They are the greatest of heroes. Their ranks have changed many, many times over the years, but their dedication to the Earths, the universes safety has always been tantamount in their credo. They are the greatest of the great , the best of the best, and always have been, and always will be our best and first line of defense! They are the Justice League of America,

The JLA!

JLA # 272


Part I

A Cold Armageddon Crossover issue!

By Ralph L. Angelo Jr.

At 2 AM EST the first missiles fell. Within seconds, the Watchtower's defenses came to the fore. Energy blasts began to pepper the space dark airless void above the Watchtower with concentrated blasts in return.

Then the ground soldiers came. Hundreds of them at once, from behind the Tower's perimeter.

*"Outside! Now! Steel, join me!"* shouted J'onn J'onnz Telepathically, as he phased through the Towers wall immediately to attack the unknown enemy.

Steel Leaps towards an airlock, as suddenly the airlock itself explodes inwards, the atmosphere inside the Tower rushes outwards, carrying John Henry Irons with it in a rush of displaced air!

"Whoa!" Shouts Steel, as he tumbles into the armored brutes before him, shattering their ranks like a cannon shot!


"These are Gordanians!" Thinks John Henry. Amazingly , another mental voice answers his!

*"Yes Steel,"* Comes The Martian Manhunters reply, *"And there are many more all around us. I am sensing literally thousands upon thousands of them out there."*

Outside, and nearby Steel, J'onn J'onnz attacks powerfully, as his flash vision forces a dozen Gordanians back.

He swings his arms in huge arcs, stretching them with his shape shifting power, as Plastic Man would have done, only backed by strength akin to Supermans!


Steel hurls his hammer, shattering the Gordanians before them.

"There's to many J'onn!, we need the others!"

*"I know Steel, I am sending a telepathic summons as we speak."*

Inside the Watchtower, Wonder Woman shatters a wall with a Gordanian she swings around by his foot! "How DARE you enter the private quarters of an Amazon princess unbidden!" she's wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around herself, and her hair and skin are soaking wet.

Nearby, The Flash is hurled through another section of wall, as he rights himself before he even touches the ground, and immediately begins to hurl speed force enhanced debris at the approaching Gordanians, at such velocity, that it shatters their armor like egg shells! "What the hell is going on here Wonder Woman?" He stammers

"I don't know Flash. We are under attack. That is all we need concern ourselves with." As she speaks she swings the hapless Gordanian around like a club, smashing others back., with each powerful slash of its body.

Firehawk flies out of her room, all ablaze "What's going on here?" She screams, as blasts of flame leap from her wings, to engulf the armored Gordanians before her.

"What does it look like 'Hawk?" Shouts The Flash, as he begins to hurl more debris at supersonic speed. "A massive attack. We're in trouble!"

Wonder Woman hurls the unconscious Gordaniun from her disdainfully, and disappears into her room, to reappear an instant later, fully dressed.

"There," she begins, "that's better. Where's Supergirl? Wasn't she staying here last night?"

As if in answer, the floor erupts at her feet, and Supergirl hurtles through it in a heap


The Maid of might tumbles to a stop at the bulkhead wall, and she's on her feet almost instantly!

"Whoa! That hurt!" She half growls, half moans, as she flies upwards, to dive through the hole she created.

Suddenly the sounds of pitched battle emerge from the hole. Energy blasts, solid punches, and loud cracks make their way back to the others ears as they continue to battle the oncoming Gordanian horde Then the battle below grows silent!

"I'm going in to help her!" Shouts Firehawk, but before she can move...

Suddenly Supergirl is back! Shattering the floor in another section, leaping upwards carrying three huge Gordanians in her arms, to drop them in a heap on the corridors floor.

All around the stunned heroes lie the battered bodies of their intruders.

"What's going on here? Where'd they come from?" Asks Supergirl.

"I guess form space , blondie." Grins the Flash sarcastically.

"Not funny , Wally."Grimaces Wonder Woman. Where are J'onn and John?"

"Waitaminute Princess," Starts Wally West, "But didn't that confuse you just now? I know it did me."

"Stop joking, Wally." Sighs Firehawk, as she lands and immediately leans against the wall to hold up her weight.

"How's your leg?"* Asks Supergirl

*Firehawk was injured in the battle with the Star Tsar two issues ago.

"It's been better, but I'll survive." She grimaces slightly as she speaks.

"We must secure the Watchtower, my friends." Speaks Wonder Woman, as she moves over to a wall display. She punches a few buttons, and suddenly the screen lights up, parts in red, parts in green.

"Whew." Breathes Supergirl in surprise. "They've taken over half the complex already. These two outside, is that J'onn and John?"

"Here we go again with that." Mumbles the Flash under his breath.

"Hush, Flash." snaps Wonder Woman. "Yes, it is Steel and the Martian Manhunter, and they are losing ground. Where is Batman?" She suddenly blurts out.

Across the complex, in the infirmary , where the comatose form of Plastic Man lies, Batman is fighting a devastatingly brutal battle. Using every weapon at his disposal, the Dark knight is being forced back by two deadly and powerful Gordanians, who smile as Batman disdainfully gives ground.

"Damn" He thinks. " I never thought it would end this way." As the thought goes through his mind, he hurls explosive pellets from his utility belt, that causes the Gordanians to drop back a step when they explode.

"No good, they're still coming." He bemoans inwardly.

Suddenly the two Gordanians leap at Batman, their glowing staffs whirling through the air, sparking energy as they descend towards Batmans form!

"Oh no ya don't ya purple people eaters!" cries a voice from behind both monstrosities! Suddenly and surprisingly, two red and white arms wrap themselves around the startled villains, and smash their heads together , with a loud crack.

"Whew." Breathes Plastic man. "I must be weaker then I thought." He sits on the hospital bed he had been comatose on only moments earlier, obviously groggy and weak, but nonetheless awake.

"You okay Bats? Asks the unsteady hero, who doesn't even have the strength to stand on his own two feet at the moment.

"Yes. What about you? Can you move? We have to get you out of here. This entire section is compromised."

"Uh, I'll try. What's going on here?" Plastic Man asks as he drops onto shaky feet from the Gurney.

"We've been invaded. I have no idea how many are here, only that most of the tower is in enemy hands, and that we're cut off from our compatriots."

"Where's everybody else, Bats?"

Batman hits a small wall panel, punching a few buttons, as a diagram similar to the one Wonder Woman brought up moments ago appears before them both.

"These green spots are our people. The red are the unknowns."

"Wow, lotsa unknowns out there , Big guy. How we gonna get through alla them to reach our guys?"

"That appears to be our problem, Plastic Man."

Suddenly Plastic man snaps his fingers "I''ve got it, by cracky! Follow me to the airlock over there."

"What have you got in mind?"

Plastic Man smiles a crazed grin. "Somthin' nutso pointy ears."

"Why am I not surprised..." Growls Batman

Moments later, the airlock hisses open, as a red and white ball bounces out, onto the moons surface.

Inside the ball...

"Be careful Bats, you bounce us to hard, we're going into orbit, which wouldn't be to healthy for either of us." Plastic Mans head appears inside the bubble, as Batman runs blindly in the direction they had worked out prior to leaving the airlock, rolling Plastic mans ball-like form from the inside.

"I am being careful, Plastic Man. This is not funny. This is a deadly serious . We could both end up dead in moments. How are you holding up?"

"Okey dokey pokey." Then he ads "At least for now. But you better hurry. I'm startin' to feel the pressure."

Suddenly loud blasts punctuate the air inside Plastic Mans form!

"Yow! We're under attack!" Evasive action! Hard to stern Captain, uh Batman!"

All around the two heroes, blaster bolts burn the barren planetoids surface, as a squad of Gordanians fire repeatedly at the retreating heroes!

"We're done for." Thinks Batman angrily.

But just as suddenly as the weapons fire started, it ends! Batman redoubles his effort to role Plastic mans form towards the far airlock, when suddenly Plastic Man howls "Hey cut that out, that tickles!"

Then, a voice intrudes upon both Batmans and Plastic Mans minds "Be happy you can still be tickled , my friends . I will have you both inside momentarily."

"J'onn." Thinks Batman in relief.

"Yes." Is his answer

Less then a minute later, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Plastic Man, Wonder Woman, Firehawk, Supergirl, Steel and the Flash are reunited in a darkened, powerless section of the Watchtower.

"What can you tell us from reading these Gordanians minds, or what passes for them, J'onn?" Asks Batman.


The Martian Manhunter turns towards his teammates grimly "My friends , this situation is the grimmest I have ever beheld. There are literally over a thousand ships between here and the Earth. And their purpose is decidedly evil."

"What is it , another conquer the Earth scheme?" asks Flash.

"No Wally West. It is far worse. They seek nothing less then the planets utter destruction, as well as all life upon it."

All stand in stunned silence, trying to absorb the immensity of J'onn's statement.

"And there is more , my friends." He continues "The greatest among us has already fallen, Superman has been taken captive."

Eyes widen, as Supergirl, and Steel in particular express shock, and dismay.

"W-we have to do something." Stammers the maid of might.

"And we will." Answers Batman in a low roar, like a tigers growl of anger. "These aliens will learn who they've attacked, and will regret it by the time this is all over, that I swear. They struck first, now it's our turn."

To Be Continued!

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