Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green

Lantern, Flash, Steel, Plastic Man, Red Tornado, Supergirl and


This is the JLA, and now this team of Earths finest warriors is battling for their lives against a villain of immense and unquestionable power. A massive being called the "Star Tsar" who has already defeated half the team sent by the Guardians of the universe to stop his mad assault on sector 0278.

Justice League of America


Tsar Wars!

By Ralph L. Angelo Jr.

Plot by Matt Turnage and Clay Arcenaux

On an alien world, deep in sector 0278, a massive wall surrounds an ancient , sunbaked city. This hot, desolate world was ancient before the Earth was new , yet its denizens have never embraced technology, and thus have remained a simple people, who travel small distances on camel like creatures. It is here that the fate of the galaxy will be determined...


Suddenly, the old stone wall shatters from within , as a Blue and red caped blur is heaved through it as if from a cannons discharge! Superman lands in a heap, a five miles away from where he was hit by his powerful foe!

Inside the wall, Wonder Woman shouts orders, as she herself prepares to attack.

"John Henry!" She shouts above the thunderous din, "Keep him at bay with your hammer! Firehawk, burn him where he stands, do not let up my sister! Supergirl, back up Steel, quickly! Do not give the Star Tsar a moments respite!"

"Hahaha, you amuse me little female." The orange skinned, blue caped "Star Tsar" replies, "I do not need a "Moments respite" to deal with you cattle."

He shrugs massively, as energy flows from his form in a wave, smashing the assembled JLA back.

"Holy God" Starts Steel, "he took out Flash and Aquaman in one shot." As he speaks, Steel hurls his hammer, which picks up massive quantities of kinetic energy as it flies, until finally it impacts the evil alien with power akin to one of Supermans punches!


The Star Tsar is surprisingly still standing after the high impact blow that shook the very ground with its power!

"Is that the best you can do little ones? If so, then this universe really IS mine for the taking."

"Not if we can help it, you monster, Great Hera, you will fall!" Bellows Wonder Woman, as she flies in to deliver two devastating blows to the Tsars jaw, while Supergirl uses her psychokinetic power to hammer at him from the opposite side.

"This is getting to be ridiculous." Thinks Green Lantern. "He's taking everything we dish out, and practically laughing it off!"

Flying above, Kyle Ranier creates a huge spiked jaw, as if from a crane, and clamps it down on the Tsars body, "You're finished monster. There's no way you're getting free from that."

As if in answer, energy spikes outwards shattering the claw effortlessly.

Instantly, and almost at Flash-like speed, the evil being grabs Wonder Woman like a toy, and hurls her into Green Lantern, at almost escape velocity!


Both heroes fall to the ground unconscious, Green Lanterns ring saving him from certain death, while Diana' preternaturally hard skin saves her from a similar fate.

Nearby, Red Tornado ponders the seemingly hopeless situation. "We are getting nowhere fast. This new Star Tsar is destroying us , almost effortlessly. He dispatched Superman almost disdainfully. There must be a way to defeat him that we are over looking."

Firehawk continues to release her nuclear fires unabated at the villain, to no avail.

Suddenly, Superman returns, streaking in faster then the eye can follow, his impossibly powerful left punch heaves his enemy from his feet, and tosses the Star Tsar through the air, and through yet another newly formed hole in the wall around the city!


"Tornado, Firehawk, there's a powerful energy source being beamed at the Star Tsar, I've seen it with my enhanced vision, . He's practically glowing to my enhanced sight. You've got to find the source of his power. Otherwise we're doomed! Now GO!"

Both comply immediately flying off in the direction Superman points them towards, as he turns back to the charging Star Tsar's attack!

"Insignificant Kryptonian! Not even your might can withstand my power!"

He hammers at Superman powerfully, while the Man of steel unleashes his heat vision full in the villains face


"You think this will even slow me down Kryptonian? I laugh off your pathetic display of power, this, THIS is power!"

Again, energy radiates from the Star Tsars body , as Superman is hurled from him like a rag doll.

"This is impossible " Thinks the man of steel, "I've never fought anyone as powerful as this. "He's taking everything I, we throw at him, and laughs it off. This is "Doomsday" all over again!"

Again, Superman turns in mid airs and flies to the attack, as from the opposite corner Steel ignites his jet boots and rockets into their mutual foe. While from before the villain, Supergirl attacks him with physical blows backed up by her telekinetic might.

"You have a long way to go madman, before you can defeat the JLA." She shouts in mid blow, as the two men of steel collide with a devastating impact, crushing the Star Tsar between them!

Ba-da boom!

Together, team Superman bings the mighty Star Tsar to his knees with blow after high impact blow.

"Keep it up team!" Yells Steel as he pounds the Tsar repeatedly, "We've got him on the ropes!"

Suddenly another wave of energy emanates from the downed Tsar, the most powerful one by far, as not only are the assembled JLA'ers scattered to the winds like wheat before a storm, but the very city they stand in is leveled as if it were naught but thatch and grass huts! Stone buildings thousands of years old, crumble to dust before this awesome power, as the JLA is hurled through the length and breadth of this town , scattered to its four corners in seeming defeat.

The Star Tsar stands then, impossibly powerful still , in the very center of this destroyed populace, as its surviving denizens, a four armed, slick brown skinned humanoid race runs for the open desert as best they can.

"Flee dogs! There is nowhere you can hide from the universes master! After I kill these chattle, the Guardians are next! Do you hear me Oaans? I am coming for you." He howls madly at the open sky.

"You will have to get by me first, evil one."

The Tsar turns, incredulous as to who could have survived his assault, as suddenly, inexplicably a form shimmers into view. The tattered , but still powerful form of the Martian Manhunter!

"This war is not over yet Star Tsar. You have not finished with me. I WILL stop you."

"Words, Martian with no real meaning. I defeated you before. I will do so again , easily."

The two circle each other, gauging the others might, preparing for the inevitable battle.

"You defeated me because I was unaware of the extent of your powers, or your true weakness, which I am now aware of."

"NO!" Screams the Tsar, as a blistering barrage of energy leaps from his eyes at J'onn, who suddenly turns immaterial, as he streaks towards his enemy, solidifying before his foe, to unleash a powerful right handed cross, that stuns the mighty villain with its sheer tenacity.

"Yes Star Tsar, YES!"

J'onn enters the aliens mind, using his powerful Martian telepathic abilities to invade and control his foes very essence!

But the Tsar resists! A battle of wills unseen before erupts between the two. Locked in deadly mental combat, J'onn J'onnz redoubles his effort to shut the deadly villains mind down from within, only to see his effort matched, and rematched! Now J'onn is actually on the defensive, as the Star Tsars will power alone is forcing the Manhunter back.

"This cannot be." Thinks J'onn, "He cannot be besting me with sheer mental ability."

Then a voice intrudes on his thoughts.

"Oh but I can little green man, and I am."

With a powerful mental push, J'onn is heaved away from his foe, as the Star Tsar now stands above the stunned Martian, his hands drawn back in a double fisted blow above his head, ready to descend and end the Martian Manhunters life.

"You will be the first to die Martian! But do not worry, your friends will all be joining you momentarily."

Many miles away...

Firehawk and the Red Tornado enter an old cavern set into a pale, yellow stoned mountain side.

"Are you sure you sense the energy pattern from here Firehawk?"

"Yes Tornado, definitely. I may not be able to "see" it, like Superman can, but I can "Feel" it, sense it. It's here."

The two move through the cave as quickly as they are able, finally a faint hum begins to fill the air , deep below the planets surface. They have descended miles at this point.

"Tornado, do you hear that?"

"Yes Firehawk, I do. Our quest ends before us."

They turn one last corner, and both are momentarily blinded by the brilliant burst of light that fills the cavern before them.

"Oh wow." Murmurs Firehawk.

"Indeed." Is the Red Tornado's only answer.

Back at the battle...

Aquaman fights to pull himself to his knees, to drive his hook-like prosthesis into his foes back before the Tsar kills his friend, the Martian Manhunter, before his very eyes. He struggles mightily to stand, but in the end it's to little, to late, he falls over in the sand, weakened from the heat, and from the beating he's already taken. All he can do is watch his friend die.

And then as the Star Tsar begins to bring his hands down in a crushing blow that will ultimately kill the last surviving Martian, a streaking red and black form leaps, almost liquid-like to wrap itself around the Tsars head, circling it again and again . Wrapping itself tighter and tighter with each pass!

"NOOOOOOO!" Screams Plastic Man as he tightens his attack on the powerful villain, completely covering him , from head to toe. "You're not killing anyone, you-you-you meany!"

The Tsar struggles mightily. Ripping at Plastic mans form, trying to tear himself free, but to no avail, Plastic man slips around the Tsars body, avoiding and moving like quicksilver, as the huge villain flounders about continuously, seeking a handhold , Somewhere! He trips, falling to the ground as Plastic man wraps himself ever tighter.

Then, the struggling stops.

"There, I've got him team, all wrapped up and ready to deliver. Where do you want him?"

Batman has awakened from his beating at the Star Tsars hand in time to see the end of Plastic Mans struggle, and he is the first to react.

"Plastic man, get out of there , NOW!"

"Huh? But why Bats? I've got him---uh oh."

Is all Plastic Man can get out, as suddenly, another massive energy wave pulses from the villains body , tearing the flexible hero apart, literally ripping his form like paper, before both Batmans, and Aquamans stunned eyes.

"EEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!" Howls Plastic man in agony, as his body is literally torn to shreds!

Back in the cave...

Firehawk and Red Tornado stand before a mammoth glowing device that towers above their heads, and pulses eerily as if alive itself.

"This device seems to be even older then the city where our fellow leaguers are battling , Firehawk."

"Yes, I think so too Tornado, but what does it do?"

Then an ancient and powerful voice fills their minds.

"I am the bringer of dreams. I will fulfill your every wish and need. I was born before the stars were shining in this universes firmament."

"So you are not from this universe then?"

"No being designate Red Tornado, I did not say that. I was created by the old ones. By the race that ruled this universe before these current stars were born. "

"Other stars? What are you talking about?" Questions Firehawk.

"The old stars were drained by my masters devices. Devices like myself, that granted every users wish. Every dream. I syphon Solar Power and use it to empower and fulfill the ambitions of those worthy."

"Worthy? Worthy of what machine?"

"Worthy of chaos, Red Tornado, once machine yourself, but no more."

Firehawk turns and stares at the Tornado , surprised by the devices accusation, but she quickly dismisses it.

"Are you saying that you empower those who wish to do evil? With stolen solar power on such a scale that you actually destroy stars?"

"Yes Firehawk."

"Well shut down! Now! You empowered a madman who's seeking to usurp the universe."

"No little one. I will not. I give you the choice of aiding me, becoming one of the empowered. One of the chaos bringers. Or of dying where you stand."

Red Tornado steps forward, in front of Firehawk.

"There is another choice, machine."

"I am not aware of any other Tornado, once machine. What is it?"

"Your destruction."

Instantly, the Red Tornado bursts into full power, transforming into a howling vortex, hammering at the machine before him ruthlessly, heaving huge blocks of stone as well as an endless sea of sand and rock with his incredible tornado effect , but the machine shows little wear, as it merely hums all the more, fortifying its defenses .

"Firehawk, you must throw your nuclear fires into my vortex." Howls the wind carried voice of Red Tornado

"But you could be killed!"

"We both could be, my fellow Leaguer. But it is a chance we must take!"

Wordlessly, Firehawk complies, funneling her atomic flame into the very vortex the Red Tornado has become from above, as she flies above his funnel hammering at his empty maw with catastrophic power. All around them , the caverns shake with the power of a hundred earthquakes, as the very face of the mountain side seeks to tear itself apart with the combined fury being thrown at the strange, evil machine.

And then, suddenly...


The entire cliff face they entered moments before disintegrates, as nuclear fire screams in all directions born on the winds of a powerful, destructive tornado. Leaving the cliff side forever changed, and now silent in its destruction.

Back at the battle...

Star Tsar suddenly drops the torn form of Plastic Man, as he grips his own head in agony!

"No!! What is happening to me?"

Batman attacks immediately! Leaping through the air, and firing special batarangs from his space suits gauntlets, that explode upon the evil Star Tsars form and suddenly, inexplicably, the Star Tsar falls!

"What? " Gapes Batman, as J'onn J'onnz and Superman both arrive at the Darknights gleaming , metallic side simultaneously.

Steel walks over to the villain and touches his neck, seeking a pulse, as brackish blood flows from a myriad of wounds inflicted by the explosive batarangs. He turns towards his compatriots.

"Guys, he's dead. Batmans attack killed him."

Batman says nothing, his jaw setting stoicly, as he seethes within.


From above, Wonder Woman and Steel land, carrying the still forms of Red Tornado, and Firehawk, As Superman hangs his head painfully. Next to him stands J'onn J'onnz and Batman, as well as Aquaman and Green Lantern.

"I don't believe this. Plastic man may be mortally wounded. He's hanging on to life by a thread, Firehawk and Red Tornado look in even worse shape then he is. And our enemy ends up dead. Something we don't do. Some leader I turned out to be." Bemoans Superman painfully.

"It's not your fault , Superman." Answers the Martian Manhunter, "How was Batman to know the Tsars power was suddenly cut off. He had us defeated, he had just inflicted the worst injury upon a leaguer we've had since the deaths of the second Steel and Vibe. There was no time to second guess our tactics. Batman knew full well that in all likelihood, he was leaping to his own death when he attacked the Star Tsar."

"Yes, J'onn, you are right about that." Grimaces a somber Batman, "But we botched this one big time my friends. To many of our companions are wounded. We should have seen the answer to this wasn't a full out assault, but rather tracking our foes power to its source, and destroying it."

Aquaman stares at the horribly wounded Plastic man and almost falls into himself with despair. "I questioned his usefulness to the League on the way here, well I guess he answered those questions in his own way, didn't he? If not for his sacrifice, J'onn would be dead. Plus, his attack bought the others the time they needed to destroy that device Steel and Diana found in that cavern. All the while I lay there about as useless as a rock."

He turns towards his friends and speaks again. "Effective immediately, I resign from the league. I've proven my uselessness here today, it's a point that was driven home painfully."

Superman sighs "No Arthur, you weren't useless, I was. All I could do was match this enemy blow for blow, thinking I could defeat him with the strength of my own limbs, when in reality , he was virtually undefeatable. I failed as team leader, and because of that failure, my friends are now in critical condition. If anyone should be quitting the league, it should be myself. Which I do immediately."

Without another word, Superman flies skywards, towards the JLA shuttle, leaving his stunned and wordless partners behind him.

To be continued!

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