A man who has lost much. A man forever making war on those who took so much from him. A special man. One whose army training marked him as a natural marksman. This is a man obsessed with vengeance. With retribution against those that killed his family a long time ago. Some call him insane, others calculatingly cruel. Where those who would strike against the innocent go, he follows. His mission is a simple one. Street criminals must be made to pay for their crimes. His is the hand exacting that payment . He is judge, jury and executioner. He is

The Punisher

Punisher #4 of 4

The tumultuous conclusion,

"Bangin' skulls"

By "Rampagin' " Ralph L. Angelo Jr

The Punisher throws himself backwards out of a doorway, as bullets burn the air around him. Behind him the personification of evil laughs as he leaps over the desk he's been seated behind.

"Your time is limited Frank Castle. Your time among the living is made up in minutes, rather then days or years."

Castle says nothing as he darts and rolls out of the apparition of evils line of fire, while simultaneously firing a few rounds of his own back at his foe. His foe, THE RED SKULL!

"How the bloody hell did it come to this?" Thinks the Punisher as he leaps to his feet and fires another volley from his mac-10 sub machine gun at the crimson faced devil who deftly leaps over his spray of bullets.

"Fool! My body is a complete and exact copy of the verdammt Captain Americas. Dodging your pathetic weapons fire is childs play to one such as I."

"Wonderful." Breathes Castle, Then he thinks, " His Captain America comment doesn't even surprise me , considering what "Taskmaster" told me months ago."

His mind drifts back, some two plus months ago to the Island of Isla Suerte , and his meeting with another Skull faced ghoul, the Taskmaster!

"So it's like this Frankie m'man, The head honcho of this organization felt I was a startin' ta be a liability, a'cause I was around so long. Understand this Castle, I'm a teacher fer hire. What I teach , can't be learned anywhere else. Wanna leap like Spider-Man? I can do it , and teach it . But it's expensive. Wanna kick like Iron Fist? Same deal, even easier really."

The Punisher merely sits at the edge of the bed in his motel room, his pistol casually trained on the Taskmasters right eye.

"You're full of something Taskmaster. No one can move like Spider-Man. That's not something that can be taught. It's in the physiology. Now spit out the truth, or this gun starts spitting death."

Taskmaster raises his hands up in front of his face once more.

"Okay, okay, so I exaggerated a little. But I can mimic anyone with normal human physiology, the very best of 'em. And I can teach it too. That's what I was doin' teaching an army of Scourges. That much a what they told you was true. What they didn't go into was what the Scourges real purpose is. "

Frank nods.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"You bet you are soldier. Anyways, here's the deal. The bossman wants these guys as a recruiting arm. What he does is stage murders of Super-villains , using the Scourges, usually in a pretty public place. Ever hear about the massacre at the "bar with no name?"

"Yeah, a few years back a few dozen Super-Villains turned up dead there. You saying this was the Scourges? But these guys were dead. Nothing was "Staged" there."

Taskmaster laughs, a grizzly sound .

" You crack me up soldier-boy. Are you that sure of yourself? You that certain you know everything about the world you live in? Yeah, there were bodies there, and they were the bodies of the Super-Villains, but were they the real Super-Villains? "

Castle is suddenly uncertain. Something about what The man before him is saying has a strange ring of truth as well as the bizarre to it.

"What the hell are you talking about Taskmaster? Cut to the chase."

Taskmaster laughs again, long and hard.

"They weren't the real stiffs Frankie, they were clones!"

Castle stands bolt upright. He grabs Taskmaster by the front of his uniform and drags him nose to nose.

"Clones? Don't give me any of that crap . What do you think, that I'm some shell shocked idiot?"

"Well Frankie, yer startin' to act like one. Now let go a my costume before I break all your fingers in that hand."

Castle relaxes his grip slightly, then pushes Taskmaster back into his chair, before taking up his position on the bed.

Taskmaster straightens his costume, then grins.

"Better. Okay, here's the skinny on this . Those guys that "Died", for the most part , were clones of the originals. They didn't even know they weren't the real deal. There's some nutcase geneticist named "Arnim Zola" working with the head Scourge. Several of those who were killed back then were just clones of the real baddie. Some were legit. They were ones who refused Scourge numero unos' offer of a new life down South America way."

"Okay, say I buy this load of garbage. Why are these guys never seen or heard from again? Why fake their own deaths?"

"That's the easy part. The head Scourge offers them a new life and identity , but they have to agree to help him out if and when he calls them. Also, they have to pay him $3,000,000 each for the conversion process. He makes big bucks from a buncha slugs who can afford it, and they get a second chance, as well as new identities. "

"Right, so what's the deal about helping their mysterious benefactor out?"

Taskmaster suddenly loses his smiling demeanor and becomes deadly serious.

"I ain't sure . I think if he calls on them to act as his foot soldiers or somethin' they have to obey. They're honor bound."

"Ha! That I doubt. There's an old saying about honor among your type."

"Maybe so Castle, but this guy is different somehow. He's a real deadly type. I would say that someone who crosses him, no matter who it is , better keep an eye out over their shoulder."

"Okay , got it. Now you wanna tell me how I'm supposed to pull off our whole "Souvenir of the kill" deal here?"

"Yeah, with this."

He stands and leaves the room, going back to a car he has waiting outside. A moment later he returns with a bag on his shoulder. He opens the bag and giggling, tosses The Punisher the contents. A head. To be exact, an identical copy of his own head.

Castle looks stoicly at the head . Slowly he raises his own head and meets eye to eye with Taskmaster.

"What the hell is this Taskmaster?"

"What does it look like Frankie? It's me. They sent a clone of me after myself when I cut and ran. Figurin' it'd be best to use me ta catch me. Didn't work the way they planned I guess."

"How do I know that? "

"What Frankie, dontcha trust me?"

"Not as far as I could heave your dead carcass."

"So what are you sayin', you think the clone mighta won?"

"How would I know any different? You're both the same , from what I see."

Taskmaster sits for a minute and thinks. Finally snapping his head up and answering the Punishers query. "Well Frankie boy, if the clone had won, why would they need to recruit you ta catch me? They're in no danger from you, you didn't even know they existed."

"Okay, point taken. Why didn't they just make another clone of you to be their teacher ?"

"Cause it'd take to long ta train it. They don't grow fulla memories. They need ta get engrams and stuff from a still active and living "real" person. And they have to have up to the minute stuff too."

"Alright, lets say you gave me all the right answers up to the last detail. What do I do from here?"

" You take the package I just gave you and go ahead with the plan as you would've."

"Why? Why don't I just walk away."

"You think these guys would let you? It ain't that simple. You know that from yer past experiences."

Castle sighs, "You're right, but if I'm in this garbage, so are you. "

"Whadaya mean?"

"You're going to be my back-up, whether you like it or not. We'll extend our temporary truce indefinitely until this is over, then all bets are off. Now tell me who we're up against."

Taskmaster rises from his seated position and stares out the window.

"That's the problem Frankie, I don't know. Never was able to find out in all my years o' workin' for 'im. All I do know is that this guy is evil, as bloody evil as they come. I done some bad things in my time, but nothin' like this guy. He makes me shiver. "

"I wonder who could have that effect on a hardened punk like Taskmaster?" Thinks Castle

Suddenly Castles memories are broken by a blood red face and a lightning quick punch that makes his head spin.

"Stay awake Castle, Ve are not through here as of yet."

The Punisher rolls across the ground, as the Red Skull steps down hard, stomping where Franks throat was an instant earlier. Acting instinctively, The Punisher sweeps his own legs out together. Knocking the Skulls out from beneath him, dropping his foe to the ground. But it's a temporary respite, as both men leap to their feet immediately. Now weaponless, they circle each other , looking for the first opening. The Skull sees it first, lashing out at the Punisher with a quick thrust kick that connects with Castles groin.

"Unngh!" Groans The Punisher, as he steps back with the force of the blow, whipping his left arm around in an upper hook to the Red Skulls face, The resounding "CRACK" brings a smile to Castles lips, as he fights back his own wave of nausea.

"Y-you are good Herr Castle. Better even then I surmised. Still , you face the epitome of the master race. You have no choice but to be defeated."

"Yeah right Johann. Put your fists where your mouth is."

Punishers left cross tags The Skull hard, forcing him back a step, the Castle presses his advantage, swinging a right roundhouse kick into The Skulls ribs.

"OOOff!" Growls the Skull as Frank delivers another solid blow, a right handed uppercut to his crimson chin, that lifts the villain off his feet, and lands him in a heap.

"Very good Herr Castle, you continue to impress ." Is all The Skull mutters, as he wipes blood from his lip.

Suddenly a realization dawns on the Punisher," He isn't even winded, while I'm dead on my feet. Sure some of it's from the hell I've been through in the past 24 hours*, but he's not even breathing hard."

*See last issue

As if reading Castles mind the Skull smiles his horrific grin and speaks.

"Ah Castle , obviously you do not understand. My body is the finest living specimen of human alive. I am an exact copy of Captain America, The Super Soldier serum flows through my veins. It powers me to levels you cannot comprehend."

The Punisher lifts himself to his feet and stares with a look that would melt the hardest steel before speaking.

"I don't care who you are . You bleed, you can die. Lets do it Skull."

"Ah, the endgame, are all you Amerikans so dramatic? So it would seem. Very well. Let me kill you and be done with it."

Blisteringly fast the Skull attacks , his right cross connects solidly to Punishers jaw, as several teeth fly out of Castles mouth. The Skull follows his right with a left that has Frank seeing stars. Again he leaps at The Punisher, only this time Castle drops to the ground and does a stomach throw on the Skull, heaving him over head. The Skull immediately rights himself and leaps to the attack once more, his snap kick connects heavily with the Punishers Solar Plexis, knocking the wind out of Castle. Who then stumbles backwards gasping for air as The red Skull closes for the kill, literally.

"You are a brave man Frank Castle. I would have willingly allowed you to become one of my trusted lieutenants. . But it was not to be. When my men discovered your snooping two nights ago , you earmarked yourself for termination. A shame really . All in all you are an accomplished fighter, though you are no Captain America."

Frank Stands up, and swings a powerful roundhouse right at the Skulls head, which the Red Skull ducks under while following it with his own left jab to Castles ribs. Immediately he wraps his arms around The Punishers waist and begins crushing the life from his battered body. Lifting him off the ground as he does so.

"Rrrraaaahh." Is the only sound that escapes Castles bruised lips as the pressure from the Skulls powerful arms increases.

"Yes Castle , it is a shame. You would have made a good Lieutenant. I could have even taught you proper fighting techniques."

The Punisher says nothing as he begins to feel his ribs starting to give way, he quickly reaches behind him and into his shirt, removing an object. The Skull doesn't even realize what is happening, as suddenly his eyes go wide with shock and pain, as his lifes blood begins to trickle down his side. breaking free from the Punisher he looks with stunned eyes as The Punishers knife , embedded to the hilt, protrudes from his side. Nearby Castle wheezes momentarily , but attacks anyway, kicking the knife savagely , driving it even further into the villain.

"You're right about one thing Nazi , I am no Captain America. I'm the Punisher. And your about to be dead."

Grabbing a discarded pistol he aims it at the Skulls head, as the villain sinks to his knees in shock, a pool of blood covering the ground at his side.

"No." Is all the Skull says , as he presses a stud on his wrist, instantly explosions rock the camp, as hidden charges atomize the compound known as "Wonderland".

"Now we die together Amerikan." and then the Skull begins to laugh, a horrible , evil sound that grows as does the explosive cacophony surrounding them. Suddenly a blast occurs directly between them, throwing the Punisher backwards, as gouts of flame separate the two antagonists.

"Nothing more I can do here" Thinks Castle, as he sprints into the forest, explosions dogging his tail, as all the way he continues to hear The Skulls taunting laughter. "C'mon, where the hell is he? I activated the beacon minutes ago." He taps a tooth in his mouth once more, a hollow tooth that contains a transmitter , a transmitter made to contact .."Taskmaster! It's about time."

Through the jungle roars the Humvee that The Punisher arrived in, being driven by Enrique, only this time he has the Taskmaster holding a gun in his ear, as he sweats profusely, his eyes darting back and forth between Taskmaster and the Punisher.

"About time." growls the Punisher as he throws himself into the still moving truck." Get us to the airport Enrique , and move it!"

Taskmaster turns in The Punishers direction while holding the gun in Enriques ear.

"So I guess our truce is still on Castle?"

"Yeah Taskmaster. It is. After another 48 hours, all bets are off.

Epilogue one

48 hours later..... A young woman walks out of her office in Midtown Manhattan, it's night. And the moon is full behind her. Illuminating her every step . It's a wonder she doesn't see the two punks who lavisciously follow her every step from the shadows. She cannot find a cab, and decides to walk the ten blocks to her apartment, when suddenly she's grabbed roughly from an alleyway and yanked bodily into the shadows , a hand covering her mouth to prevent her screams. An instant later gunshots ring out, followed by the frightened girl streaking out of the alley, clutching her bag as she goes. An instant later a grim, black shirted figure exits the alley, pistols smoking in both hands. A smile flits across his lips as he walks out into the Manhattan street. "It's good to be home." He thinks, "Look out NY, The Punisher is back in town!"

Epilogue two

Somewhere in Washington, DC. A man enters an elevator. His face is hidden in shadow as he makes his way down through several levels. Once at the lower most level , he presses his palm against the keypad, and instantly the elevator lurches again, diving deeper below the ground. Soon the shadowed man exits the elevator and enters a secluded hospital room, with a lone patient. His features hidden by a curtain, as the first man steps up to the bed side and speaks.

"How ahr you feelin' sir?"

"Better fool." Is the growled answer. "Not that it is any of your concern. What are you doing here you oversexed idiot? I warned you never to come here without my summoning you first."

"Ah-ahm sorry sir. Ah was just concerned, and..."

"And what ? "

"Well , ah, ah was wonderin' when you were goin' ta do somethin about that matter with the intern?"

"Moron! Leave here now you brainless hayseed! Get from my sight! And when you are done send your spouse back in here. I require......amusement."

" Will do Boss. But about that intern..."

"Begone from my sight you verdammt Amerikan."

The first man runs, almost tripping over his own feet as he stumbles back to the elevator.

"The fool" Thinks the man in the hospital bed,"I placed him in his position of power and I will continue to control his destiny. The intern was acting to my commands , sowing the seeds of terror and discontent. For such is the way of the RED SKULL!"

Never The End !

I hope you enjoyed this mini series, the last two issues especially were great fun for me. Let me know what you think. Send me mail to [email protected]

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