Take Care, Ralph


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