Justice League of America #269
August Year One

"Solar Empire" Part One

by Matthew Turnage, with an assist from Ralph Angelo.

Thrusting upward from the desolate surface of Earth's moon is the structure
that serves as a promise to the humans of Earth that their greatest heroes
stand ever vigilant against whatever forces may threaten them. It is the
Watchtower, headquarters of the Justice League of America.

Inside this marvel of construction, twelve of the World's Greatest Heroes
gather at a large circular table. There is Superman, last son of Krypton and
leader of the JLA. Batman, the Dark Knight Detective. Wonder Woman, Amazon
Princess. The Flash, fastest man alive. Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas.
J'onn J'onzz, Manhunter from Mars. Green Lantern, wielder of the greatest
weapon in the universe. Supergirl, Maid of Might. Steel, armored defender.
Plastic Man, pliable jokester. Red Tornado, android hero. Firehawk,
flaming protector.

As the Leaguers wait patiently, they wonder what threat could possibly be
large enough to call the entire roster together? And then, one of the
Guardians of the Universe appears before the assemblage to provide them with
the answer.

"We, the Guardians of the Universe, thank you for your assistance," the
Guardian states. "As you know, we have only recently returned, and our
intergalactic peacekeeping force, the Green Lantern Corps, is not nearly
ready to handle the threat we have uncovered.

"A being of incredible power has recently begun systematically conquering
solar system after solar system in Sector 0278. This being, who calls
himself the Star Tsar, threatens to spread his evil across the entire
cosmos. He must be stopped, and order must be restored to Sector 0278.
Green Lantern will provide you with all other information." The image of
the Guardian vanishes without another word.

"I guess your bosses aren't too much for conversation," the Flash observes,
whispering to Green Lantern.

"Actually, I thought he was being extra friendly," Green Lantern responds.
Then, Green Lantern stands to address the assembled League. "Um, okay," he
says as he scratches his head. "The Star Tsar has managed to keep a tight
grasp on the systems he's taken over, so the Guardians haven't been able
to find out a lot, but apparently he's done all this single-handedly. He
appears to have the ability to harness and manipulate stellar energy on
an incredible scale. Other than that, all we know is what planet he's
currently on."

Superman nods as Green Lantern sits back down. "The Guardians have made it
clear that this threat is extremely serious, and insisted that I call the
entire membership of the League together for this one. Is there anyone who,
for any reason, is unavailable for this mission?" Superman looks around the
table and sees the steely resolve in each member's eyes. "Alright, then.
Let's be on our way."


Moments later, the JLA shuttlecraft emerges from the Watchtower's hangar,
with all but Green Lantern aboard. GL flies ahead as an escort.

Inside the shuttle, the Martian Manhunter deftly pilots the sophisticated
vehicle. "I don't mean to pry," Plastic Man states as he stretches his
head into the cockpit, between J'onn and copilot Aquaman, "but how are we
going to get where we're going? This baby's not exactly built for trips
this long." As Plastic Man talks, his mouth morphs into a giant odometer,
rolling off thousands of miles per second.

"Simple," J'onn replies. "The Guardians of the Universe, in order to
facilitate the interaction of the Green Lantern Corps in times of emergency,
have established warps in space that can take us from any sector to any
other sector. That's why Green Lantern is flying ahead - to lead us to the
proper warp."

"Oh. I see." Without further comment, Plastic Man's face stretches away,
seeking entertainment in another part of the shuttle. When he is gone,
Aquaman looks up from his controls to speak to J'onn.

"J'onn, I've got to confess - I've got my doubts about Plastic Man."

"Really?" J'onn asks, already fully aware of Aquaman's feelings but
recognizing his friend's need to voice them.

"I'm not sure he takes this - or anything - seriously enough. I'm afraid he
may be more of a liability than an asset."

"Batman was the one who nominated him for membership," J'onn points out.
"Surely if he thinks Plastic Man can handle himself...."

"I realize Batman's the..." Aquaman pauses, seeking the right word, "...
least haphazard of our group. I know he wouldn't want someone on the team
who could endanger us in the slightest. Still, if we just needed someone
with those abilities, why not get Ralph Dibney?"

"The Elongated Man did serve with us for many years, with distinction," J'onn

"And we know he's serious about the League," Aquaman continues. "After all,
he was willing to stay with us, after I disbanded the original League to
establish a more focused team."

(that happened way back in Justice League of America Annual #2, 1984 - Matt)

"Yes... although that League was doomed to failure."

"Maybe," Aquaman concedes, remembering the unfortunate deaths of the second
hero to bear the name Steel, and the youthful Vibe. "Still I felt like I
did the right thing that day. The League was too large and too unfocused
to be effective."

"Much like it is now?" J'onn states Aquaman's unspoken thought. The King
of Atlantis does not reply. "Do you want the League to reorganize, yet

Aquaman continues to sit silently a moment. "I don't know. It's just
something that's been on my mind lately, that's all. Don't pay me any
attention," Aquaman smiles, "I guess I was just being nostalgic. Forget
about it."

J'onn nods and smiles with Aquaman. However, he realizes that Aquaman
really meant what he was saying. And J'onn J'onzz begins to find himself
wondering if he doesn't agree with his old friend, as he did at the United
Nations years ago....

Meanwhile, in the rear several other Leaguers converse, catching up on events
in each other's private lives. However, in one corner, away from the others
Superman and Batman quietly discuss the present situation.

"I'm surprised you came along," Superman admits to his oldest ally. "You're
usually more concerned with street level matters, and leave this galactic
stuff up to the rest of us. Why did you decide to come?"

Batman scans the crowd of the assembled heroes, and then answers without
meeting the Man of Steel's eyes. "I'll be honest with you, I don't really
enjoy this kind of thing." Batman then turns his gaze to Superman. "But
when we reformed the League after the incident with Know Man, I realized
the kind of commitment I made. And I don't make commitments lightly.
Besides, if I expect the League to answer my calls to action, I'd better
answer theirs."

Superman scratches his chin. "That's right... didn't the League once refuse
to get involved in a situation you called them to act in?"

Batman's face darkens at the memory. "Yes, but that was years ago, and with
a different League. It's all water under the bridge now."

(he's referring to events in Batman and the Outsiders #1 - Matt)


Outside the shuttle, Green Lantern continues to lead his fellow Leaguers
on their way. "Gee, it's kinda lonely, having to make this trip by myself,"
Kyle reflects as he speeds through the icy void of space. "Still it's nice
to know that the others have this much confidence in me. Even the Guardians
seem to think I'm doing all right. After all, they didn't ask Hal Jordan
to get the League together. They didn't even ask Hal to tag along on this
mission. Of course, they may have him busy doing something else... Nah, I
can't think that way. J'onn's right. I'm the Green Lantern of this League,
and I've got to act like it. Well, here goes!"

Green Lantern speeds ahead through the warp gate that takes him to Sector
0278, with the JLA shuttle following right behind him. Almost
instantaneously, they emerge on the other side of the warp, right in the
middle of a waiting armada!

"Oh boy!" Kyle thinks as he sees the hundreds of space ships floating
before him. "Uh guys," Kyle calls out over the JLA's telepathic link,
"whoever's spaceworthy might want to join me out here - I think I'm going
to need a little help!"

Inside the JLA's shuttle, the Man of Steel quickly formulates a plan of
action. "J'onn, Diana, Supergirl - put on your oxygen masks and follow me
outside. Five of us should be enough to puncture their defenses and allow
the shuttle to pass through to the homeworld. Let's go."

Batman quickly relieves Martian Manhunter in the cockpit, and within moments
he emerges from the shuttle's airlock to join Superman, Wonder Woman,
Supergirl, and Green Lantern in the harsh vacuum of space. Even as J'onn
flies out to join his comrades, he sees squads of fighters racing towards

"Supergirl, Green Lantern, take care of those fighters. J'onn, Diana - let's
clear out enough of the fleet for the shuttle to get through safely."

Instantly, the five Leaguers spring into action. Supergirl uses her
telekinetic ability to damage the engines and weapons systems of several
fighters, while simultaneously disabling others with her bare hands. Green
Lantern uses his power ring to create a variety of cutting implements -
scalpels, knives, saws, razors - all of which go to work on the inbound
fighters, preventing their assault on the JLA shuttle.

Meanwhile, Superman leads the attack on the armada flagship. The Man of
Steel flies straight into the fire of the flagship, smiling even as wave
after devastating wave of energy pounds his invulnerable skin. Reaching
the ship's main cannons, Superman crushes the barrels with his bare hands
as an ordinary man might wad paper. Next, Superman flies underneath
the giant vessel and using his amazing strength steers the flagship out
of the JLA shuttle's path, and then hurls it along its new trajectory.

Superman turns to see Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman performing similar
tasks. The Manhunter uses his intangibility to avoid the oncoming fire
from the armada, and then uses his amazing strength to shove the ship
aside. Wonder Woman dodges most of the oncoming blasts, and uses her
bracelets to deflect others. Then, upon reaching her target, she also pushes
the ship out of the way. Supergirl and Green Lantern lend their considerable
talents as soon as they have eliminated the threat of the fighters, and
within minutes the JLA shuttle has a clear path to the homeworld of this
system - the world Star Tsar rules his empire from.

With five of their most powerful members continuing to escort the shuttle
to the planet, the Justice League arrives at their destination without
further incident.

Batman deftly pilots the JLA's shuttle to a remote location outside the city
the League believes the Star Tsar to be occupying. After landing at the
chosen area, those members of the League still in the shuttle disembark, and
quickly discuss the situation with the others as they prepare for their next
course of action.

"This is far too easy," Batman notes.

"That's easy for you to say!" Green Lantern snorts.

"Batman's right," Superman agrees. "Considering the threat the Star Tsar
is supposed to be, we encountered very light resistance."

"Which can only mean one thing," Martian Manhunter concludes. "He wanted us
to land here. He wants to battle us, face to face."

"He must be extremely confident," Aquaman deduces. "The question is, can
he back it up?"

"I guess now is when we find out," Superman answers. "Alright team, we don't
fully know what we're getting into, so I think we should send a reconnaissance
team to scout out the situation. Batman, Plastic Man, Martian Manhunter,
Flash - you're best suited for this. The rest of us will wait here."

The four Leaguers chosen for the mission leave the others behind as they make
their way to the city.

"Here's how we play it," Batman says as they approach the outskirts of the
city. "Flash, you scout the perimeter - identify any and all guard posts,
special fortifications, that sort of thing. J'onn, you give us the aerial
view. Plastic Man and I will try to find Star Tsar's headquarters. Let's

Flash disappears in a blur as he speeds away to survey the perimeter. The
Martian Manhunter's green form appears to dissolve away as he becomes
invisible before going about his tasks. Plastic Man and Batman split up,
each taking alternate routes into the city as they practice their own
unique brands of stealth.

Several hours later, the other members of the JLA continue to wait for the
return of their teammates.

Then, a red blur appears on the horizon to Supermans magnified vision, and he focuses his powerful Kryptonian eyes on the subject before him, and shudders.

"Oh no" Is all the man of steel says, as he seemingly disappears in a burst of superspeed , to overtake the erratically running form of the Flash.

"Wally!"The man of steel shouts, catching the� Flash, as he collapses in his arms. The Flash is in tatters, his costume shredded, and he's bleeding from numerous wounds.

"Superman, it was horrible! I never saw anything like this. This "Star Tsar" tore us apart like rank amateurs.J'onn forced me away to get the rest of you, as the Star Tsar was beating even him down. J'onn was the last of us left awake. He made me leave, dammit! I know I could've beaten this thing."

"It'd serve no purpose if you died Wally." Is Supermans response.

At that moment, a holo image appears in the very air before Superman, and the rest of the JLA , who are emerging from the Quinjet at that very moment. It is an image of a huge human-like man, who holds in his hands, by the cape, the unconscious forms of both Batman, and Martian Manhunter. � Finally, it speaks.

"You dare send these insignificants against me? You have only a matter of minutes to arrive here and prove yourselves worthy of my mettle, or these fools die, with no honor whatsover."

Superman stares grimly at the scene being played out before him, as Supergirl and Steel join the others in the shuttles forward cabin.

"Oh we'll be there Star Tsar, you can count on that."

And with a flash of heat vision, Superman desrupts the communication procedure. Then , turning to his remaining leaugers, he speaks once more.

"My friends, I have a feeling we're in for the battle of our lives. Prepare yourselves. It's time we taught the Star Tsar a lesson in power!"


To be continued!

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